We are often our own worst enemy. It is one of the prices we pay for being
human. Our nation is often our own worst enemy. No matter what mistakes each
of us has made, or our nation has made there can still be a time of
restoration. Let us look within ourselves and make improvements to ourselves
as individuals and as a nation. It is in this spirit, that I continue to
more details about the attack. Don't give up hope.

In spite of the enormous suffering and fear that the attacks have created,
is rather amazing that only 6,000 people are believed killed from WTC
buildings that regularly contained more than 100,000 people on business
The buildings had 55,000 workers, and averaged 70,000 visitors per day.
of the survivors consider themselves "blessed to be alive."  No matter what
said or done, we cannot bring back those that paid the final price.  We must
look to the future.  We must work on. We must be stoic. We must not lose our
nerve and hysterically lash out.

We don't have to become a battleground of insanity. It is doubtful that the
terrorists will listen to our retaliatory terrorism any more than our
will listen to their terrorism. What is this attack all about? Let us seek
discover the real truth so that we can make informed decisions.

I realize that most people are in the habit of accepting whatever those in
authority tell them. They have not been trained to critically think. It does
not surprise them that the authorities might find a car with obviously
incriminating evidence just lying in the seat. Yeah right!

For those of us who are familiar with how much surveillance is already
secretly done worldwide it is nonsense that such a large operation was
out without the intelligence agencies knowing about it. People don't realize
the network of double agents that have been placed into all these Moslem
groups. Just like some of the K.K.K. and Neo-nazi groups have more Federal
undercover agents than genuine members, many of these Moslem groups are
likewise heavily infiltrated by MI-6, the Mossad, and U.S. and Russian

Reports indicate that the American military knew of the attack, because an
aircraft carrier was diverted in the direction of NYC just prior to the
attack. Israeli intelligence (Shabak) prevented Ariel Sharon from traveling
New York that day to participate in a pro-Israel festival. The same day
Sharon's secretary announced he would not go, the attack occurred shortly

There is a debate going on as to whether Israeli intelligence warned
who work at the WTC of the attack.  This whole debate is being confused by
something most Americans are not aware of.

First, most Americans do not realize that the State of Israel has always
automatically considered all Jews to be Israeli citizens. All Jews in the
United States are dual citizens, and can get an Israeli passport by just
asking, although an American passport is more advantageous. The United
has always supported this wholeheartedly. The United States is very
hypocritical in supporting this, because they absolutely do not tolerate
anyone else having any other dual nationality. I saw an innocent man roughed
up by border guards who pulled him off a bus headed for the U.S. on the
U.S.-Canadian border. What was his big offense? He had been born in Canada,
but was an American citizen, and he had never formally renounced his
citizenship. Contrast this poor soul's abuse with the official acceptance of
Americans being Israeli citizens. We have many Jews in positions of power in
this nation and they are all dual nationals! Think about that.

When I went to Israel as a tourist, the question the Israelis asked me was
"are you from America?" but rather "Are you from New York City??" because
Jews live in NYC than in Israel.

Some Israeli citizens were killed in the WTC attack.  It would have been
impossible for an attack of that magnitude not to have killed a few Jews.
premise of this article is that there were many Jews who received a warning
the attack. That premise may be accurate, even if some of the police and
firefighters who got killed were Jewish.

The main argument against this information is that it simply can't be right
(this is the I-will-believe-what-I-want attitude), and further since it was
picked up and passed on by the Palestinians it has to be false. In other
words, our media is always accurate, and any information published by the
Palestinians is immediately false. If you buy into this lie, then go ahead
deceive yourself. There are lies being said by both Jews and Palestinians,
the premise of the following quoted excerpt deserves some attention.


Israel (Ha'aretz) and Beirut (AL-MANAR Television) September 18, 2001 --
the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the
international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage
of the incident and started mourning 4,000 Israelis who work at the two

Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later
it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day
[four passenger aircraft hijacking and crashing] incident [at the World
Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania] took place [on Tuesday, September 11,

No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab
diplomatic sources revealed to the Jordanian al-Watan newspaper that those
Israelis remained absent that day [Tuesday, September 11, 2001] based on
from the Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which
unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the
Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the
reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S. authorities of the
information it had.

