-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US seeks tribal help to hunt out Osama

JALALABAD: The US has enlisted tribal warriors in its hunt for Osama bin
Laden in the inaccessible network of caves cut into a rugged mountain south
of here. The self-appointed government has agreed to help the US flush
hundreds of suspected terrorists and hard-line Taliban forces out of a
honeycomb of caves and tunnels around the village of Tora Bora, commander
Haji Mohammed Zaman said.

Developed by mujahedeen fighters with the CIA’s support, Tora Bora served as
an underground hide-out and headquarters during the war against the former
Soviet Union in the 1980s. Having seized control two weeks ago, officials
claimed that bin Laden is hidden with as many as 2,000 foreign fighters and
terrorists in Tora Bora. Zaman said, last week, that he was ready to surround
Tora Bora and cut off its supply lines — but not without money and arms from
Western allies.

Zaman refused to elaborate the action the two governments might consider and
what contribution each would make. ‘‘We’ve asked for a variety of opposition
leaders to help us find al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders wherever they may be in
Afghanistan,’’ Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, spokesman for the US Central
Command, said.

Tora Bora is an attractive hide-out: remote, relatively close to an isolated
stretch of the Pakistani border and a nearly untouchable target. The caves
can only be reached by walking three hours from the nearest village. Thick
canopies of trees camouflage the headquarters from the sky, and nobody can
approach on the ground without being spotted.

Some of Zaman’s 6,000 fighters know the terrain intimately, having helped
build the complex two decades ago. The commander has insisted he needs no
men, only money and weapons.

Bin Laden’s ties to this mountain city are strong. When the government of
Sudan asked him to leave that country in 1996, he flew to Jalalabad. He built
a home on the hilly outskirts of town, brought in a wife and children and
erected terrorist training camps. —

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