-Caveat Lector-

Something like this occurred to me, too. Maybe there were no
terrorists aboard those planes. Maybe someone just added a
bunch of Arabic names to the passenger lists. We will certainly
never know. Whoever was on them was smashed to plaster dust.
The preportedly brilliant but misled perpetrators are already dead. A
perfect crime.

I mean, how do they know that there were 19 hijackers?
How do they know how many were aboard each plane?
(Did people report this in cell phone calls to relatives?)
And if terrorists didn't do it, how did whoever did do it convince 19
people to get on planes and kill themselves--let alone fly into
targets that would kill thousands of innocent people? And why so
many hijackers? It still seems impossible to believe that 19 people
were able to simultaneously hijack FOUR major airliners.

And that all the while passengers were contacting loved ones by
cell phone, no one was contacting 911 or central headquarters and
nothing was being done to deal with the situation.

At some point there was an interview with a Florida motel clerk who
reported that someone came in and paid a monthly rent for two of
the hijackers who were in flight school Apparently, from what she
said, this mysterious person paid with a credit card and  our brave
FBI were in the process of tracking that. What ever happened to
that "lead"?

Seems to me I also heard a report at some time (only once and
never again--on NBC-TV) that from what they heard through that
button that could be pressed in the cockpit, one of the original
pilots was at the controls when it hit one of the towers. I believe it
was when Brokaw was talking to that Christian Science Monitor
reporter. Huh???????

On 21 Sep 01, at 12:56, Tony Dickinson wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> > In the US there is much talk about the notion, that this attack has
> > ushered in a "new breed of terrorist." That these were bright and
> > educated individuals as opposed to the desperate and angry outcasts
> > of yesterday.
> >
> New breeds are most certainly being revealed this time around, but, at
> very best, the evidence so far presented to the public suggest only
> that these 'bright and educated individuals' existed and may have
> posessed the skills suggested by their training. I'm sure that
> Manchurian candidates and straw persons alike come in many flavours.
> For example, whether they were the only 'foe' on board the aircraft,
> or did themselves carrying out the acts witnessed by us all remains
> unknown (at least to me). The discovery of Islamic and Arabic
> artifacts, IDs and paper trails by these guys appears a little odd to
> me (cocky, smart or diversive?) and our assumptive logical evaluations
> of such 'evidence' needs be treated with constant scrutiny.
> As another example, the assumption that the original pilots steered
> into the twin towers is now questionable in the minds of many, but how
> many of us would be willing to entertain the idea that a non-piloted
> remote control system could have been used to guide the hijacked
> aircraft to their new trajectories ? I'm not wanting to suggest that
> this is what actually happened, but posit as an explanatory option,
> the technology certainly exists.
> This possibility is not inconsistent with the view that a 'new breed
> of terrorist' as implied by the questioner does indeed now exist; but
> my point here, is that we may in the future be 'finding' any number of
> 'bright and educated individuals' on a crime scene, who by
> intellectual association and leaning seem to 'fit' suspect-profiles
> but MAY have little/no knowledge of their complicities. Hopefully I'm
> wrong.
> Thoughts ?
> Cheers,
>        Tony.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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