-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Critics Blast Bush Order on Papers
 "...the executive order violates the spirit of the
 1978 Presidential Records Act and will usher in a
 new era of secrecy for papers left behind by
 America's chief executives.
Nakano comments:
First, consider the timing of this.
We are in the middle of a "National Emergency".
The country is still suffering from the shock of
the events of 911....we have Anthrax in the US Mail...
we have National Guardsmen with rifles in our
airports...we have terrorist threats to blow up
bridges...we have the Government announced "Higher
Alerts" every 3 or 4 days!
And with all of this happening, George W. Bush takes
time out to issue this very unusual Executive Order.
It must be extremely important to come at this
particular moment.
Perhaps Bush picked this moment, because his
approval ratings are so high he thinks he can get
anything he wants. Perhaps this moment was chosen
because the attention of the entire country is
focused on the aftermath of 911.
Whatever his reason, this Executive Order violates
the entire concept of "government for the people".
This is a blatant public admission that our president
wants the legal power to secretly use the power of his
High Office in ways the People will never know about.
This is also a statement that the President of The
United States of America doesn't trust the American
People.  Why should he?  The American People did not
elect him.

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