Might he be on to something?
From: Dick Eastman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: CAUGHT!!! 11/31/99 Crash of EgyptAir 990 NY to Cairo was remote control capture system test, practice for WTC
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.wtc-explosion, alt.liberty-vs.conspiracy
Date: 2001-10-31 16:57:47 PST
> Mohammed Atta seems to be a real identity, cross references between airport
> photos and family snaps. On your and my theories he would be the key dupe,
> he was probably one of the few who knew the suicide plan. It would be
> interesting to know more about him.
I am convinced that no one was knowingly on a suicide mission. Exactly two years ago today, the American Halloween, EgyptAir flight 990, a giant Boeing 767 took off from New York bound for Cairo Egypt with 100 Americans and 87 Egyptians aboard.
The takeoff had been successful and routine, but at one half hour into the flight, at 1;48;30  ----at a moment when the pilot left the controls for a trip to the toilet  and the co-pilot was left in the cockpit alone -- an English voice can be heard on the black box recorder saying "control it" (the co-pilot was Egyptian) -- and suddenly, one must conclude,  control of the plane taken from him,i.e., the cockpit controls were bing overridden.  -- After some seconds the co-pilot, reacting to his losse of control to a phantom controller, says, "I'm trusting you Jehovah" (or "I'm in your hands, Jehovah" --"Tawakkalt ala Allah.")
The co-pilot then disengaged the auto-pilot to restore control.  Control was not restored.  The co-pilot again said a prayer as the elevators dropped putting the plane into a dive.  After sixteen seconds of this dive the Captain returned to the cockpit asking "What happening?  Whats happening?" Captain and co-pilot were presumably working to pull out of the dive, but the controls were not responding and now the throttles turned up to full forward  -- at which point the co-pilot cut the fuel lines.  Then by phantom control  the right and left elevators each moved all the way in the opposite directions and the ailerons on both wings both went fully up.    The pilot cried "Get away in the engines!  Shut the engines!"  To which the co-pilot replied,  It's shut."  The last words are of the captain frantically instructing "Pull!  Let's pull!  Let's pull!"  At this point something shut off the instrument recorders (or they were later erased).
The Americans said that the pilot committed suicide!!!????  Whereas the Egyptians -- who understand the language, insist that that is an impossible interpretation of last moments of conversation recorded or of the earlier conversation at takeoff.
I have no doubt in my mind that EgyptAir 990 was a "test" for the WTC crashbombing operation.


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