-Caveat Lector-


Nazis tied to anthrax attacks
FBI sources see links between Hezbollah, fugitive Germans


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Fresh foreign leads in the FBI's anthrax investigation point to the
involvement of one or more German or Austrian biological or
chemical researchers with pro-Nazi leanings – part of a complicated
South American web linked to the Hezbollah and fugitive Nazi
communities, some of whom are also connected to Iraqi military
intelligence, say intelligence sources of DEBKA-Net-Weekly.

One or more researchers are thought to have entered the United
States and found jobs with American industrial laboratories or
research institutes, setting up clandestine private biological warfare
labs in their spare time, the report says.

Last month, a group of 10 terrorists was caught in Mexico City on its
way to assassinate Mexican President Vicente Fox and carry out a
mass strike in the Mexican Senate. They were found by U.S. and
Mexican investigators to be a Lebanese Hezbollah gang, preparing
to celebrate the first month’s anniversary of their ally’s "feats" in New
York and Washington by hitting one of America’s foremost allies on
the continent.

The terrorists reached Mexico from the Brazil-Uruguay-Paraguay
triangle, fresh from training at the hands of German neo-Nazis. They
could not say if their instructors were linked to Arab or Islamic
intelligence agencies, but a description of one of those instructors
rang a bell – he sounded like one of the suspects long sought in
connection with the Hezbollah bombings of the Israeli Embassy and
Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1993 and 1994.

Imad Mugniyeh, the notorious hostage-taker and bomber of Beirut in
the 1980s, is now believed to have masterminded those strikes.
Currently a senior commander of al-Qaida, Mughniyeh is thought to
have developed neo-Nazi contacts in Latin America through local
Lebanese expatriate businessmen. Various agencies, including the
FBI, are now probing his possible complicity in the bioterror attack
on America, in view of the evidence of his involvement in the Sept.
11 atrocities in New York and Washington and his links to neo-Nazi
elements in South America.

At the same time, Iraqi military intelligence is also known to be very
active in Latin America throughout the Arab and Nazi expatriate

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