-Caveat Lector-

America, The Apostate
by Al Benson, Jr.

Just recently, I read comments from a former television evangelist stating that he 
felt America was in the midst of the greatest spiritual revival in our lifetime. I 
fairly cringed as I read his comments. My first gut reaction was "You've got to be 
kidding, right?" I wondered briefly if he were living in the same America I was, or if 
there's another one out there somewhere that I'm not aware of. If this man interprets 
scads of people running up Yankee flags and singing God Bless America as revival, then 
I'm afraid he and I are not on the same page. Moreover, if this man's thinking is 
reflective of the church at large, then we have even more troubles than we thought we 

Unless I've missed the boat somewhere, I don't think much has changed spiritually in 
America. People of all religions can get together and sing God Bless America but what, 
[and whose] 'god' are they singing to? Frankly, unless the one true God of the 
universe and His Son, Jesus Christ, are openly acknowledged, all this stuff going on 
now is in vain. As the old Southerners says, "It ain't worth doodly-squat."

Let's face it, in the main, America has a lot of apostate history in her background, 
all manner of things our history books never bother to touch on. Our 'historians' 
never bother to mention most of this, and certainly most preachers don't, because not 
only do they not want to 'offend' anybody today, they just flat-out don't know their 

We've had lots of apostasy in high places in our history. After all, didn't St. 
Hillary [Klinton] claim to converse with Eleanor Roosevelt [about cattle futures, no 
doubt?] Didn't Nancy Reagan consult astrologers? And wasn't Mary Todd Lincoln [and 
possibly her husband] also into 'spiritualism?' And aren't we just awash in Harry 
Potter today as well?

God warned, in Leviticus 19:31, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither 
seek after wizards to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God." And in the same 
book, in chapter 20, verse 6, He continued, in regard to those taking part in such 
practices; "I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among 
the people."

Those who have taken the trouble to study our history realize that this country had, 
by the 1830s and 40s, largely apostacised and rejected the Reformation truths that 
were our solid bedrock foundation. Only in the South were things moving in a positive 
direction [which may give you some indication as to the real reason for the War of 
Northern Aggression.] Mostly apostate Unitarianism had invaded the New England states 
over a generation earlier, and Unitarian thinking had spread to the Mid-Atlantic and 
Mid-Western states. It tried to make some inroads into the South, but was not nearly 
as successful there as in other areas.

Along with Unitarianism came the Radical Abolitionist Movement, the Feminist Movement, 
the Public School Movement, and all manner of similar movements. In 1848, the 
Spiritualist Movement hit the United States - ironically in the same year that 
socialist revolts in Europe eventually provided Mr. Lincoln with so many 
major-generals for the Union Army.

The Unitarians, have rejected Scriptural truth and being apostate, were not exempt 
from the effects of spiritualism. One Unitarian minister, Harvard-trained Herman Snow, 
published a volume on 'Spirit-intercourse.' He pastored a Unitarian congregation that 
was aware of his spiritualist leanings, but kept him on anyway. Abolitionist Theodore 
Parker's Unitarian congregation included a practicing medium amongst its choir members.

According to the book Radical Spirits by Ann Braude [Beacon Press, Boston] the 
spiritualists were completely individualistic [or more properly, completely 
antinomian--against God's law.] Braude states: "The emphatic individualism that placed 
spiritualists in opposition to established religion had social and political 
implications as well. Dependent for spiritual knowledge on the unhindered autonomy of 
female mediums, believers vigorously applied the principle of individualism to the 
role of women. As a result, they became ardent advocates of woman's rights." Braude 
further states: "From this time on, spiritualism and women's rights intertwined 
repeatedly as both became movements that challenged the existing norms of American 
life." Braude also observed that the Radical Abolitionists found, in spiritualism, a 
religion in harmony with their individualistic principles.

There is much more that could be dealt with here, but space does not permit. Possibly 
another article in the future will suffice. The whole point here is that, America, 
since the late 1700s, has had a history of gradually growing apostasy, and this 
apostasy is responsible for many of our national problems. Contrary to what some 
televangelists and other na&umli;ve preachers may say, claim, or even wish for, I see 
no signs of true spiritual revival in America. In fact, [and I would dearly love to be 
wrong here] I see some kind of dark age descending upon America before things turn 
around. This country rejected the Christ of the Bible and the clear teachings of 
Scripture, and it was started long before any of us living today were even alive - and 
the downward direction has not changed. We are awash in multiculturalism, 'diversity,' 
and a whole bunch of other anti-Christian '-isms' with no sign of a change in sight. 
Maybe the church and some of these preachers had better wake up and s
mell the coffee! National repentance is our only hope and, in the main, the churches 
don't seem to be bothered dealing with that. Until they do, no real improvement will 
be forthcoming.

Copyright ©, Al Benson Jr.
P.O. Box 1883
Arlington Heights, IL 60006

Al Benson, Jr. is also the Editor of the Copperhead Chronicle, and can be reached at 
-end article-
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as I'm the dictator."
- George W. Bush, the man who has out-Clintoned Clinton.

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