-Caveat Lector-

Well they ought to know that Tabloids like news and could care less who
gets hurt - for they deal and are run by CIA types usually retired, and
Mossad and Zionist Rupert Murdoch.

First comes the character assassination and if this does not work, well
then comes the bullets all paid for by someone else.

One of two things - someone is going to get that rubbish "by hook or
crook" operating like CIA.......maybe they decided to hit close to the
source of our problems?

Two elements at work here and why be so sweet and lady like about it?
After all we have Hilliary doing the talking now, who is part lesbian,
part jewish, part arabic - by her own admission.

Why is it today I am remembering this man yelling at the top of his
lungs during the burning and destruction of people and the Twin Towers
all he could say is

We Are All Israelis Now....

Like hell we are.
They can take that Irael and send in the swat team and do us all a


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