-Caveat Lector-

Many Americans were horrified by these actions.  Even now the
digital technology of the high-tech phones used by the terrorists
were given to Syria by Clinton.  They continually change channels
so our intelligence cannot intercept them.  There were many rules
under Clinton that never existed before for the gathering in
intelligence.  Does anyone have a transcript of Bruner's interview
on Fox news concerning just what some of there truly crippling
regulations were?  I would love to read it as it is one of the most
telling interviews I have seem on the decimation of our

The War Began When Clinton Sided with Osama bin Laden
Are we Finally Switching Sides with George W. Bush as
By Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty

September 14, 2001

President George W. Bush tells us we are "at War" against
terrorism. We've BEEN at war since the early 1990s - a war started
in the Balkans, and a war in which Bill Clinton made America an
ally of Osama bin Laden and the terrorists. On March 23, 1999, a
day before Clinton began a 79-day bombing attack on the Serbs, talk
show host Michael Reagan said:

"If you listen to my show a lot you'll remember that last week Col.
David Hackworth said that many of the weapons being bought and paid
for by the Kosovo Liberation Army are being bought and paid for by
drugs,. Mary Mostert, my editor, who has developed sources in
Europe, verified the drug connection. She sent me the Prague Post
article reporting that one of the 'drug gangs' of the Kosovo
Albanian 'Kosovo Liberation Army,' which supplies up to 90% of the
illegal heroin in Scandinavia, had been arrested. (See:
"It seems when there's drugs the President of the United States
somehow always comes down on the side of the drug lords. Just as
Hollywood always seems to come down on the side of Communists and
uplifts them, the President always uplifts those who are dealing
with drugs.

"He says there's a war on drugs? Maybe there is a war that is going
to begin this week that's going to be paid for by drugs and we're
going to be part of it."

It does. I've been writing about Osama bin Laden for years,
especially his strange relationship with Bill Clinton. On August
24, 1998, I quoted from a report in December 1993,Independent News'
, written by journalist Robert Fisk who met and interviewed Osama
bin Laden in Almatig, Sudan. . He noted that during "the last great
proxy battle of the Cold War was between the invading Russians and
the Afghans." Bin Laden , son of a wealthy Saudi road contractor,
went to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. He was dubbed "an Arab
fighter" or a "freedom fighter." Much of his present headquarters,
in fact, were reportedly financed by and helped built by our very
own CIA through we he obtained training and even the US made
stinger missiles with which he shot down Russian aircraft.

I wrote in the August 24, 1998 articlethat Fist believed the:

"contribution to the mujahedin - and the indirect result of his
training and assistance - may turn out to be a turning- point in
the recent history of militant fundamentalism."
Within months Bin Laden was sending Arab fighters - Egyptians,
Algerians, Lebanese, Kuwaitis, Turks and Tunisians - into
Afghanistan; ''not hundreds but thousands,'' he said. He supported
them with weapons and his own construction equipment. ..."We beat
the Soviet Union. The Russians fled.'' Bin Laden claimed.

...A small number of mujahedin have gone to fight in
Bosnia-Herzegovina but the Croats won't allow the mujahedin in
through Croatia as the Pakistanis did with Afghanistan.''

That prompted me to look up a story I wrote on September 23, 1996
entitled "Clinton OK'ed Terrorist Financed Weapons to Bosnia
Muslims Plus Free Weapons and 'Police Training' From US Taxpayers"
html) in which I quoted a report to the Washington Post which said,
"According to a senior Western Diplomat in the area, the Clinton
administration knew of the activities of a so-called Relief Agency
which was, in fact, funneling weapons and money into Bosnia to prop
up the Izetebegovic Muslim government in Sarajevo In effect Clinton
lifted the Arms Embargo SOLELY for shipments of arms and personnel
from Iran to the Bosnian Muslims. The Administration's action was
'in large part because of the administration's sympathy for the
Muslim government' the Post said, 'and the Third World Relief
Agency and ambivalence about maintaining the arms embargo." We were
told [by Washington] to watch them but not interfere,' the diplomat

