-Caveat Lector-


Spring 2000 -- NCX


When Congress asked that anthrax vaccine shots for soldiers be
discontinued until more research is done, the Pentagon said no.
Soldiers can still be court-martialed for refusing the vaccine. The
following articles are reprinted from 1998 and 1999.
by Hank Roth
ADMIRAL WILLIAM J. CROWE, JR., former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, is making a lot of money selling anthrax vaccine. If it smells
fishy, it isn't because the Admiral spent so much time at sea. He
mostly steered his career from desk to desk, as an aide to admirals,
a White House assistant, staff officer, Ambassador, graduate student,
Pentagon planner, and top dog at JCS.
Intervac L.L.C., of which Retired Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr. is
director--a pharmaceutical investment firm in Maryland--under the
newly formed BioPort Inc., bid $25 million to buy the Michigan
Biologic Products Institute. The offer included $3.25 million in cash
at closing, $12.1 million in secured notes, $4.6 million in rabies
vaccine and immune globulin donations to the state, and $5 million in
royalties over five years. Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr. was the former
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Reagan administration.
BioPort has negotiated with the DoD to make enough anthrax vaccine to
inoculate everyone in the military. You figure it out. There are 2.4
million US military personnel. That translates into millions of
dollars (about $130 mil.), and they have to be revaccinated on an
annual basis. Nice job if you can get it.
The lab he bought, opened in 1926, is the ONLY SOURCE OF ANTHRAX
VACCINE IN THE NATION. By the way, it was a state-owned lab, which
the Admiral acquired. A real sweet deal.
How does one get to do that? Well, for one thing, you have to be nice
to the President. Adm. William Crowe, a Republican, endorsed Gov.
Bill Clinton when he ran for president. He gave Clinton the boost he
needed when other Republicans were attacking his draft record. Crowe
said this about his pal: "I served in uniform for 47 years . . . I
know and have worked with many others who didn't serve in uniform,
including a number of key national security figures in the Bush
administration. That fact never affected my ability to work with them
or my high regard for them."
Crowe was appointed by Ronnie Reagan to the nation's top military job
in 1985 and served during the first part of Georgie Bush's term. His
endorsement of Clinton paid off in spades. Or, I should say in
How "safe" is anthrax vaccine? DoD claims it is very safe and
necessary, but the Department of Health in Britain said it was a
problem in the Gulf War because of its simultaneous use with
pertussis vaccine. Combining the vaccines, according to the Brits,
caused severe medical conditions. There are a lot of sick veterans
from the Gulf with Gulf War illnesses, and the causes are still not
In the Gulf, American soldiers were used as guinea pigs for
combinations of drug vaccines, including the anthrax vaccine, with
"reckless disregard" to 400,000 U.S. troops, charged Senator John D.
Rockefeller. 150,000 were given an anthrax vaccine. So, since when
has the DoD been fair with veterans? Remember Agent Orange, Radiation
Veterans, and all those other cover-ups?
Over the next few years the military will vaccinate every soldier
against anthrax. Is this a good thing? The army considers anthrax to
be the major biological warfare threat to the military.
The vaccination program consists of a series of six shots
administered over an 18-month period. Annual boosters of the vaccine
are needed to maintain immunity.
Because it takes 18 months to administer the full round of shots, and
because of personnel turnover and mobility, the Army estimates a 7-8-
year period to vaccinate all personnel. The immunizations are
--reprinted from the Spring 1999 NCX
by Gary Novak
THE INVESTIGATIVE UNDERWORLD of the government has been waging a
disinformation campaign for several years. For example, a news weekly
listed each of the supposed terrorist weapons and the cost of
producing them. For ten or twenty thousand dollars, terrorists could
supposedly kill hundreds of thousands of persons with botulism toxin,
anthrax, nerve gas, etc. "Sixty Minutes" said the weapons could be
produced in someone's backyard in a five-gallon bucket. They said
anthrax spores released from a boat on the Hudson River could kill
four hundred thousand persons in New York City. Here's the truth of
the matter.
Anthrax is nothing but propaganda. It will never be used successfully
as a terrorist weapon, and probably never as a military weapon.
Anthrax is a livestock pathogen. There are anthrax spores in the
ground in rural areas, because they survive for about twenty years.
