-Caveat Lector-

Privatizing Latin America

It is common knowledge that the massive
destabilization of the democratically-elected Chilean
government and assassination of President Salvadore
Allende was carried out by the CIA, hired by a
corporate mafia which planned to install a nationalist
government more lenient toward private enterprise.
President Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry
Kissinger allocated $8 million for the campaign to
destabilize Allende. Kissinger told the CIA that
Washington's "firm and continuing policy" was for
Allende to be overthrown by the US-trained Chilean
military. In 1975, CIA director Richard Helms admitted
his agency's involvement. When the coup finally came
in September 1973, U.S. warships appeared off the
coast of Chile and American intelligence officers kept
in touch with Pinochet and other military leaders. In
subsequent years, an estimated 50,000 Chileans died at
the hands of Pinochet's dictatorship, which was
protected throughout by Washington.

In 1999, a journalist who had written exposes of
Richard Scaife was by all appearances murdered in the
Oxford Centre of Pittsburgh, PA -- the office complex
of the foundation of his subject -- Scaife. Richard
Mellon Scaife is the heir of the Mellon fortune and a
major funder of the Heritage Foundation and other
right wing organizations, although, like the Coors
family, Scaife also funds abortion and gay rights
organizations. Shortly before his death in February
1999, Kangas catalogued the gruesome accomplishments
of the CIA and issued a scathing indictment of their
paymasters -- the very elites who created the CNP! The
following portion of Kangas' Origins of the Overclass
deals with CIA "success stories" around the world:

"The wealthy have always used many methods to
accumulate wealth, but it was not until the mid-1970s
that these methods coalesced into a superbly
organized, cohesive and efficient machine. After 1975,
it became greater than the sum of its parts, a smooth
flowing organization of advocacy groups, lobbyists,
think tanks, conservative foundations, and PR firms
that hurtled the richest 1 percent into the

"The origins of this machine, interestingly enough,
can be traced back to the CIA. This is not to say the
machine is a formal CIA operation, complete with code
name and signed documents. (Although such evidence may
yet surface -- and previously unthinkable domestic
operations such as MK-ULTRA, CHAOS and MOCKINGBIRD
show this to be a distinct possibility.) But what we
do know already indicts the CIA strongly enough. Its
principle creators were Irving Kristol, Paul Weyrich,
William Simon, Richard Mellon Scaife, Frank
Shakespeare, William F. Buckley, Jr., the Rockefeller
family, and more. Almost all the machine's creators
had CIA backgrounds. . .

The Business Origins of CIA Crimes
"Although many people think that the CIA's primary
mission during the Cold War was to 'deter communism,'
Noam Chomksy correctly points out that its real
mission was 'deterring democracy.' From corrupting
elections to overthrowing democratic governments, from
assassinating elected leaders to installing murderous
dictators, the CIA has virtually always replaced
democracy with dictatorship. It didn't help that the
CIA was run by businessmen, whose hostility towards
democracy is legendary. The reason they overthrew so
many democracies is because the people usually voted
for policies that multi-national corporations didn't
like: land reform, strong labor unions,
nationalization of their industries, and greater
regulation protecting workers, consumers and the

"So the CIA's greatest 'successes' were usually more
pro-corporate than anti-communist. Citing a communist
threat, the CIA helped overthrow the democratically
elected Mohammed Mussadegh government in Iran in 1953.
But there was no communist threat -- the Soviets stood
back and watched the coup from afar. What really
happened was that Mussadegh threatened to nationalize
British and American oil companies in Iran.
Consequently, the CIA and MI6 toppled Mussadegh and
replaced him with a puppet government, headed by the
Shah of Iran and his murderous secret police, SAVAK.
The reason why the Ayatollah Khomeini and his
revolutionaries took 52 Americans hostage in Tehran in
1979 was because the CIA had helped SAVAK torture and
murder their people.

"Another 'success' was the CIA's overthrow of the
democratically elected government of Jacabo Arbenz in
Guatemala in 1954. Again, there was no communist
threat. The real threat was to Guatemala's United
Fruit Company, a Rockefeller-owned firm whose
stockholders included CIA Director Allen Dulles.
Arbenz threatened to nationalize the company, albeit
with generous compensation. In response, the CIA
initiated a coup that overthrew Arbenz and installed
the murderous dictator Castillo Armas. For four
decades, CIA-backed dictators would torture and murder
hundreds of thousands of leftists, union members and
others who would fight for a more equitable
distribution of the country's resources.

"Another 'success' story was Chile. In 1973, the
country's democratically elected leader, Salvadore
Allende, nationalized foreign-owned interests, like
Chile's lucrative copper mines and telephone system.
International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) offered the
CIA $1 million to overthrow Allende -- which the CIA
allegedly refused -- but paid $350,000 to his
political opponents. The CIA responded with a coup
that murdered Allende and replaced him with a brutal
tyrant, General Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet tortured
and murdered thousands of leftists, union members and
political opponents as economists trained at the
University of Chicago under Milton Friedman installed
a 'free market' economy. Since then, income inequality
has soared higher in Chile than anywhere else in Latin
America." 17.

