Admiral Moorer: Clinton Policies Led to Disaster
Wednesday, September 12, 2001

The catastrophe that struck America was the result of a decade of military
cuts and the undermining of U.S. intelligence agencies, Admiral Thomas H.
Moorer told

Admiral Moorer served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s
highest-ranking military official, and brought the Vietnam war to a
conclusion. He has served in three major wars.

Yesterday’s events brought back memories of Pearl Harbor, he said. Admiral
Moorer, then a naval aviator, was present at Pearl Harbor on December 7,

Admiral Moorer made the following analysis to NewsMax, his quotes are in

1. The Clinton administration had a similar view to intelligence agencies as
the Carter administration. They didn’t like using spies. This is why we had
no warning.

"You absolutely need spies, you need them to melt into a society and tell
you what is going on, you can’t rely on satellites and technology alone.”

2. The actions taken yesterday were the result of perceived weakness of U.S.
armed forces.

"President Clinton brought the military down and down. He made the military
like it was before Pearl Harbor.”

3. The U.S. must significantly increase its use of human intelligence, that
is spies on the ground in foreign countries.

4. America must remain vigilant.

"This is like what Yamamoto said after Pearl Harbor, ‘A sleeping tiger has
been aroused.’ We can’t just strike back and go back to sleep. Next time the
attack could be even more serious.”

5. Soon terrorist groups will have access to nuclear weapons.

"This is inevitable. Countries like Russia and China are providing countries
like Pakistan, Iraq and Iran with this technology – the same technology
Clinton gave to the Chinese.”

6. Missile defense is needed now.

"The media is dead wrong when it says this proves we don’t need missile
defense. Soon, the same counties that supported these terrorists that just
attacked us will have missiles capable of hitting the U.S. We need to defend
against their use.”

7. No additional attacks for the immediate future.

”I believe they reached the limits of their capabilities with these attacks.
But they will try again later. They want nuclear weapons.

Admiral Moorer Clinton Policies Led to Disaster.url

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