For its part, the Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper revealed that the FBI arrested
five Israelis four hours after the attack on the [World Trade Center] Twin
Towers while filming the smoking skyline from the roof of their company's
building. The FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior". They are
to have been caught videotaping the disaster in what was interpreted as
of joy and mockery.

Were some people warned? Could this have been a large operation like the
Kennedy assassination?  Did anyone find it strange that the news media
immediately within minutes after the attack pointed the verbal finger at
bin Ladin, while repeatedly saying that they had no evidence who did it.

I, for one, found it most strange that the news media immediately had a
I also found it interesting that as they paraded numerous people onto their
cameras, that they never got anyone who would report lots of facts and
that would conflict with their approved simplistic version of things, even
though numerous witnesses and facts do not line up with their simplistic

For instance, several witnesses heard explosions inside the WTC buildings.
cameras caught other buildings around the WTC towers collapsing before the
towers collapsed. We all saw the twin WTC towers collapse like a water
fountain that had been turned off, and yet the men who designed the towers
have repeatedly said in public that the towers were designed to withstand
accidental hit by a Boeing 707.

The best explanation of how the intricate manufactured crisis went wrong and
exposed itself is at   . In case
you are not an Internet surfer, allow me to review what this article
in a clear illustrated step-by-step way.

The first tower to be hit was the North tower. The plane that hit the North
tower did the job correctly by hitting it directly dead on. The reason that
direct hit was so important was so the plane's load of unused aviation fuel
would be completely unloaded into the building. Not only must the plane hit
dead on, but also it had to bank before it hit so that it would go through
several floors of the building. A fire confined to one or two floors would
set the building properly on fire. The first plane did this complicated
maneuver correctly.

Eighteen minutes later, the second incoming hijacked plane (a fully loaded
Boeing 767 weighing perhaps 200 tons and flying several hundred miles per
hour) was having difficulties hitting the South tower.  Flying such a plane
correctly into the South tower was not an easy job. Adjustments had to be
in the final seconds as the plane zoomed toward its target. At first the
was going to miss to the right. He tried to drastically make a last minute
correction -which was a hard left-which because of the last second turn the
airplane was on, didn't succeed. This failure to make a perfect turn was due
to the hard turn causing less airlift along with centrifugal force acting on
the plane.  The result was that the plane hit the side of the building and
load of fuel went out the side of the building into the air. The hit was
spectacular, because the resulting explosion was outside of the building.
However, operationally this second attack was a total failure because it
exposed the plot.

The North tower which was hit correctly and which burned internally all the
way to the top should have collapsed long before the South tower, which was
marginally hit. However, the South tower collapsed first.

Neither tower should have completely collapsed from an airplane impact at
top. They are built to withstand storms and accidents with large airplanes.
The establishment news has not allowed any debate on how the buildings
collapsed, but has insisted that the steel beams softened from the intense
heat. If we are to believe this story, then the North tower should have
gone first. The wrong tower fell first. A few of the illustrations from the site will be provided below.

Witnesses heard well-placed explosions inside the buildings, and this would
make more sense. A few explosive experts stated that the building collapsed
like it was mined with explosives. At least one of these has retracted his
statements, and now claims the intense heat supposedly caused by the fire
caused the thick steel beams to become plastic. In the past, this author has
spoken to experts who were threatened by the U.S. government.  It is not
unusual for experts to retract what they have said and to come in line with
the approved story.  Like I say, in the past, I have known witnesses who
severely threatened, and even killed for saying what they saw, when it
contradicted the approved government-controlled media story.  After you have
experienced such cover-ups of truth, it is hard to believe that these same
people would not continue covering up.
Most likely people will believe what they want to believe. If they don't
their government, they will see for themselves the proof of a failed "hoax".
By the word hoax it is meant the hoax that the disaster was caused solely by
the hijacked airplanes.

