-Caveat Lector-

From: dig  Lola Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <<it's obviously been developed by geeks
>  who live on a mountaintop in New Hampshire >>
> I beg your pardon.... I happen to be one of these "geeks" on the mountain
> in NH....

Don't get your panties in a twist; I'm not slamming geeks per se, nor
people who live in rural areas (whether mountain tops or otherwise)...I was
slamming a particular set of rural geeks who obviously have no clue about
urban life but are pushing a very expensive toy as a 'solution' to city

> <<And hey, we're not going to have street punks stealing these things at
> knife and/or gun point, right?>>
> Wow, you don't like the geeks from the mountain tops and you don't like
> punks in the streets...

Punks who rob people at gun or knife point, no I guess I DON'T like
them...do YOU?

> what in the world do you do for fun

If you think getting robbed at gun or knife point 'fun', be my
guest....I'll pass, tho...

> and who in the world do you do it with????  Boy oh boy.

You missed the whole point of my post; what I'm objecting to is Kamen et al
presuming to say they have a 'solution' to urban life, when they obviously
don't have a single clue as to what urban life is about.  To me it's just
all a marketing scam to sell his expensive toy.  When he gets around to
marketing a model for the general public, it is said they will cost around
$3000 -- that means it will be toy for rich yuppies, and will be used
perhaps in midtown Manhattan and its equivalent in other cities by rich
stockbrokers and investment bakers to get from the train station to work,
and then back at the rich, exclusive (and I DO mean 'exclusive' in it's
complete meaning) suburban bedroom communities they live in.  Regular
working-class folks who are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and especially
poor people, living in the city itself won't be able to afford it...

Kamen is touting it as a 'solution' to city life (which presumes a
'solution' is needed), when in fact when it comes to the general consumer
market one will mostly find it being used in rich suburban communities,
because those are the only people who will have both a need for it and the
funds to afford it.  Rich people in the city will have no need for it,
because the existing modes of transport are more than adequate for their

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