They have no effect upon humans, because a few anthrax spores cannot
create an infection.
Anthrax is what's called a "gram positive" bacterium. This means it
has the type of cell walls which are good and nutritious, unlike the
cell walls of "gram negative" bacteria, which attack tissue.
Therefore, anthrax can only attack tissue by producing a special
toxin which it excretes. One cell or spore does not produce enough
toxin to shake a stick at. Studies have apparently determined that,
typically, ten thousand anthrax spores must be inhaled to start an
infection. That number might be someone's guess, but it is in line
with the biology of the disease.
Anthrax must attack the lungs, because it must stay lodged in one
location in vulnerable tissue. Livestock eat from the ground, so they
have their faces in the ground where the spores are, and they can
inhale ten thousand spores. How does anyone get ten thousand spores
into the lungs of humans? The first requirement would be to
aerosolize the spores. The spores would have to be converted to a dry
powder because a liquid would create globs which would fall to the
ground rather than stay suspended in the air. To create a powder, the
spores would first have to be washed several times in a large
centrifuge. Then a drying apparatus would have to be used; and it
would require spraying a mist into a vacuum, which is how powders are
created from liquids. Otherwise, everything globs up into hard rocks.
How do workers clean the equipment without getting spores everywhere?
A likely procedure would be to enclose the equipment in a pressure
chamber and steam sterilize it for several days. Such an operation
costs hundreds of millions of dollars, considering related facilities
and development. Only countries do that, not radical groups, and not
in five-gallon buckets.
Even free spores would fall to the ground rapidly in the absence of
wind. For example, lead from auto exhaust mostly falls near a
highway, and it is in much smaller particles than bacterial spores.
In the presence of wind, spores would be carried away rapidly and
would not stay in one place long enough for anyone to get more than a
few spores inhaled.
For these reasons, anthrax would be difficult to use; and it could
hardly kill more than a few hundred persons under the most ideal
conditions, not the hundreds of thousands which are claimed. On top
of that, antibiotics are effective for it during the early stage of
the illness.
--Gary Novak is an independent mushroom researcher who studied
microbiology for three years in graduate school at two universities:
University of Arizona and University of California at Davis. See
complete article at <http://physlab.web2010.com/bio/dis.htm>.
--Reprinted from the Spring 1998 NCX
1. According to the FDA product information leaflet, NO scientific
studies have been performed on the anthrax vaccine to determine if it
causes cancer.
2. According to the FDA product information leaflet, NO scientific
studies have been performed on the anthrax vaccine to determine if it
has any effect on fertility. This applies to both males and females.
It is NOT known if this drug will affect fertility or the fetus if
conception is successful.
3. According to the FDA product information leaflet, NO scientific
studies have been performed on the anthrax vaccine to determine if it
will protect you from inhaled anthrax spores.
4. According to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
Diseases, there is NO scientific evidence to suggest that this
vaccine will protect you from aerosolized anthrax.
5. A principal chemical component of the anthrax vaccine,
formaldehyde, is not approved for human consumption, according to the
US Government Material Data Safety Sheet.
6. A principal chemical component of the anthrax vaccine,
benzethonium chloride, has not been evaluated for human consumption
according to the US Government.
7. The only facility licensed to produce anthrax vaccine has been
cited by the FDA for quality control problems.
8. On March 3, 1998, Secretary Cohen mandated (Sec Def Briefing No.
094-98) "supplemental testing, consistent with Food and Drug
Administration standards, to assure sterility, safety, potency, and
purity of the vaccine," before further immunizations take place.
These tests were ordered because the lab was having quality control
problems. These tests did NOT further evaluate the vaccine to see if
it causes cancer or impairs fertility; they only assured the vaccine
met the FDA-approved guidelines.
9. Most physicians know very little about the vaccine, other than
what they are told by the government in preparation for
implementation of this program.
10. These are a number of common reasons NOT to take the vaccine.
--American Gulf War Vets Association,

