-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:05:45 -0400 (EDT)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks
From:                   Libertarian Party Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 18, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

There's only one way to protect the
U.S. against anthrax terrorist attacks

WASHINGTON, DC -- The outbreak of anthrax on Capitol Hill is ultimate
proof that nothing can protect all Americans from unpredictable
"retail" terrorist attacks -- and that the only long-term solution is
to move towards a "Protect America First" foreign policy to deprive
terrorists of their rationale for targeting us, the Libertarian Party
said today.

"With these anthrax attacks, terrorists have demonstrated that they
have the ability to attack and injure Americans in grisly ways no one
predicted, and in ways that are all but impossible to protect against,"
said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.

"That's why, even as we pray for the men and women in Washington, DC
who have been exposed to this deadly disease, we must point out: A non-
interventionist foreign policy is the only real protection against
ruthless, cunning, and savage terrorists.

"Only a non-interventionist foreign policy will help keep Americans
safe from hijackings, bioterrorism, and whatever vicious and evil
future attacks such terrorists might conceive."

This week, 31 Congressional staffers and police tested positive for
anthrax exposure, causing panic on Capitol Hill and prompting the U.S.
House to temporarily shut down. The airborne anthrax spores that
triggered the infections had apparently been mailed in an envelope to
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's office.

The anthrax is believed to be the same strain that caused outbreaks in
at least two other states and killed one man in Florida, leading the
FBI to speculate that the attacks are the work of terrorists.

If that is indeed the case, the anthrax assault is evidence that law
enforcement can never completely stop unconventional terrorist attacks,
said Dasbach.

"Most of the U.S. government's anti-terrorism plans revolve around what
might be called wholesale terrorism: Airline hijackings, truck bombs,
poisoned water supplies, and so on," he said. "Those kinds of attacks
focus on killing large numbers of people, and are best thwarted by
heightened vigilance and traditional law enforcement techniques.

"But with the anthrax assault, the terrorists have begun to engage in
retail terrorism -- using methods that kill individually, but are
designed to strike fear into the entire population."

The problem with such retail terrorism, said Dasbach, is that it is
nearly impossible to individually defend 280 million Americans from
such threats, especially if the terrorists continue to use original and
innovative methods.

"If you look at countries that are most vigilant against terrorism --
like Israel -- you see that terrorists are still able to assassinate
politicians, bomb restaurants, and launch sniper attacks on remote
farms," he said.

"The danger is even greater in the United States, since we are a more
open nation. Who knows what terrorists might do next: Plant anthrax
spores in food products in your local supermarket? Put smallpox
bacteria in a public swimming pool? Drop plague-causing agents into the
ventilation system of a hotel? Or launch some other kind of deadly
offensive we can't even predict?"

That's why the only viable long-term solution is to make sure that
terrorists have less incentive to try to kill Americans, said Dasbach.
And the only way to accomplish that is to adjust our foreign policy so
it focuses on defending America, while steering clear of foreign
conflicts, hatreds, and feuds.

"Our foreign policy should have one simple goal: To defend Americans in
the United States against the risk of attack from foreign powers," he
said. "Unfortunately, our current policy does everything but that.

"Instead, the United States has more than 200,000 troops stationed in
144 countries and territories. We routinely send money to both sides in
international conflicts. We make alliances with totalitarian or
oppressive regimes. We fund and train ruthless military forces -- like
the mujahedeen in Afghanistan -- that we later go to war against.

"This isn't a foreign policy that makes Americans more safe. It is a
foreign policy that puts our military at risk in countless foreign
conflicts, inspires waves of anti-Americanism across the globe, and
gives deranged terrorists an excuse to target us for retribution.

"And it's a foreign policy that must change if we want to protect
Americans against future anthrax attacks -- or whatever depraved evil
that homicidal terrorists may think up next."

Version: 2.6.2


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