Another case of New Right leaders using their
influence to support Latin American dictators was the
promotion by Pat Robertson [CNP Pres. 1985-6] and
Jerry Falwell of General Efrain Rios Montt, who became
president of Guatemala after a bloody coup in 1982.
Rios Montt, a convert of Gospel Outreach Verbo
Ministries [which originated in the Jesus Movement, a
CIA operation] expected to turn the Verbo Churches
into a new political movement which would "moralize
national life from the top down."

"Gospel Outreach is an evangelical Pentecostal church
with headquarters in Eureka, California and Guatemala.
It grew out of the 'Jesus People' movement of the
1960s in the United States. . .After the 1976
earthquake, 28 Gospel Outreach evangelicals from
California arrived in Guatemala to help rebuild the
country and establish El Verbo church. . .An early
convert was General Efrain Rios Montt, who became
president after a military coup in March 1982.

"According to the Latin American Institute of
Transnational Studies, 'Within the first nine months
of Rios Montt's administration, 12 evangelical
pastors were assassinated; 69 were kidnapped; 45
disappeared; 5 were jailed; 11 foreign missionaries
were expelled; 88 evangelical temples were destroyed;
and 50 more were occupied by the Army." By 1986, Verbo
Ministries reported 250 congregations. Verbo
Ministries also runs a Leadership Training School with
over 1000 members directed by Rios Montt himself.

"Rios Montt has been supported by Pat Robertson
(Christian Broadcasting Network), Jerry Falwell (Moral
Majority, Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty
Federation), and Loren Cunningham (Youth with a
Mission). . .Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has provided
financial support for the schools of El Verbo in
Guatemala. This is done under the "Programa Ayuda
Infantile," a branch of the Swaggart ministry." 18.

The Covert Action Information Bulletin implicates
another elitist organization in the bloody coup of the
Allende government: the Brazil-based Tradition, Family
and Property founded by one Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera.
"In Chile and other Latin American countries, the CIA
helped finance the right-wing Tradition, Family and
Property which played a role in the overthrow of both
Allende in Chile and Goulart in Brazil. In many
instances it pitted one sector of the Church against
another." 19.

Tradition, Family and Property has close ties with
Heritage founder, Paul Weyrich and Morton Blackwell of
the Leadership Institute, who are members of the CNP.
20. Weyrich and Blackwell endorsed a 1993 book by
Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera, on the necessity of
restoring traditional nobility and elites to rule the
world. Writing the Forward of Nobility & Analogous
Traditional Elites, Morton Blackwell opined: "One does
not have to accept Papal infallibility to appreciate a
case persuasively made, using theological, moral, and
prudential arguments. This book will convince many
readers, whatever their faith, that good elites are
legitimate, desirable and, yes, necessary." 21.

Paul Weyrich's endorsement appears on the dust jacket:
"Sadly, most American elites are now devoted to
self-interest, not to service, which is one
reason why affairs here go so badly. Your book may
help reawaken people to the realization that we need
and can have an elite devoted to service." 22.

In 1997, Tradition, Family and Property sponsored the
Conservative Leadership Conference together with CNP
affiliates/Moon fronts Christian Voice [Gary Jarmin]
and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear
Arms [Alan Gottleib] and also Citizens Against
Government Waste, which was founded by American
Knights of Malta President, J. Peter Grace.

If Latin America is any indicator of the corporate
largesse toward the working classes, U.S. citizens
will be in worse bondage than before privatization.
Chile's revolution subjected the masses to a
shock-induced depression in 1975 that was not remedied
until 1986 by an IMF bailout which cost the taxpayers
3% of Chile's GNP for three years. Milton Friedman
this "an economic miracle".

"This follows the usual pattern of 'free market
capitalism -- market discipline for the working class,
state aid for the elite. During the 'miracle,' the
economic gains had been privatised; during the crash
the burden for repayment was socialised... It is the
increased wealth of the elite that we see the true
'miracle' of Chile. According to one expert in
the Latin American neo-liberal revolutions, the elite
'had become massively wealthy under Pinochet'and when
the leader of the Christian Democratic Party
returned from exile in 1989 he said that economic
growth that benefited the top 10 per cent of the
population had been achieved (Pinochet's official
institutions agreed)." 23

President of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt [CNP]
also was Secretary of the Council for Inter-American
Security [CIS], which was founded in 1976.

