-Caveat Lector-

I must put in here again, Silverstein essentially DID own it with a 99
year lease.

You see it was illegan for the Port Authority and Giuliano and the
Govenor in on this deal, to sell the World Trade centers......so they
circumvented the law.

But check further on this Silverstein in Israel for this board over
there virtually kicked him out.

The fact remains the next day after the demolition of this World Trade
Center, he had new plans on the drawing board.

He had had trouble making the money, he owed 25 million or so in taxes
not yet resolved and now poof - cui bono?

Also Wall Street  -  these idiots wanted to move Wall Street to this
World Trade Center.

Look at what could have happened.

Hey the bible it was about gold and monotheism in 2500 BC?   Right?

A time to live and a time to die, a time to ter down and a time to
rebuild at taxpayers expense?

Who really paid for the World Trade Center?   this building belonged to
the people, didn't it?

And who paid for it in blood.....the people.
The Slaughter of the Innocents who like Waco didn't survive the sting of
the scorpions.

You know those missiles are called "stingers".....and one is
Hellsfire.....lovely names - like this stupid Operation Habakkuk stuff?

How about Operation Expose and get the one's really behind this sting
operation on the World Trade Center?


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