-Caveat Lector-

Agents Probe Flight Training

Staff Writer
New York Daily News
Original Publication Date: 9/27/01

Federal agents are investigating whether hijackers who steered two jets
into the World Trade Center practiced their deadly routes in small
rented planes.

The FBI has asked the operators of flight schools at the Essex County
Airport in New Jersey if they rented planes to the hijackers in the
weeks before the Sept.  11 attack.

Special Agent Sandra Carroll, an FBI spokeswoman in New Jersey, declined
to discuss the test-flight scenario, other than to say the queries were
part of a sweeping effort to retrace the hijackers' actions and

"What we're trying to determine is what movements they may have had,
what contacts," she said.  "If in fact they did do practice runs, how
relevant is that right now from a criminal investigation standpoint?  I
don't know."

Carroll would not say which of the hijackers may have rented planes in
New Jersey or how many flights they may have taken.

Federal regulations require pilots of small planes operating under
visual flight rules to stay below 1,100 feet along the East and Hudson
rivers.  The planes are not allowed to fly over Manhattan.

Citing an unnamed investigator, The Star-Ledger of Newark reported that
the owner of Caldwell Flight Academy told investigators he had recently
rented planes to some of the hijackers - and that it was now believed
they made practice runs or rehearsals near the Trade Center.

People working at the school yesterday declined to comment.

"The FBI has been here," said a man who answered the phone at the
Caldwell school.  "They've been to every flight school in New Jersey."

The 25-mile route from the Essex airport to lower Manhattan and along
the island is popular with pilots.

"Northbound you fly within 100 yards of the Trade Center," said Joe
Orlando, who has flown out of Caldwell for the past five years.  "You
used to get a beautiful view of the towers, a view that in retrospect
was probably too close."

The Federal Aviation Administration has banned small planes from the
area since the terrorist attack.

FBI agents have visited every flight school in New Jersey, along with
numerous strip clubs, check-cashing businesses and scores of businesses
in Paterson, where two of the men are believed to have lived recently.

Meanwhile, a Virginia security guard whose name and phone number
appeared on a map in the car of one of the hijackers was ordered jailed
without bond in Virginia.

Mohamed Abdi, 44, was arrested on forgery charges unrelated to the
attacks.  Prosecutors said he was a security guard who once worked for
an airline catering firm.

In another development, U.S.  Attorney Mary Jo White said that a
radiologist from San Antonio, Tex., detained after the attacks and
released Tuesday, was never a focus of the investigation.

Dr.  Albader Alhazmi "voluntarily answered all questions put to him,"
White said.  "He was not and is not a subject of this investigation."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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