Pratt "served both as an intelligence conduit from
'private' sources such as the American Security
Council and CAUSA, and as an informal employment
agency which provided analysts to the Reagan
administration at the inception of Washington's
murderous counter-insurgency wars in Central America."
In 1980, CIS published the influential A New
Inter-American Policy for the Eighties, also known as
the "Santa Fe Document." 24

The Santa Fe Document, which was a sequel to The
Rockefeller Report, was originally titled
"Inter-American Relations, Shield of the New Order and
Sword of the U.S. Ascent to World Power." This
document set forth plans to create religious sects on
a worldwide scale, whose mission was to corrupt the
collective conscience of Christians to willingly
accept the
Rockefeller agenda. A portion of a book, La Mafia
Sects (The Sect Mafia) by Burn Fouchereau, describes
the planned use of Evangelical organizations, such
as Rios Montt's Church of the Word, as fronts for the
CIA to "take charge of the initiative of ideological
struggle" in Latin America through religious
phenomena, i.e., psychological warfare operations for
inculcating Anglo-Saxon ideology:

La Mafia Sects (The Sect Mafia)
by Burn Fouchereau
The Sects, Powerful Tool of the Secret Services

"In the category, 'Manipulation of mystical groups and
sects', the highest award can be given to the famous
American intelligence agency. . . In May 1980, a group
of bigwigs in the Republican party signed a
confidential document, one destined to guide U.S.
foreign policy, and more specifically, that of the CIA
and of NSA. (2) This document was titled,
'Inter-American Relations, Shield of the New Order and
Sword of the U.S. Ascent to World Power." Although
this document set forth strategic proposals, whose
objectives are made readily clear in the title, it
nevertheless remained secret, and in the intelligence
community was nicknamed, the 'Santa Fé Report.'
Beginning with the Reagan administration, and then
Bush's, and on to the cohabitation of the Republicans
with Bill Clinton, this project became operational and
its application is ongoing. It is really just the
continuation of a political strategy hatched by the
U.S.A. in the 1950s, in turn guided by a document
titled 'The Rockefeller Report.' The latter states:
'In order to win the battle for hegemony (control)
over conscience, it is necessary to begin by exposing
Latin America to the influence of the
fundamental values of the American way of life, doing
so through controlling the traditional apparatus of
socialization of civil society: the Family, the
School, and the Church.'

"The Santa Fe Report went further down this road,
clearly defining that one of the vectors for the
expansion of U.S. power worldwide would be the
activities of the sects. The document concretely
explained how necessary it was for the U.S.A. to take
charge of the initiative of ideological struggle
through religious phenomena, the goal of which was to
win control over conscience. The recent development of
the sects would be one of the elements of this
strategy. On the same subject, the Santa Fe Report
notes the work already done in this area: '. [T]he
experience acquired in Vietnam, thanks to the work
done in population control, was exported to Latin
America, and particularly to Guatemala, by numerous
agents of A.I.D., and of other U.S. services. Certain
sects were created by psychological warfare
and entrusted with control of the political forum and
control of conscience.' ---George Orwell could never
have imagined anything more effective than this!

"In France, the reigning and undisputed specialist on
this subject is Professor Jésus Garcia-Ruiz, of the
Dept. of Ethnology and Anthropology at the University
of Paris.In order to confirm this incredible American
policy of manipulation of the masses of the world, of
which the Latin Americans seem to be the model, he
cites two other sources. First, the Popular
Evangelical Mission of France, which, in a text
titled, La Notion relative aux sects en Amerique
Latine, wrote: 'They [the sects] are all made in the
U.S.A. and are financed from the outside; they are the
vehicles for inculcating an Anglo-Saxon cultural
ideology, leading to adopting an American middle class
model.' The second source is a report by the
Minister of the Interior of Mexico, which explains:
'The sects carry out the most subtle part of the
process of domination and of north-Americanization of
underdeveloped societies, through their religious
preaching, which is set down into the ideological
struggle in the middle of civil society.' It is a
fact that the foremost evangelical and charismatic
sects have played a structural role in the
dictatorships of Latin America. Sects such as The
Church of the Word in Guatemala, or the Divine
Universal Church, in Argentina, are directly linked to
North American structures, such as the 700 Club (the
real 'seminary' for the formation of gurus, directed
by the CIA), P.T.L. Television, founded by Pat
Robertson in Virginia, Billy Graham Evangelist
Association, World Vision International (all part of
the sects' money stream)." 25.


17.    Steve Kangas, "The Origins of the Overclass,"
18.    GroupWatch. Interhemispheric Resource Center,
Gospel Outreach/Verbo Ministries:
19.    Covert Action Information Bulletin, Winter
1983, p. 17. http://www.covertaction.org/
20.    Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Nobility and
Analogous Traditional Elites in the Allocutions of
Pius XII, Hamilton Press, 1993, Foreward by Morton
21.    Plinio Correa de Oliveira, op.cit.,1993, cover.

22.    Miguel Martinez, The Secret Story of a Cult
Apologist: Introvigne, T.F.P. and the US "New Right":
23.    Duncan Green, The Silent Revolution, p. 216,
Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, p. 231, as cited in
"Doesn't Chile prove that the free market
benefits everyone?"
24.    Tom Burghardt, "A Small Circle of Friends:
Larry Pratt, the Council for Inter-American Security
and International Fascist Networks,"
25.    La Mafia Sects (The Sect Mafia): The Sects,
Powerful Tool of the Secret Services, Burn Fouchereau,
translated by Suzanne Rini.

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