I pointed out in that article:

"Throughout most of the Clinton Administration, beginning in 1993,
Clinton not only knew of the arms smuggling scheme, he appears to
have sanctioned it right up to the Dayton Peace Accord
negotiations, in which he pretended a "neutral" role and promised
additional weaponry free from America.
"Elfatih Hassanein organized the 'Third World Relief Agency' in
1987, evidently as a cover for his efforts to import Muslim
fundamentalism into Yugoslavia. In a 1994 interview with Gazi
Husrev Beg, a magazine focusing on Islamic affairs, Hassanein
called for the creation of an Islamic state in Bosnia. 'Bosnia, at
the end, must be Muslim Bosnia, otherwise, everything has lost its
sense and this was for nothing.' When Bosnia broke away from
Yugoslavia, the Muslims were not a majority in the province of
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Hassanein and other Muslim fundamentalists
worked to awaken a "religious sense among Bosnia's secular
Muslims." In 1992 Muslims were the minority - Christians, either
Catholic Croatians or Eastern Orthodox Serbs, were the majority in
the Bosnia-Herzegovina. Muslim fundamentalism was not part of the
scene in Bosnia until recently.

The Clinton Administration allowing the arming of the Muslims
enabled them to drive out thousands of Serbs, insuring the election
of Izetbegovic and a Muslim Bosnia. ...In September 1995, German
investigators -- and agents from Austria's anti-terrorist task
force -- raided the headquarters of Third World Relief Agency
seizing enough documents to fill three minivans" according to the
Post article. The records showed that over the years it had moved
hundreds of millions of dollars through its account at First
Austrian Bank. Bank officials noted that $80 million flowed into
the agency's account in 1992; $231 million in 1993; and $39 million
in 1994 and 1995. The chief of a Western intelligence agency
estimated that more than half of the $350 million was used to buy
weapons for the Bosnian Muslims, and to bribe Croatian officials to
allow the weapons to cross their country. "Money was also smuggled
into Sarajevo on flights of the office of the U.N. High
Commissioner for Refugees; Bosnian government officials used the
money to buy weapons from both Serb and Croat middlemen who
operated inside Bosnia" one official said. Apparently in 1995 the
Relief Agency was able to "wind down" its work, because of the
"direct weapons pipeline between Iran and Bosnia that passed
through Croatia starting in May 1995. With the approval of the
Clinton administration in April 1995, that pipeline opened directly
through the UN Arms Embargo when the Croatian government asked the
United States if it opposed such a link. The Clinton Administration
declined to respond, later defending the action by saying that "the
US Congress wanted to lift the Arms Embargo." However,
Congressional leaders knew none of this.

Evidently, it appears, the supplier of weapons to the Bosnia
Muslims was none other than Osama Bin Laden. The result of arming
the Muslims of Bosnia was the introduction into Europe of his brand
of fundamentalism. Once before Bill Clinton basically sided with
America's enemies in North Vietnam while other young men were
risking their lives fighting North Vietnam. There is every reason
to believe that Clinton, either through deliberate inaction in
foreign affairs, or by looking the other way, enabled Bin Laden to
build his army of terrorists.

Does this have anything to do with the killing of thousands of
American in the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center with
one of our own jet-fuel laden airliners? It does. Guess who helped
train the Kosovo Liberation Army, a group that had been a known
terrorist organization for years by governments throughout the
world, including the U.S. State Department? It does. Sadly, while
American taxpayers were engrossed in Clinton's sex life, while the
U.S. media was intent on convincing us that Clinton's lying and
bizarre sex life was no big deal, billions of dollars were spent to
prop up radical, even anti-American, terrorists and drug lords all
over the world. It has had a particularly devastating effect in the

You might remember, as you think and pray about the thousands of
dead in those four American airplanes, in the World Trade Center
and in the Pentagon, how the Serbs must have felt, and still feel,
when we turned our backs on them. It was the Serbs, fighting the
Nazis in their own country and all around them (the Croatians,
Albanians) who literally saved Europe at the loss of more than 50%
of their men and boys aged 17-50 during World War II. By their
valiant battles, they delayed Hitler's invasion of Russia, causing
the German Army to be bogged down in the bitter winter. They also
saved the lives of more than 500 American pilots who were shot down
over Yugoslavia in World War II.

