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A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

         President Bush (Junior) is determined to stamp out the evil of the
Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.  He is going after them on all fronts, even to
freezing assets of organizations that may be supporting him.  He is going
to follow the money trail and cut off their income.  Since it is well known
that the main source of income for the Taliban is the drug trade, this
presents an interesting situation.  Here we have a president whose father
was involved in drug running in Central America and came close to being
indicted on that charge.  Bush Senior used the power of the presidential
pardon to prevent the main witness from testifying, a move that kept an
indictment from being handed down so that many of the American people never
realized the extent of presidential involvement.  Some reports say that
Bush Senior is still a kingpin in the drug trade.

         Was Bush the only one?  By no means.  The San Jose Mercury series,
"Dark Alliance", exposed CIA involvement in drug sales in Los Angeles, and
there are reports that the CIA  was mixed up in the drug trade in Southeast
Asia in the Vietnam War era.   Bill Clinton's ties to the Arkansas drug
trade are common knowledge.  Further, large American banks have been
accused of being "up to their eyeballs" in money laundering.  We know that
the drug lords need the banks;  they could not survive without them.   No
big business can survive without the banks because funds kept in cash draw
no interest and are also at high risk of being confiscated or stolen.  The
banks like the arrangement with the drug traffickers because there is
little or no bookkeeping and the profits are huge.

         The last large-scale investigation of American banks was in
1986.  It might have exposed  a giant conspiracy between them and the drug
dealers, but it was handled as a low profile matter.   No criminal charges
were filed.  Nevertheless, some of the biggest banks,  including Bank of
America, the First Boston Corporation, Chase Manhattan, Manufacturers
Hanover Trust, Chemical, Crocker National and Irving Trust, all had to pay
civil penalties, some in millions of dollars, because of money
laundering.  Bank of America, which was fined $4.75  million, had failed to
report 17,000 large cash transactions. Citibank was never charged, even
though Swiss officials traced Carlos Salinas' drug money to their New York
office.  More recently, a US congressional probe chaired by Senator Biden
has found that US  banks, including industry giants such as  Citibank and
Chase Manhattan, have used "shell banks" and allowed affiliated foreign
financial institutions to launder drug money and engage in other illegal

         If President Bush really follows the money trail the results could
be embarrassing!  Those in positions of power in the United States have
helped to raise a demon, and that demon has turned to bite the government
and the power structure that fed and protected it.   We might call what
happened at the World Trade Center well-deserved justice except for the
fact that it took the  lives of thousands of innocent citizens and there
were so many injured, some horribly burned.  Anyone in any country in the
world who has in any way aided the drug traffickers bears some
responsibility for  the World Trade Center massacre because the real
culprit is organized crime financed by the international drug
trade.  Caught between the criminals and a threat to their own lives, what
will the US government do now?


It is our hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and
distributed widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately
treated on TV or in the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a
request to 209 847-7588 for a free fax subscription. E-mail is free
anywhere.  Paid subscriptions are not accepted.  Comments may be sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  10/05/01 (Banks)

Audrey's Missiles is an moderated
maillist about government reform.
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