-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 05:02:54 +1100
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Everybody's Got Their Own Terrorist

Everybody's Got Their Own Terrorist
by Al Martin
December 7, 2001

According to the Friendly Colonel, one of his friends who retired from the
FBI and became a local police chief has told him that even in the small
city jail he runs they're holding eight suspects under the terrorism act.
They're being kept in a separate wing. It's interesting the way it works.
The federal government picks up the tab. The sheriff told him that the
detainees are not allowed to have any visitors, not even family. They're
not even allowed to call a lawyer or have any contact with a lawyer. They
can't send out mail or receive mail. As a matter of fact, they're not even
allowed to put these guys' names in the computer to say they're holding
them. Their names are kept on a separate hand written piece of paper that
the sheriff has to keep locked up in his safe. These people are being kept
"at the special request" of the Office of Homeland Security.

Some of the "detainees" have been arrested locally by the local nickel and
dime police guys. They keep getting lists of names of people that are
"wanted." The county sheriff's office is large enough so they have the
ability to get "pink" cables from the Department of Justice. In other
words, they keep getting classified cables with seemingly endless lists of
names. He said there are thousands of names.

The sheriff's department isn't obligated to go out and grab them - only if
they notice them in their jurisdiction. Thus far, the only thing that's
paid for is a per diem for keeping these guys -- and that only
circuitously because Washington has to jump through hoops to get them the
money and it has to come under the guise of some sort of special funding
program that doesn't really exist. They're not getting paid anything extra
to go out and look for them, but he has said they have received
notification as late as last week that indicated that as soon as "things
settle down" and certain remaining pieces of legislation are passed and
incorporated into the USA Patriot Act that the locals will be paid to go
out and get the people.

And what nationality are these "detainees"? Perhaps aliens with green
cards, or maybe people who wear turbans? Not at all, the former FBI agent
admitted that where the nervousness is coming from at senior levels in
federal law enforcement is that there are thousands and thousands of
people who are being secretly detained in the United States. There are an
awful lot of names on this list that are not Arabs. There are an awful lot
of names on the list like "Smith" and "Jones" and "Johnson" and "Nelson."
And there's no paper trail. Their names are being kept off computers. Even
their families don't know where they are.

The Bush Administration is jumping the gun because even with the authority
already given them and with the bills already passed to date to augment
that authority, they don't have all the authority necessary to detain
people and to do what they're doing, that is, detaining so many people and
keeping them incommunicado. They're supposed to wait for the remaining
pieces of legislation that are still outstanding to be passed. Then
they'll have the authority to do what they're doing - but for right now,
they don't. And what the FBI is nervous about is that if this gets
dribbled out into the media or gets exposed in a big way, somebody in
Washington is going to duck for cover and it's going to leave a lot of
local guys with a lot of explaining to do. And they're not going to have
any paperwork in their hands to say, "This is what I was told to do."

Other sheriffs have done the same thing. They're getting these
confidential lists of names of people they're supposed to place under
detention. They've been ordered to shred them right after. He knows that
he (and a hell of a lot of other sheriffs in this nation, are beginning to
keep these lists because people are getting concerned about covering their
own ass.

There's a lot of nervousness about who's covering whose ass. As of now,
the Department of Justice is not giving out bounties, just a per diem
comp, just the standard fee which isn't much. They're not paying them
anything extra yet, but they've been told that that's coming, that
supposedly they will be getting paid extra for doing this. One thing that
the feds have to be careful about is that most of the local jails and the
county sheriffs are on a very tight budget.

They have a special wing of the jail they're using at Huntsville. It's a
special wing devoted to this that used to be their "dry-out tank."

The media has circulated rumors before that there are far more people
being detained both domestically and overseas than what the US Government
has admitted, but the information in this column is an exclusive report on
the details.

Like the sheriff said, "How many guys with the last name of Smith and
Jones can have immigration or green card problems?"

Of course, even though he's a former FBI agent, he doesn't exactly know
the intent of holding all these people who most likely don't have anything
to do with terrorism or most likely aren't even connected to it. In other
words, people are being held who couldn't possibly have any connection
with terrorism. He thinks that a lot of the people they're holding are
"potentially vocal people." He didn't go on to explain that. Then he said,
"How do you think the government has gotten away with holding so many
people for so long with names like Smith or Jones, completely
incommunicado, yet nobody is running to the media. Why isn't there
pressure building? Why aren't family members running to the local
newspapers saying what's happened?"

The answer is that the people being held are, in some cases, people who
have worked in very sensitive capacities for the US Government before and
perhaps they know enough that they could be a problem down the line if
they started to talk. By and large, these are people who don't have much
family or may be very disconnected from family life. In other words, they
come from family circumstances where they are used to being missed for
months and sometimes years. That would be a normal course of events for

The FBI is generally familiar with Arabs that the CIA has associated with,
including Arabs in the United States who are considered to be friendly.
What it looks is a massive operation by the CIA to cover its ass, to
distance itself from its own Arab connections. If they're in prison, they
can't talk and say anything if they're held incommunicado.

