-Caveat Lector-

May 7, 1984 Washington Post reported:

described 19 terrorist gangs now threatening the United States.  Some of
the groups listed were:

Italy's Red Brigades

West Germanys Baader Meinhof Gang

Japanese Red Army (Rising sun)

Islamic terror gangs (various)

Jewish Defense Leage (Kahane?)

Armenian Secret Army for Liberation of

And the Irish Republican Army (IRA)

Now consider too what Jeb Bush has now, and why he beefs up security; it
seems the New York Times reported in December 6, 1984, that the "Bimini
Pipeline" through which large numbers of illegal alien from India,
Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Latin America and Haiti ae being smuggled into
Florida -

Further August 1, 1985 Washington Post reported that at least 300,000
Zionist Jews have abandoned Isael to move to the United States.....

"Alien Terror to Spread Throughout the United States"

And further:

"Because the US borders are almost totally undefended and in effect,
open to all comers, it has become very easy for large numbers of
fanatical Ameican hating alient terrorists to enter the United States -
complete with arms and explosive terror weapons".

Now as a result of this, and I quote again":

"The threat from these alien terrorists is now so great that the
headquarters of the giant Trilateral-allied multinational corporations
(like World Trade Center stuff) have recently undergone massive security
increases   Further the alien terror threat is so IMMINENT that anti
terrorist barricades have just been installed all over Washington DC at
major Federal buildings including the White House, the State Department
and the U.S. Capitol".

In July of 1985 Washington Post reported "the State Department is asking
$4 billion to protect various buildings and its personnel from alien

Now one disgusting report in 1985 was issued by Newsweek:

Newsweek November 5, 1984 it was reported:

"One expert on Chinese (alien) gangs told how members drank wine laced
with both HUMAN BLOOD and chicken blood, while being initiated into
their crime societies.  He claimed they condoned the murder of infants,
so that their tiny bodies could be stuffed with heroin and carried
across international borders by young women posing and the mothers of
the sleeping babies".

And so on and so on and believe me, the only food to eat today which
would deemed to be safe, to be kosher - grow your own and go vegitarian
for when Sara Lee has problems, one of the cleanest operations in this
country - you know we are in trouble and you know our Feds are asleep at
the watch, again.

The above was all reported in 1985 and 1984......

And always remember we are speaking of ORGANIZED CRIME......which is the
black operations of any government.

See Meyer Lansky and his hit on JFK for you know from November 2, 1963,
things were never the same in this country and this dual citizenship
crap for jews have proven to be a most dangerous game plan.

On January 9, 1984 News and World Report carried a very important
article titled "AMERICA NEXT TARGET FOR TERRORISTS".........

It was reported:

"In an interview with Paul Wilkinson, a professor of International
relations at Scotland's Aberdeen University who has studied terrorism
for 16 years, that
'Professor Wilkonson stated :

BEFORE... for you have a large number of people in the United States
(aliens) who are sympathetic to countries abroad, which are hostile to
the United States.  It only takes a very
small number of these....to launch a terrorist campaign."

This professor then stated "I think you are going to have many more

Now suddenly Bush refers to America, as the Heartland - strange this
term is normally used by great patriots and I consider Bush to be one
who needs proper guidance from those we the people can trust.....and I
do not like this super slick Dick Cheney and I do not like the "black
sob" as he was called Powell (and he is not black, black hearted

Also reported the Iranian Brigade (shades of the Rubyait of Omar Kayyam
and his Assassins) - this Brigade the Iranian Brigade in 1984 was
"initially composed of 2,000 hand picked, unmarried men under 30, who
are prepared to carry out SUICIDE MISSIONS to gain martyerdom".  The
group then was alleged (note always this "alleged")  to be led by Hussin
Musawi, the leader of the Islaic Jihud - a gang that had already killed
many innoents incuding number of Americans."

Now this I found also interesting:

"June 19, 1985 Wall Street Journal - "Iran is enraged at the American
tilt toward Iraq in the Persian Gulf War"  The newspaper described
Iran's close working elationship with Libya and the Soviet allied
nations of South Yemen and Ethiopia".

Now it seems to me the 1000 eggs of the spiders and the serpents have
grown and grown.....so who do we trust?   Israel who bombed the USS
Liberty and tried to pin it on the Egyptians - napalmed our men for over
45 minutes?

Who do we trust?


"Zionist publications, organiztions and individuals have continually
fought to create massive Third World immigration into America and to
promote an Open Border Policy for the USA.

April 1, 1985 issue of The New Republic reported:

"a fanatical Zionist publication stated "WE SIDE WITH THE ADVOCATES OF
AN OPEN DOOR......immigrants created America"

Now during this time frame little twinky toed Barney Frank not yet
caught I guess, running his male prostitution house - it was reported:

April 26, 195 - Washington Post -

"Congressman Frank has introduced legislation to repeal longstanding
provisions of US immigration law allowing "foreigners to be denied entry
solely because of their political beliefs and affiliations".....

Frank's bill would open the borders legally to hundreds of thousands of
hard core Comunists....would allow legal and open entry into America by
known oficial Islamic terrorist groups and the Iranian Seret
servie....and .....remove homosexual admissions to America so that

Son on drones the Zionist NWO Wurlitzer.....note what now has happened
in this country, since 1984 and 1985.

We have been hit at home and it did not take a phone prophet to evaluate
the above - it took some intelligence something sadly lacking in this
country today.

It was reported also how the Mossad cleverly manipulates Shiite
terrorist groups who are anti Israel into bombing their rivals at the
instigation of their own covert agents of the Israeli Mossad - this
sounds like our own FBI and BATF as of late - right?   FBI still taking
orders from the Zionist ADL and Bnai Brith?   See what it got us here in
the USA siding with Mossad terrorists ????

World Trade Center demolished?   Well look at the hand of Zionists at
the foot of this temple.....99 year lease?   Impossible, impossible for
there is no such thing, as a 99 year lease?   Wanna bet?

So the Giant Zionist NWO Wurlitzer drones on....and this peek into the
past makes the future even more dismal unless the United States gets out
of this crap for should Joe Lieberman, who God Forbid if anything had
happened to Al Gore - and they not gotten beat - we would have Zionists
running this country right now.

Well maybe the World Trade Center would not have been taken out for this
is a Contract on America......extended towrds out leaders who combat
this evil empire.

Flying Fiery Serpents?   Straight out of the Garden of Eden.


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