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Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 07:46:09 -0800
From: karin schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Carolyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: vaccine information and awareness
Carolyn wrote:
Anthrax Cloud's Silver Lining Bioport Corp. Lands Exclusive License
to Produce Vaccine
Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. is the most visible corporate director of
the Bioport Corp., which manufactures the anthrax vaccine. (Gary
Cameron/AP Photo)
By Howard L. Rosenberg ABCNEWS.com March 12 - That ominous cloud of
anthrax Pentagon bio-defense planners fear may fog some future
battlefield could actually have a silver lining for Lansing, Mich.-
based Bioport Corp. - and for its most visible corporate director,
former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. William J. Crowe
That's because the company is the only licensed U.S. manufacturer of
anthrax vaccine. Less than a month after it took over the business
from the state-owned Michigan Biologic Products Institute (MBPI) last
September, Bioport landed an exclusive $29 million contract with the
U.S. Department of Defense to 'manufacture, test, bottle and store
the anthrax vaccine.'
According to former Central Intelligence Agency military analyst
Patrick Eddington, the estimated $60 million worth of anthrax vaccine
Bioport is expected to produce for the Defense Department over the
next five years could just be the beginning.
"The Pentagon has a $322 million, 10-year program to develop at least
three, and perhaps as many as a dozen additional biological warfare
vaccines," Eddington told ABCNEWS. "These have never really been
tested, and most importantly, no one has provided data to validate
the threat."
Vaccinations Begin
Whether or not the threat of any biological attack - including one
with anthrax - is valid or not, last May the Defense Department began
a program to vaccinate all 2.4 million soldiers, sailors, airmen and
Marines against the anthrax bacterium. The Pentagon pays $4.70 per
shot and each member of the armed forces is supposed to get six shots
over an 18-month period. That's a huge, guaranteed market for
Bioport's product.
Less than a year ago, Bioport's predecessor, MBPI, was under fire
from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sloppy record-keeping
after an inspection report raised questions about the anthrax
vaccine's potency and sterility. The FDA even threatened to revoke
the facility's license. Just a few months later, Bioport emerged as a
leading bidder to take over the troubled company and purchased MBPI
for $25 million after the Pentagon promised to ante up $15 million to
renovate the plant.
Bioport's Multinational Directors Bioport Corp. was created solely to
take over the assets of MBPI by Adm. Crowe, his partners in a company
called Intervac L.L.C. and a group of former managers of the Michigan-
based institute.
It is Intervac that has the most interesting history. According to
Crowe's associate and spokesman, Jay Coupe, Crowe owns 22.5 percent
of Intervac shares, though he hasn't "invested a penny" in the
Another 30 percent of Intervac shares are owned by Nancy El-Hibri, a
mother and homemaker in suburban Maryland and the rest of the company
is in the hands of "I&F Holdings," a company directed by Nancy El-
Hibri's father-in-law, Ibrahim El-Hibri, a Venezuelan citizen, and
her husband, Fuad El-Hibri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent.
Fuad El-Hibri appears to be the real day-to-day director of Intervac
and is listed by Dun & Bradstreet as the "chief executive" of
Bioport. Mrs. El-Hibri laughed when questioned by a reporter for ABC
about Intervac and referred the network to her husband who did not
return a call.
Experts in defense policy suggested that the Pentagon would be highly
unlikely to approve the sale to a foreign national of a company that
is the sole manufacturer of a vaccine considered vital to national
Indeed, Coupe stresses that between Mrs. El-Hibri and Admiral Crowe,
the majority of the stock in Intervac is held by Americans, since
Mrs. El-Hibri is a U.S.-born citizen, her husband Fuad was educated
at Yale and has applied for U.S. citizenship and Admiral Crowe
"served this country for 51 years" including two terms as chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Reagan administration and as
ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1994-1997.
How Bioport Finds the Admiral
According to Coupe, when Crowe returned from England in 1997, he was
approached by Fuad El-Hibri's father, Ibrahim El-Hibri. The elder El-
Hibri, whom the admiral had met a decade before, invited Crowe to
serve on the board of Intervac.
"The admiral is commonly referred to as the person who bought this,"
says Coupe, "and while I don't want to minimize his involvement, he's
had no financial involvement either way - giving or getting any
Coupe says that Crowe's ownership of Intervac stock gives him a 13
percent share of Bioport.
Coupe took umbrage at the suggestion by anthrax vaccine critics that
Crowe was profiteering on the vaccine's production: "The idea that he
would do anything to jeopardize the American troops he led for half a
century is ridiculous. He spends a lot of time working on Bioport
because he wants to make sure it works and they produce a good
product. Both he and I have been vaccinated against anthrax. He
believes in the anthrax vaccine and vaccination. He also believes the
threat {of anthrax as a weapon} is real."
The Bioport anthrax vaccine production line is currently operating
and going through tests. The company expects to begin producing the
vaccine for distribution to the Defense Department this summer.
Howard L. Rosenberg is a producer for ABCNEWS' 20/20. He is the
author of Atomic Soldiers (Beacon, 1980) and has written for numerous
newspapers and magazines