It's like the sheriff said - if somebody from the Department of Justice or
even the Department of Defense showed up tomorrow with DoD or DoJ
credentials with a writ signed from the judge for the production of these
eight people, I'd have to release them. I'd have no idea where they would
go after that. All I need to see is the little stamp of Office of Homeland
Security and that's it.

The sheriffs, when asked to release the detainees, would not even have the
right to be informed as to the ultimate destination where the people are

The speculation from the FBI old-timers is that there are probably a
variety of reasons why there are so many people being detained, the least
of which is "terrorism." What they suspect is that by the number of Arab
nationals being detained (knowing who these guys are and knowing their
involvement with US intelligence in the past) that the CIA is doing a lot
of housecleaning and covering its own ass.

He said, "How do you define terrorism?" You need new definitions - when
everything is so interconnected.

Terrorists, for example, who went out and killed people or blew up buses
full of kids, and who also had relationships with the CIA - are they then
strictly "terrorists"?

The ambiguity of state-sponsored terrorism, or domestic terrorism, or
international terrorism, then becomes one big muddle.

The FBI is arresting all these Arabs; then the CIA comes and grabs them
and either lets them go or gets them out of the country and the FBI isn't
even told where they've gone. This is why the FBI is nervous - because of
the chaos of the situation. The FBI old timer says, "The CIA grabs people
from us. The Department of Defense grabs guys from us that we're
arresting. The British show up and we find out that this terrorist had
actually been working with MI6. The French DST shows up and says, 'hey
this of one of our terrorists.'"

They're not only protecting their own assets, but they're covering their
own asses. Regarding the processing office at the National Intelligence
Division of the FBI, they had a luncheon for some of the retired guys who
were talking with some of the active duty guys getting close to retirement
and they were laughing at how it looks like a mini-U.N. The British show
up to claim their terrorists. The French show up to claim their
terrorists. And then the CIA comes in to get their terrorists. He says,
pretty soon we got nobody left, who actually is supposed to be a
terrorist. He says I thought we had a war on terrorism and we were
supposed to be declaring war on terrorism. But what a selective war it
seems to be when all the supposed enemy targets and would be terrorists
get whisked away by various intelligence agencies of different countries
trying to cover their political liabilities. Everybody in the world shows
up to claim them. He laughs and says that even the Russians have been

It really makes you wonder, though, how all this is getting financed --
holding all these people in detention. Millions are being spent looking
for all these people that represent a liability to the United States or
one of our allies. Then you look at these appropriation bills getting
jammed through Congress, and Congress is in complete chaos. They're
getting bills passed just about every day. A former Washington insider
says that he doesn't know any member of the House or Senate that has
actually read them.

What is happening apparently is the old Bushonian trick of appropriating
$20 million, $15 million, or $50 million here and there for, in some
cases, little esoteric subdivisions of divisions of departments, some of
which haven't even been in operation in 40 years. That's the best scam -
appropriating money for defunct agencies. There are legions of little
office buildings outside of the crescent of Washington from Silver Springs
over to Fort Mead and down into McLean, Virginia and Reston. There are row
after row of little office buildings, and they're all leased by different
agencies of the government.

There was one that was called something like the Appalachian Relief and
Corn Investigation Bureau that was phased out in 1947 and they still have
an office with a sign on the door. There's nothing in it. It's completely
vacant and there's no furniture in it anymore, but they still rent the
office for like $150 per month.

It reminds me of another story about the way government accounting works.
If the media ever asked any questions, they can always say, "Oh yes we're
aware that that bureau got closed down in 1947, but its functions were
then assumed by Bureau #317-A of the Department of Agriculture." The when
the media goes there and finds out that that was shut down in 1963. Then
they say, "Oh yes, but then their functions were assumed by this other
bureau." And the government can get away with it because a lot of the
appropriations, if they're under $10 million per year for these esoteric
little offices, they just come out as block spending authority, which
isn't specifically listed by bureau because the government claims that the
cost of the paperwork is too high. So the way it works is there are slush
funds within slush funds. But it's a neat trick the way it's done.

Only God knows how much money is sucked out of the federal budget.

Here's another way money is sucked out for purposes other than what the
appropriations have been designated - by using little arcane one man or
two man bureaus, a subdivision of a subdivision of an agency that has long
since been shut down - but continue to get funded.

Congressman Bill Alexander actually stumbled into this little bureau that
was supposed to be part of the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) that was
actually shut down in the 1940s. It supposedly had to do with the
restocking of wildlife and reforestation planning, but it didn't do
anything. It was what they called a "field planning office." He tracked it
down and it ended up that $1.9 million annually still gets appropriated
for it, but it's actually being used to subsidize a variety of exclusive
congressional luxury golf course retreats. Of course, they're not called
that. They're called "congressional study and research retreats."

In other news, it is interesting to report that when the final 50 odd
pieces of legislation related to the USA PATRIOT bill are passed by
Congress, more than likely under administration pressure before the need
of this congressional term, the United States of America will no longer
meet the legal definition of being a "free democratic state" in accordance
with the definition, as put forth by our own Supreme Court.

The old American Republic now falls as Benjamin Franklin predicted it
might -- not with a bang but with a whimper -- of naivete, apathy and
blind "patriotism."

Hail the New Imperial Republic. . .


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