-Caveat Lector-

> Listen you son of a bitich - there were people in
> that building who were
> friends of my sisters - and let me tell you this -

my condolences, but you're not the only one who lost
friends, you ignorant bitch.

> That swine Joe Lieberman sat there and said Oh We
> are alright - wel will
> meet tonight - we are alright and had to be reminded
> well Mr. Lieberman
> there are 10,000 people who are not alright.

well i'd say it's obvious that Lieberman doesn't have
a clue. (is he a friend of yours?) thank you for once
again pointing out what we already knew.

> It is about time people woke up in this
> country......even a pig like
> Mark Lane knew about the bible code for Lane (real
> name Levy) stole the
> code from me for his book Executive Action which
> bombed.

perhaps the reason he had a book published and you
didn't was because of your writing style, or lack
thereof. or maybe it's just because you're full of

> I was on the assassination commitee and I worked
> with woman with MI6 who
> knew whawt this code was.

why do i find it hard to believe that a WebTV user
worked in any official capacity for a major security
department? anyhow, i don't care if you worked for MI6
or the KGB or the CIA, you're still a crazy old bat.

> So let me tell you this, you piece of shit - don't
> try to blame this on
> the Arabs not when you have pigs like ADL and Foxman
> sitting back
> reaping profits and stirring up a war so the USA
> will  go to war against
> Arabs.

hey knucklehead, go back and read what i wrote.
personally, i'm not blaming anyone and i don't know
where you got that from. i'm not blaming Arabs,
Chinese, or even other Americans. here's a piece of
advice: close your mouth and listen before you speak.
you might learn something and you won't come across as
such a silly old cow.

> Oh you will cry tomorrow, asshole - your gasoline as
> is here is up now
> to $5.00 a gallon at one station and $2.50.....see
> how you cry then.

if i cry tomorrow, it'll be for the lives lost in NYC
and not over the gas prices. which, i might add, is
probably YOUR only point of contention with this whole

> You do not like my stuff do not read it and I am
> sick of your crap.   I
> know what you are...maybe not who, but what.

firstly, i don't post things on this list often enough
for you to be sick of my crap. i only toss in my two
cents when i think i've got something of value to add.
perhaps you might follow my example.
and frankly, i ignore very nearly everything you post,
but your stupid bible code bit tonite was downright
offensive. if you can predict major events with such
accuracy, why weren't you talking about this shit
yesterday, or the day before that? it's quite simple:
you may be a witch, but you ain't got no magic.
you're as big a liar as you are an idiot, and one
might hope that out of respect for the dead you'd just
drop the bullshit act for one day. apparently, though,
one would be wrong. fuck, i'd believe Miss Cleo the tv
psychic over you...

> Who is bombing Afghanstan?   Not the USA....is this
> bastard Ariel Sharon
> making moves of which we are not aware>

i'm as interested as anyone in finding out who bombed
us, and who bombed Afghanistan. but i'll bet dollars
to donuts your imaginary bible code won't name names
til after the press delivers the scoop... show me the
money, Saba...

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