Now a car has been found at Logan airport parking with flight training manuals in Arabic.  Would they just have left it?  For sure not returning but the literature in Arabic does not seem genuine, some how contrived.  Overly convenient for why take the manuals to the airport and not just leave them home?
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:54 AM
] AA Stewardesses Die Fighting Terrorists

This whole thing is very shocking.  We can only pray for
everyone involved and pray for the few freedoms we had
left are still standing after this is all said and done.
How much freedom will be sacrificed in the name of security?
We can only wait and see.

Terrorists slit throats of 2 AA stewardesses
Flight attendants 'were trying to stop them from
getting inside the cockpit'

By Paul Sperry
© 2001

WASHINGTON -- Terrorists who hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 out of
Boston Tuesday morning slit the throats of two female flight attendants who
tried to bar them from entering the cockpit, an American Airlines employee
told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview.

The terrorists then forced their way into the locked cockpit and commandeered
the Boeing 767 to New York, where they slammed it into one of the World Trade
Center towers. The flight, carrying 81 passengers, was bound for Los Angeles.

A third stewardess aboard the nine-crew flight used her cell phone to alert
another American Airlines stewardess back at Logan Airport about the
hijacking and murders. The terrorists were armed with knives and box-cutters.

"It was horrific," said the senior American Airlines employee, who works at
Logan and said goodbye to the crew at the terminal. "They were trying to stop
them from getting inside the cockpit."

The plane left the gate at about 7:45 a.m. The cell phone call was placed
about 30 minutes later, the source says. The jet crashed into the World Trade
Center building at about 8:45 a.m. Soon after, a United Airlines jet sliced
through the twin tower.

According to the American source, the American captain managed to turn on the
cockpit intercom, apparently without the terrorists knowing, allowing flight
controllers to pick up cockpit conversation. The terrorists had turned off
the plane's transponder, the equipment that identifies the plane and provides
other information to flight controllers tracking it by radar.

As part of their investigation, FBI agents and Massachusetts state troopers
have interviewed American Airlines employees and Logan airport workers,
including custodians working the morning shift, to rule out an inside job.


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