Clark, Crowe Receive President's Freedom Medal
By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10, 2000 -- Retired Army Gen. Wesley K.    Clark and
retired Navy Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. are among the 15 persons who
received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest
civilian award.

The two military men and other honorees, including civil rights
activist the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson and former Sen. George McGovern of
South Dakota, now U.S. representative to the U.N. Food and
Agricultural Organization, received the medal from President Clinton
in an Aug. 9 White House ceremony here.

Established in 1963, the Medal of Freedom is bestowed by the U.S.
government. It is given to persons the president deems "to have made
especially meritorious contributions to the security or national
interests of the United States, to world peace or to cultural or
other significant public or private endeavors."
Text of the citation:
Respected for his military expertise, keen intellect, and diplomatic
skill, General Wesley Clark has distinguished himself as a soldier,
scholar, and statesman.  Graduating from West Point at the head of
his class, he set a standard of excellence that has been his lifelong
benchmark, whether serving in Vietnam; as a key negotiator of the
Dayton Peace Accords; or as head of the U.S. European Command.  As
Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
he led the 19-member alliance to a historic victory in Kosovo in
NATO's longest and most difficult military campaign.  For his
outstanding leadership and dedicated service, General Clark has
earned the respect and admiration of a grateful Nation.
Clark's citation hailed the retired general as a soldier, scholar and
statesman, respected for his military expertise, keen intellect and
diplomatic skill. It specifically cited his roles as a key negotiator
of the Dayton Peace Accords and as head of U.S. European Command.

Clinton paid tribute to Clark for his role as commander of NATO's
longest and most difficult military campaign:

"In March of 1999 as Slobodan Milosevic unleashed his army and police
on the people of Kosovo, Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO's supreme commander,
was given the first military mission of its kind, directing the
forces of a 19 nation alliance to end a brutal campaign of ethnic
cleansing," the president said. "The stakes were monumental.

"Almost a million people had been driven from their homes solely
because of their ethnic and religious background. Success would save
lives, strengthen NATO, advance the cause of freedom, democracy and
unity in Europe. Failure would leave much of the continent awash in a
sea of refugees and end the 20th century on a note of helpless
indignation in the face of evil.

"Wes Clark well understood the perils of the Balkans for he had
already played a vital role in ending the war in Bosnia and beginning
the long process of building a stable, multi- ethnic democracy in
that country. He summoned every ounce of his experience and expertise
as a strategist, soldier and a statesman to wage our campaign in
Kosovo. He prevailed miraculously without the loss of a single combat

"At the apex of a long and distinguished military career that goes
back to his outstanding performance as a cadet at West Point over 30
years ago, he was assigned a challenge many experts thought was
mission impossible. Instead, thanks to Gen. Clark, we now can declare
it mission accomplished."

Crowe's citation praised the retired admiral, a former chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for standing watch over America for more
than 50 years. Clinton saluted Crowe as a scholar, diplomat and
patriot. After retiring from the military, Crowe served as ambassador
to the United Kingdom.
Text of the citation:
A powerful force for peace and freedom, Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr.
has stood watch over our country for more than 50 years, helping to
preserve the liberty we hold dear.  As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, he worked vigorously to increase cooperation among the
Armed Services, improving the speed, flexibility, and efficiency of
U.S. defense capabilities.  After retiring from a brilliant Navy
career, he served with distinction as Ambassador to the United
Kingdom and has strived to reduce the vulnerability of American
embassies to terrorist attacks.  Sailor, scholar, diplomat, and
patriot, Admiral William Crowe has dedicated his life to charting a
strong course for America.
"As a young officer, Bill Crowe seemed to seize every opportunity for
a nontraditional Navy career," Clinton said. "He took a leave to earn
a master's in education. He passed up an invitation to join the
nuclear submarine program so he could earn a PhD. in politics at
Princeton. A few years later when 'Doctor' Crowe found himself named
'Rear Admiral' Crowe, he was quite surprised. Only later did he learn
that Adm. (Elmo) Zumwalt that year had ordered all naval promotion
boards to consider, and I quote, 'iconoclasts.'

"Bill Crowe has always been an innovative and independent thinker. He
was the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs with a mandate to promote
greater cooperation among the armed forces along with the power to
reshape their respective roles and missions. He used that power to
build a military more agile and efficient for the global age.

"From that chairmanship to his ambassadorship at the court of St.
James in our administration, Bill Crowe has been the right leader for
changing times. Even more, he has himself helped to change the times,
to enhance our strength, advance the peace and quicken the march of
freedom. He is an 'iconoclast,' but an immensely patriotic one."
The other recipients were:
Jim Burke, former chief executive officer of Johnson and Johnson and
chairman of the Partnership for a Drug-free America.
the late John Chafee, a former Navy secretary and U.S. senator from
Rhode Island.
Marian Wright Edelman, founder of the Children's Defense Fund.
John K. Galbraith, economist, public servant, educator and author.
Monsignor George Higgins, champion of workers' and civil rights and
religious tolerance.
Mathilde Krim, biomedical researcher and AIDS educator.
Mildred McWilliams Jeffrey, founder of the National Women's Political
Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, high-level adviser to four
successive presidents.
Cruz Reynoso, lawyer, jurist and social reformer
Simon Wiesenthal, a World War II concentration camp survivor and Nazi
Related Site of Interest:
Remarks by the President at Medal of Freedom Awards Ceremony

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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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