1. Secret Plan to Overthrow Taliban Regime
3. Modern Mythology and Osama bin Laden

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MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington -

The UNITED NATIONS has shamefully bowed out, right when it is needed
more than ever.  Urged to do so by Secretary-General Kofi Annan --
who had been urged to do so by Washington, which he has quite a
habit of taking orders from -- for the first time in history the
General Assembly has put off  its important international gathering
and not even set an alternative date.

This is truly inexcuseable.  Now more than ever the leaders of the
world should be urgently meeting, discussing, debating.  Now more
than ever the United Nations should be trying to safeguard world
peace and prevent international warfare that certainly threatens
to spiral out of control and affect millions of lives everywhere.
And if not in New York, there is always the Palais in Geneva.

But that's not to be it seems.  World history is being made; maybe
even a World War of sorts -- some kind of War of the Worlds it
appears -- may be looming; yet the United Nations, terribly mislead
by Kofi Annan following American directions, has decided to sit it
all out.

Meanwhile, The Guardian in the U.K. is reporting today that the
Americans are already planning to do their will with Afghanistan
and then use the U.N. once again to clean up the horrible carnage,
care of the millions of refugees, and pathetically front for the
Americans politically.   We've been through this before not that
long ago even if in a rather different form -- the last time an
Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations feeling forced
to resign in moral disgust and publicly charging the organization
he served most of his lifetime with "genocide" in Iraq.


By Ian Traynor in Tajikistan and Gary Younge in Washington

[The Guardian, UK, Friday September 21, 2001]:

The US government is pressing its European allies to agree to a
military campaign to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and
replace it with an interim administration under United Nations

Diplomatic cables from the Washington embassy of a key Nato ally,
seen by the Guardian, report that the US is keen to hear allied
views on "post-Taliban Afghanistan after the liberation of the

The embassy cable reveals that the US administration is bent on
force to evict the Taliban from power because of the shelter it
has offered Osama bin Laden, named by the White House as prime
suspect for the New York and Washington atrocities on September

The Guardian has also learned that two large US Hercules transport
aircraft landed in Tashkent, capital of the former Soviet republic
of Uzbekistan, on Tuesday loaded with surveillance equipment to be
installed along the northern Afghan border.

The secret landing represented a radical departure since it appeared
to herald the deployment of squadrons of US fighters at Uzbekistan's
sprawling airfield at Termez, directly on the border. Such a build-up
would incur the wrath of Russia which views the central Asian
republics as its backyard.

The Pentagon yesterday continued its move to a war footing, with
orders for up to 130 heavy bombers, fighters, aerial refuelling
planes and other combat aircraft to be deployed around the Middle
East and Central Asia region.

Two B-52 bombers yesterday left Barksdale airbase in Louisiana,
joining F-15E fighter-bombers, F-16 fighters, B-1 long range bombers
and E-3 Awacs airborne command-and-control aircraft that left on

The navy has also sent an additional aircraft carrier toward the
Middle East region,which along with the air deployment could place
up to 500 US warplanes in the Mediterranean, Gulf and Indian Ocean

Tony Blair, in Washington last night to meet Mr Bush, suggested
military strikes inside Afghanistan, targeted on Bin Laden's training
camps, could come in a matter of days. "These people, if they could,
would get access to chemical, biological and nuclear capability.
We have no option but to act," he said.

The US strategy to depose the Taliban regime is based on more than
military thinking. A further plank appears to entail supporting
the campaign of the exiled 86-year-old monarch of Afghanistan, King
Zahir Shah, to return to power by encouraging the guerrilla army
of the Northern Alliance opposition to fall in behind him.

Diplomatic documents seen by the Guardian show that Washington is
funding and organising the travel of several Northern Alliance
figures to Rome to confer with the exiled monarch who is expected
to call for a revolution.

"The king plans to call on all the Afghan tribes to rise up against
the Taliban," the diplomatic cable reported yesterday, citing the
advice of the US administration.

US plans to overthrow the Taliban regime were revealed when a senior
European politician in Washington this week was told by the US
administration that it wanted to hear his country's views on how
Afghanistan should be run after the Taliban were defeated and that
"closer consultations" were necessary.

The Americans also spoke of a role for the UN in the new "interim
administration" for Afghanistan and for the Organisation for Security
and Cooperation in Europe in central Asia, without mentioning Nato.

Washington is routinely sceptical of the UN and OSCE, but the key
role was seen as an attempt to build as broad a coalition as possible
behind the imminent campaign.

The Europeans, Russia, and even China might be swayed by the unusual
US inclusiveness, diplomats said. "It's a major change of US policy,"
said one.

The spying mission in Uzbekistan is also fraught with political

The two Hercules could not fly over Iran, but Turkmenistan, the
third ex-Soviet statX-Mozilla-Status: 0009n granted permission.

However, diplomats said the Turkmens were less keen to grant
overflying rights to US fighter aircraft heading for the Afghan



[Associated Press, Monday 24 September - DUBAI, United
Arab Emirates –– Here is the text of Osama bin Laden's
statement as provided on Monday by the Al-Jazeera
television news network, based in Qatar. It was
translated from Arabic by The Associated Press. Some
sections of the faxed statement were illegible.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Sunday, 6 Rajab 1422 (Sept. 23, 2001)

And for martyrs from their God their reward and light

To our Muslim brothers in Pakistan

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and his

I received with great sorrow the news of the murder of
some of our Muslim brothers in Karachi while they were
expressing their opposition to the American crusade
forces and their allies on the lands of Muslims in
Pakistan and Afghanistan. We ask Allah to accept them
as martyrs and include them with prophets, their
followers, martyrs, good doers and the like and ask
that their families be gifted with patience and
consolation, and bless their children and money, and
reward well for their Islam.