My question is this? Why are the authorities and the news media afraid that
there might have been bombs planted in the building?  Is it not possible
the bombs were planted by other terrorists?  Why are they afraid of bringing
bombs into the story line, unless someone knows that the bombs will be
to someone that will unravel and expose this manufactured crisis?

At least one witness claims to have information on who planted the bombs,
it wasn't Arab terrorists.  I would suggest that anyone who has any
of this-stay very quiet if you value your life.

In the wake of the attack, people are being subjected to harsher
surveillance. But the papers tell us that people don't mind having their
finger nail clippers confiscated. There is talk about banning take-on
and cell phones from planes. Never mind that it was cell phones which
passengers used to warn dispatchers that their planes were being hijacked.
perhaps that is why the authorities want cell phones banned from flights.
Perhaps they are afraid that next time someone might expose something.
Students in Columbine High used a cell phone to try to save a teacher's
life-and it was clear to the students the authorities wanted the death toll
climb, and were upset that the students were using the cell phone. What an
embarrassment when a manufactured crisis doesn't go as planned.

The company Skilling Ward Magnuson Barkshire has been reported to be the
structural engineering firm of the twin towers. The architects were Minoru
Yamasaki & Assoc. and Emey Ruth. The strong heavy structural beams were made
in Japan. The large Sumitomo Bank was located in the trade. Truly, the
on the World Trade Center was an attack on the world.

These are some of the details surrounding the attack.


This is the part of this article where we make some sense out of what seems

Here in Portland we are getting a local taste of what the WTC attack is
to mean. Our city is planning on having its police join in the FBI's Joint
Terrorism Task Force. This is a force that has no accountability. It has an
ambiguous mission statement. People like this author are already subject to
its harassment simply because we are against a tyrannical global New World
Order. Portland will deputize its policemen to work as Federal police with
this Task Force.

The morning of the attack, I sat down and wrote: "One of the first things
new President said in response to this attack was that 'Freedom will be
defended.' I suggest that to understand this, understand that it is meant to
distract you from what is to happen which is just the opposite. Read my
and watch the news, and see for yourself if the common person is freer or
restricted in the coming days. We have another wave of disguised tyranny in
the works."  I didn't have long to wait.

On the Federal level, on Sept. 20, Pres. Bush quietly created the Office of
Homeland Security with Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as its head. He will
part of Bush's cabinet.

The Office of Homeland Security was a scheme that was planned during the
Clinton administration. The foundation of the Office of Home Security is
Insiders have been warning Americans about FEMA for years.  The American
legislative and executive branches of the government are now being
reorganized. The National Guard now becomes a federal police force. The
of and work in the fields of science, math, and engineering are now
federalized. Bush did all this quietly in the hysteria following the WTC
attack. This security agency will incorporate the Coast Guard, the Customs
Service, and the Border Patrol.  It will also oversee our Department of
Defense. It will also take over some of the jobs that other agencies manage

The government and the establishment media have been very secretive about
this new cabinet-level agency. A government web site created for it
disappeared.  This agency is part of the new police state that is being
strengthened in the United States.

While lots of attention was placed upon national I.D. cards following the
attack, the President and the establishment media slipped this new draconian
agency by us.

How will we respond?  Will we allow ourselves to join the screaming, anxiety
filled media directed mob?  Within the first hour of the attack, the media
already telling us that we had "hate". How dare they tell us our feelings?
Let's not loose our heads and our hearts. Our nation needs to learn to love
others. I would hope that Americans would learn to mourn the innocent
civilians that our state sponsored terrorism may kill in the name of
Just because our politicians wrap themselves up in the flag and eat apple
doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart. The real danger to this
nation is not in Afghanistan. It lies in the evil geniuses who masterminded
this tragedy and hope to gain by it. And if our hearts line up with theirs,
where does that put us?   The best holy crusade is to love our fellow man,
love life and freedom.

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