-Caveat Lector-


The US Bares its Fangs
to its Flunkeys

Last night the world was astounded by the news of US
missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan and the

RAWA has in the past repeatedly warned that the US
GOVERNMENT is no friend of the people of Afghanistan,
primarily because during the past two decades she did
not spare any effort or expense in training and arming
the most sordid, the most treacherous, the most
misogynic and anti-democratic indigenous Islamic
fundamentalist gangs and innumerable crazed Arab
fanatics in Afghanistan and in unleashing them upon
our people. After the retreat of the Russian
aggressors and the collapse of Najib's puppet regime
in Afghanistan these fundamentalist entities became
all the more wildly unbridled. They officially and
wholeheartedly accepted the yoke of servitude to the
interests of foreign governments, in which capacity
they have perpetrated such crimes and atrocities
against the people of Afghanistan that no parallel can
be found in the history of any land on earth.

It is no secret that Afghan fundamentalists headed by
Burhanuddin Rabbani, Karim Khalili, Rasul Sayyaf,
Ahmad Shah Masoud, Golbuddin Hekmatyar, Yunis Khalis,
Mullah Omar and associates such as Dostum and his like
have all been nurtured in the lap of the CIA. It was
the CIA that gave all these nobodies name and fame and
supported them in their power-grabbing and
fiefdom-building ploys and plots. Now the US is out to
hunt down Osama bin Laden, an old Arab operative
raised and trained by the CIA who is cohabiting with
the Taliban and bankrolling the decimation of our
compatriots in the Taliban's dog-fights with their
Jihadi brethren-in-creed. The US made maximum use of
Arab mercenaries in her dogged determination to undo
her superpower rival, the Soviet Union, but now the
old myrmidons have become too much of an ungrateful
nuisance. The US is the ally [read master] and sponsor
of quite a number of anti-democratic fundamentalist
states and entities in the world, therefore the United
States' quarrel with her protégés, whether Arabs or
Taliban or Jihadis, is nothing but a "domestic"
dispute between lord and vassal.

RAWA roundly condemns the US air strikes against
Afghanistan because the impoverished masses of
Afghanistan --already trapped in the dog-fighting
between the US's Taliban and Jihadi flunkeys-- are the
ones who are most hurt in the attacks, and also
because the US, like the arrogant superpower she is,
has violated the sovereignty of the Afghan people and
the territorial integrity of the Afghan homeland.

The US is against fundamentalist terrorism to the
extent and until such time as her proper interests are
jeopardised; otherwise she is all too happy to be a
friend and sponsor of any fundamentalist-terrorist
criminal entity. If the US does not want her
ridiculous bigotry to show and really wants to
eliminate fundamentalist terrorism, she should draw
lessons from her own past myopic policies and realise
that the sources of fundamentalist terrorism are
America's support to the most reactionary regimes in
Arab and non-Arab countries and her military and
financial largesse to Afghan fundamentalist criminals.
Terrorism will be uprooted only when these two sources
are dried up.

The US air strike against Afghanistan is particularly
shameful and worthy of condemnation because it comes
at a time when the Iranian regime, under the pretext
of aiding and supporting the Masood, Rabbani and
Dostum bands and its Shiite myrmidons, are openly
talking of military intervention in Afghanistan, and
Russia and the Central Asian republics are speaking
out in support of their Jihadi lackeys. It is not
surprising that minutes after the news of the attack
went on the air, the so-called Afghan ambassador in
London, Ahmad Wali Masood (brother of Ahmad Shah
Masood) in an interview with the BBC condoned and
welcomed the American air strikes and asked the US to
break in the Taliban by expanding and increasing such
attacks, because the Taliban "had taken delivery of
Osama bin Laden from the ISI". The utterances of this
mean thief clearly shows the opportunism of Jihadi
traitors who stoop to any baseness and conspiracy when
things become too uncomfortable for them.

The Jihadi traitors should understand that just as the
Taliban ignoramus-cum-criminals' anti-American
outpourings and their defence of Osama bin Laden
cannot cleanse them in the eyes of our people of the
infamy of their American-sponsored spawning, in the
same manner the mark of shame and disgrace on the
Jihadis' foreheads cannot be washed away, because till
yesterday the greater part of the CIA cash-and-arms
pipeline was being poured down their throats, and
today the same fundamentalist cut-throat Jihadi bands
have become servile mercenaries serving Iranian,
Indian and Tajikistani interests.

It would be a grave mistake if the governments of the
US, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and India
were to take stock of our people's patriotism, love of
liberty and hatred of alien overlords from the
examples set by their Jihadi, Taliban and Dostumi
chained dogs. Despite the severe traumatism the people
of Afghanistan have been subjected to during long
years of suffering under Jihadi, Taliban and Dostumi
infamy and criminality, should the Iranian regime or
any other country dare to invade Afghanistan, they can
rest reassured that this fundamentalist-blighted
nation will unsparingly and unreservedly rush to shed
its last drop of its blood in a patriotic
anti-Iranian, anti-American, anti-Pakistani and
anti-Jihadi/Taliban-flunkey war for the defence of the
sacred motherland.

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of
Afghanistan (RAWA) staunchly believes that until such
time as the stench of Jihadi and Taliban
fundamentalist infamy rises from Afghanistan, the
possibility of American, Iranian, or any other
country's aggression on our homeland cannot be ruled
out because the venal loyalty of these countries'
Afghan chained dogs gives them a sense of entitlement
to Afghanistan. Therefore, in face of the farce staged
by US state terrorism purporting to show punishment of
its disobedient flunkeys, a farce livened up by the
blood of our innocent compatriots, the duty of our
people remains unchanged: to prepare and stage an
insurrectionary conflagration which will burn to ashes
the roots and the seeds of indigenous fundamentalist
entities as well as their Arab, Pakistani, and Iranian
patrons and supporters, and revert Afghanistan to its
people who are the rightful owners, so that no power,
whether the US or any other country in the world would
dream of violating it.

We condemn the US attack on Afghanistan!
Down with Taliban and Jihadi criminals!
Long live our people's intractable insurrection for
Liberty and Democracy!

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA) August 21, 1998

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