Whoever of them left children behind, they are my
children, and I am their caretaker, Allah willing.

It is no wonder that the Muslim nation in Pakistan
would rush to defend its Islam, since it is considered
the first line of defense for Islam in this area, just
like Afghanistan was the first line of defense for
itself and for Pakistan before the Russian invasion
more than 20 years ago.

We hope that these brothers are among the first
martyrs in Islam's battle in this era against the new
Christian-Jewish crusade led by the big crusader Bush
under the flag of the Cross; this battle is considered

one of Islam's battles ...(text illegible)

We incite our Muslim brothers in Pakistan to give
everything they own and are capable of to push the
American crusade forces from invading Pakistan and
Afghanistan. The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said:
Whoever didn't fight, or prepare a fighter, or take
good care of a fighter's family, Allah will strike him
with a catastrophe before Judgment Day.

I announce to you the good news my loved brothers that
we are steadfast on the path of Jihad for the sake of
Allah, following the example of the Prophet (Peace Be
Upon Him), with the heroic, faithful Afghan people,
under the leadership of our fighter emir, who is proud
of his religion, the prince of the faithful, Mullah
Mohammed Omar.

We ask Allah to make him victorious over the forces of
infidels and tyranny, and to crush the new
Christian-Jewish crusade on the land of Pakistan and

If Allah makes you victorious, none will defeat you
and if He fails you, who after Him will make you
victorious and on Allah the faithful shall trust.

Your brother in Islam
Osama bin Mohammed bin Laden


3. Modern Mythology and Osama bin Laden

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Myth-men do not die when their bodies are destroyed...

they often grow more powerful as time goes by.... Their story has
many versions, and although the characters are different, the plot
is the same. They usually stand up for the weak and poor, like St.
Joan and Jesus, and they often outwit established power, like Robin
Hood and T.E. Lawrence.

MODERN MYTHOLOGY by Tom Crumpacker

If our government has any evidence of a link between last week's
attackers and Osama bin Laden, it should make it public now, so as
to justify its upcoming attack of Afganistan. It says it has such
evidence, but so far the only thing made public is that one of the
attackers, Muhamed Atta, was seen in Germany last year talking to
an Osama follower. Last year Osama already had thousands if not
millions of "followers."

The real Osama was virtually unknown, except to some CIA operatives
and Mideast people, until July, 1998. The myth-man Osama was born
then, when the CEO of the world's only superpower, fresh from
answering questions about having sex in his office with an intern,
rained down 75 Cruise missiles on a phamaceutical warehouse in
Khartoum and some camps in the Afgan mountains. He said that Osama
was responsible for bombing US embassies in Africa. Like a fox,
Osama had left the camps before the missiles arrived. US intelligence,
military and political leaders said that he owned or controlled
the Khartoum warehouse and that his weapons and bombs had been
stored there. They had the evidence to prove this, they said, but
they chose not to disclose it. A year later they quietly admitted
there was no such evidence and compensated the families for the
people they had killed.

The thing about myth-men is not only - do they not die when their
bodies are destroyed, but also - like Joe Hill - they often grow
more powerful as time goes by.  The reason is that influential
leaders are always to some extent the creations of their followers,
because they represent ideas. Their story has many versions, and
although the characters are different, the plot is the same. They
usually stand up for the weak and poor, like St. Joan and Jesus,
and they often outwit established power, like Robin Hood and T.E.

When the Mexican Federales ambushed and machine-gunned Emiliano
Zapata, they left his barely recognizable body in the town square,
hoping that the people would understand he was dead. Unfortunately
for them, his white horse ran away and many thought they saw him
on it. The same with Ernesto Guevara when he was run down by the
CIA and shot by Bolivian soldiers. They published numerous photos
of his bullet-ridden body, but when I was in La Paz a few months
later, many people in the streets were sure it wasn't him. Today
Emiliano and Che are much more powerful and influential than they
ever were in life, because they represent the hope of liberation
for millions.

Last week's attack was not primarily motivated by religion or
culture or even anti-Americanism, as our media is proclaiming. It
resulted from the extreme poverty, disparity and lack of social
mobility and participation in Mideast societies, which in turn
results from the unjust way the neo-liberal global corporatist
system is operating. In the process of continuous enrichment of
the rich and impoverishment of the poor, there is always going to
be domination and struggle for liberation. Any country which assumes
the responsibilty of enforcer, by empowering authoritarian regimes
or trying to bomb or starve people to promote system functioning
(which also promotes its own economic interest), is rightfully
going to blamed for all problems.

What many Mideast moderates, progressives and radicals have in
common is the desire for autonmomy - to get the US out of the area
militarily and otherwise. The experience of the last 50 years is
a clear demonstration of why, given the present state of development
of world political economy, only an international agency like the
UN would have any hope of functioning as system enforcer.

The nineteen suicides who pulled off the attack unjustifiably killed
thousands of innocent people. Any who helped them should be brought
to justice, but it's irrational to punish nations for the crimes
of individuals.  They also as tricksters destroyed the seats of
global financial and military power. What the world saw when the
towers came crashing down was the the crumbling of the international
empire which happens to be centered in New York City and Washington.
It doesn't matter how soon the the towers are rebuilt, the world
has seen the emperor without his clothes.

We have to start from reality if we're going to change things in
a progressive way. Starting from our own myths can only lead us
into other myths. If the people who run this country could understand
this, we'd all be better off.


[Tom Crumpacker lives in Miami Beach, Florida.  He can be reached

Copyright (c) 2001 by Tom Crumpacker and NY Transfer News. All
rights reserved.

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