And what was their reward? Bill Clinton, without any support from
Congress or the UN, bombed them for 79 days on to enable the Kosovo
Liberation Army, a terrorist drug dealing organization allied with
Osama bin Laden to drive all Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins and
Jews out of Kosovo - while it is occupied by NATO!

During the bombing of Yugoslavia, Jerry Seper of the Washington
Times reported again the Osama bin Laden connection with the KLA.
He wrote, on May 4, 1999:

"Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has financed its
war effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist
camps run by international fugitive Osama bin Laden -- who is
wanted in the 1998 bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa that
killed 224 persons, including 12 Americans.
The KLA members, embraced by the Clinton administration in NATO's
41-day bombing campaign to bring Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic to the bargaining table, were trained in secret camps in
Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and elsewhere, according to newly
obtained intelligence reports. The reports also show that the KLA
has enlisted Islamic terrorists -- members of the Mujahideen --as
soldiers in its ongoing conflict against Serbia, and that many
already have been smuggled into Kosovo to join the fight.

Known to its countrymen as the Ushtria Clirimatare e Kosoves, the
KLA has as many as 30,000 members, a number reportedly on the rise
as a result of NATO's continuing bombing campaign. The group's
leadership, including Agim Ceku, a former Croatian army brigadier
general, has rapidly become a political and military force in the
Balkans. The intelligence reports document what is described as a
"link" between bin Laden, the fugitive Saudi including a common
staging area in Tropoje, Albania, a center for Islamic terrorists.

The reports said bin Laden's organization, known as al-Qaeda, has
both trained and financially supported the KLA. Many border
crossings into Kosovo by "foreign fighters" also have been
documented and include veterans of the militant group Islamic Jihad
from Bosnia, Chechnya and Afghanistan. Many of the crossings
originated in neighboring Albania and, according to the reports,
included parties of up to 50 men.

While Clinton staged token attacks on Osama Bin Laden's Afghanistan
camp, knowing full well he wasn't in the camp, and on a
pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan, he bombed our long-time Serb
allies in Yugoslavia, who were fighting the kind of terrorism we
have just experienced in New York and Washington, for 79 days,
literally destroying the nation.

Now that the American public has been jolted awake by the slaughter
at the World Trade Center, hopefully they will begin to identify
the problems we really face in this nation. We have knowingly
chosen during the Clinton years a leader we know was a liar and
adulterer. Why did we believe him when he claimed the Serbs were
committing genocide and had killed "100,000 Albanians?" We knew he
was a liar. In the two years since the end of the bombing, forensic
experts from many nations have reported the death of a few hundred
Albanians at the hands of the Serbs - and some of those were known
KLA terrorists.

I believe we have a very different kind of leader in George W.
Bush. He has chosen a suburb group of people to assist him. Colin
Powell, and others in his cabinet are some of the best people in
America. Democrats in Congress are blocking others he nominated. He
needs a full staff to begin to turn this great nation back to a
moral course. Write your members of Congress and demand action now
in active support of George W. Bush.

We are at war. And the war is complicated by the fact that we, like
the Russians in World War II, started out on the wrong side. . The
war did not start with this week's terrorism. It began, like World
War I and World War II, in the Balkans when President Bill Clinton
chose to use America's Air Force to help a terrorist drug cartel
called the Kosovo Liberation Army take control of a large chunk of


To contact your members of Congress:



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