-Caveat Lector-


Reports: Man Killed in Fall From Plane Was Special Forces Veteran
The Associated Press
Published: Jan 10, 2002

LONDON (AP) - The British man who tumbled thousands of feet to his
death from a small airplane was a special forces veteran who had
written a book about his military experiences and subsequent
emotional problems, published reports said Thursday.
Newspapers identified the man as Charles Bruce, who served in the
Falklands conflict. He wrote a memoir, "Freefall," under the
pseudonym Tom Read, in which he described suffering from
post-traumatic stress disorder, The Times reported.

The paper said he was an aviation expert and former paratrooper.

Police, who did not release the victim's name, said a man had
tumbled without a parachute from a Cessna flying over the
countryside of southern England on Tuesday.

The victim was a passenger in the privately owned plane, which was
piloted by a woman who landed the aircraft safely, police said. The
man's body was found in a soccer field in Oxfordshire, about 55
miles west of London and a few hundred yards from a row of houses.

The two were returning from a trip to Spain, and had stopped in La
Rochelle, France, to refuel en route to their intended destination
of Hinton-in-the-Hedges, about 45 miles northwest of London.

The Times quoted Bruce's mother, Penelope Bruce, as saying, "I have
no idea why he leapt from the Cessna. He was not depressed as far
as I know. It is all a complete mystery. Charles was a great
fellow. We are so proud of our son."

Shortly before the incident, which occurred at about 3 p.m., the
pilot had asked for permission to divert from her route because
there was ice on the plane's wings, the Civil Aviation Authority

Permission was given for the plane to land at a Royal Air Force
base, the authority said.

But about 12 miles from the destination, while the airplane was at
an altitude of 5,000 feet, the pilot reported "the passenger opened
the door and jumped out," a spokesman for the aviation authority
said on condition of anonymity.

Air traffic controllers who first contacted police said "a
passenger left an aircraft without a parachute," said
Superintendent Liam Macdougall, of Thames Valley Police.

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