The country is more rock-ribbed than outsiders think

TO JUDGE by some accounts, especially in the foreign press, America is
shivering on the edge of hysteria. The GRANDES DAMES of Georgetown's
dinner-party circuit are holed up in safe rooms, their children and servants
decked out in nice new gas masks. The Pooh-Bahs of the New York media are dosed
up on Cipro and psychotherapy. And the masses are too terrified to do anything
other than pop pills and watch television. Quite unlike the Brits, who
cheerfully endured the Blitz while singing choruses of "Knees up Mother Brown",
America is suffering a collective nervous breakdown.

 The truth is much more interesting. It is that America's response to the first
sustained terrorist attack on its soil is balanced, level-headed and sensible.
A country that specialises in junk television and risible lawsuits is proving
that, when it comes to serious matters, it is quite capable of being grown up.

This is not to say that everybody is behaving with icy calm. A leading
bodyguard school is doubling its enrolment and is opening another branch to
cope with the surge in demand. The media are so overheated that big-name news
anchors have taken to interviewing each other. But in a country as big and rich
as America there are always going to be plenty of people with more money than
sense. And for once the media have some excuse for over-reacting: media
celebrities are among those in the eye of the storm. (Tom Brokaw, the NBC news
anchor, "actually saw" the anthrax-laden letter that was sent to him, according
to his assistant.)

In general, Americans are taking the present unprecedented risks in their
stride. There is a certain amount of adjustment, to be sure. Why not avoid
unnecessary flights when terrorists are threatening to unleash a "storm" of
aircraft on the country and airline security remains woeful? But people are
continuing with their essential business.

 It is still almost impossible to get a reservation at the best restaurants.
Anyone wanting to fly home for Thanksgiving had better book now. Sunniness
spreads to the polls: one published on October 23rd by CNN/USA TODAY/Gallup
shows that the percentage of Americans describing their mood as "good" has
fallen by only five percentage points since last January. Two-thirds say
anthrax does not worry them. Although 72% disagree with the idea that it is
their patriotic duty not to be afraid (they will be afraid if they damn well
want to be), 65% think there is no good reason to be afraid of terrorist

 Most people have a fairly reasonable appreciation of the risks they face. Only
about 1% of the population, for example, reports that somebody in their family
has purchased Cipro, the anti-anthrax drug. The amount of anxiety in the air
rises and falls with the news. When it looked as if the only form of anthrax
people were likely to get was the easily treatable skin variety, there were
jokes about "anthrax envy"; now that two more people have died from the lung
form of the disease, a more sombre mood has descended. Anxiety diminishes the
farther away you go from New York and Washington, the two cities hardest hit by
terrorism. There are probably people in the mid-west who still think that
Anthrax is just a rock band.

This level-headedness is evident in almost every aspect of America's thinking
about the war. Americans are not normally famous for their patience. But they
were happy to give George Bush all the time he needed to prepare for military
action in Afghanistan, and they also look quite a bit readier to cope with the
frustrations of a long war than some of America's allies. Americans are even
less famous for their tolerance of government, especially when it fails to
work. But the government's clumsy handling of the anthrax threat has done
nothing to sour the present wave of public support for the Feds. People realise
that, after September 11th, there is no alternative to government action to
deal with the problems being unleashed by terrorism. FOR ARABS, UNDERSTANDING

Rather than railing against the Islamic world, most Americans are desperate to
understand it. The best-seller lists are full of books on Islam, the Taliban
and the Middle East. University students are crowding into courses that touch
on the current crisis. Washington's Middle East Institute reports that
applications for Arabic courses have doubled. Most surprising of all, Muslim
clerics say that the number of conversions to their faith has quadrupled since
September 11th. Almost half the population tells pollsters that it has a
"generally favourable" opinion of Islam, and almost 90% say that the terrorists
are part of a radical fringe that has nothing to do with mainstream Islam.

And, praise be to tolerance, there has been no serious backlash against
Arab-Americans. To be sure, there have been a few horrific murders and a
certain amount of harassment. But most people, from George Bush down, have gone
out of their way to recognise that the behaviour of a few nut-cases proves
nothing about an entire ethnic group. One Moroccan immigrant has told Lexington
that he feels "blown away" by the way America has treated him. He had feared
the worst after September 11th; he got the best, with people solicitous about
his well-being and curious about his faith. He feels "grateful" and "amazed".

There is no guarantee that the level-headedness will last for ever. Another big
act of terrorism might tip the country into hysteria. Maybe a long casualty
list from Afghanistan could change things, though the odds are that this newly
steady America can take even that.

Are Americans concerned? Certainly. Are they taking precautions? You bet. But
are they in a state of tight-sphinctered panic? Not a bit. The whingers who
reached for their lawyers when their coffee was too hot have seen the light.
The can-do pioneers who tamed a wild continent and then helped to win three
world confrontations have not disappeared after all. 

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