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Millegan Stews

Revenge of the NWO
By Kris Millegan

My prayers go out to all that these tragic events touch.

The Brotherhood of Death.

Is it any wonder that the most lethal and tragic terroist attack on the US
occurred whilst the office of President was occupied by a member of the
foreign-based secret society, Skull and Bones?

Shock, spin, then hung out to . . . ?

Again, I can't say how much is my feeling of grief towards our current
tragedy. My first reaction after shock and watching the various spins is that
this "Attack on America" is not a separate organic act by Mr. bin-Laden, but
a continued attack upon the US republic and economic might by a
European-based secret-societal based "power" organization.

Let us line up a few odd "ducks."

According to old-time "conspiracy-theory" lore, what we are dealing with is a
multi-generational cult that uses the Hegelian dialectic to move the world
along towards a "new world order." "They" have financed and used "terroists"
and "terroist acts" before in history. These folks along with many of their
compadres and compromised institutions do believe that the "ends justifies
the means." History is littered with misery and tragedy from "their" games.

Another part of "conspiracy theory " lore is that this "cult" is Euro-centric
with strong bases in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland and that the basic
scenario afoot, is to install "soft" fascism instead of a republic in the US
and move the economic engine to Europe.

Psywar and propaganda, includig a very large dose of the "big lie," continues

Remember, officially, Oswald killed Kennedy and the CIA doesn’t do drugs.

All the worlds a stage declared William Shakespeare and it still holds true.
With the recent Pearl Harbor extravaganza and spate of WWII movies a base was
laid for the current rallying cry.

The transparency of the men behind the curtain is quite apparent in their
actions. The blatant power grab by sullied intelligence forces is to be
expected from those that would use our own republic’s institutions from which
to play their Hegelian games.

Where was all the money spent on deterrence and “intelligence?” These planes
were known to be hijacked from phone calls, they were under constant radar.
What was our military doing . . . watching CNN? The cover story is
unbelievable. How this operation was done, just as in the JFK hit, another
mass-trauma attack upon America, took lots more than Mr. bin Laden and some
religious fanatics to accomplish.

Mr. bin Laden and his crew were fostered by the CIA, by executive order from
Ronnie Reagan. Whilst his erstwhile veep, George Bush was head of two
top-level working groups — one on drugs, the other on terrorism.

According to the UN, the Taliban have virtually wiped out Afghanistan's opium
crop. Will the current Bush administration use the “terrorist” attack as an
excuse to “occupy” Afghanistan? Will then opium production go back up?

Now, we know, why so many tricks were turned to get Boy George upon the

To finish his Daddy’s work on the New World Order.

Baby Bush went to Omaha and invoked FEMA. Will he now get to cap the pyramid?

We shall see . . .



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