-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 18:58:46 EDT, Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 10/25/01 3:55:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << Anybody seen the NYSE ad on Fox News Channel lately that glorifies money?
> >>
> Damaeus, there is only one thing that money can't buy:  Poverty

Basically the point I'm making is that, as I suspected, the kind of
freedom Amerika offers is freedom of "free enterprise", at least until
you're so successful that you have a monopoly.  But even though a monopoly
isn't illegal, the FTC sure does nitpick at companies who have a
significant market share.  But aside from all that, recreational drugs are
illegal everywhere, prostitution is illegal almost everywhere, and
hardcore porno is illegal in certain communities around the country, even
when viewed in the privacy of your own home.  What kind of freedom are we
defending when we go to war?  Certainly the freedom we have now is better
than what Usama bin Laden's vision of a perfect world.

But my gosh... 1.6 million drug arrests?  National law enforcement budgets
are $130 billion per year.  $60 billion goes toward the drug war.  Office
of National Drug Control Policy gets 19.5 billion per year.  That's 79.5
billion per year for the drug war.  With 1.6 million arrests, that's
$49,687 per arrest.  Seems like a waste to me, not to mention the fact
that even more than that is probably going to the terrorists.  The costs
would be dropped so much by ending prohibition and diverting the money to
"legitimate" companies.  Yeah, it's still blatant capitalism, but at least
the burden on the tax payer is lessened drastically.  I mean, imagine what
kinds of advances we could make if all the money spent on fighting drugs


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