-Caveat Lector-

When did Lyndon Larouche first start shouting, "The Sky is falling" ie "A
Financial Blowout is imminent"? Twenty years ago? Sooner or later it will
happen, then all the little Larouche groupies will chant in unison:

"Lyndon Larouche was right!"


On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, William Shannon wrote:

> <A 

This statement appears in the <A 
HREF="http://www.larouchepub.com/eirtoc/2002/eirtoc_2901.html";>January 11, 2002 
issue</A> of Executive
Intelligence Review.

Argentina Crisis Shows
Global System Is Disintegrating

by Marivilia Carrasco, President of MSIA in Mexico

This statement on the Argentina crisis as the sign of a blowout of the global
financial system underway, was issued Jan 2, 2002 by the Ibero-American
Solidarity Movement (MSIA), co-thinkers of Lyndon LaRouche in Ibero-America.

> "A people cannot die to pay the debt."
>      —Msgr. Eduardo Mirás, Archbishop of
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rosario, Argentina, Nov. 17, 2001

As the dramatic economic and political crisis exploded in Argentina in the
final days of 2001, toppling a series of governments in succession, one
stunned political leader after another across Ibero-America—from Mexico's
Vicente Fox to Brazil's Fernando Henrique Cardoso—rushed to assure the world:
"We are not Argentina. We will continue to apply the International Monetary
Fund's austerity policies and pay our debt unquestioningly. It won't happen

What pathetic fools! The explosion of the debt bomb in Argentina is barely
the beginning of what will soon sweep the continent and the world. It is a
symptom—and a small one, at that—of the thunderous collapse of the entire
global financial system, exactly as U.S. economis and 2004 presidential
pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche has been warning for years would occur.

We are at the end of the system. The 400 trillion dollar speculative bubble
is disintegrating, and the IMF's policies will not work to restabilize the
situation. Governments that capitulate to them will only produce more misery
and death, and then go the way of De la Rua in Argentina.

It's time to build an alternative.

The week-long Rodríguez Saá government in Argentina took steps in the right
direction—such as declaring a foreign debt moratorium—but foundered on the
crucial issue of how to create national credit to reactivate the domestic
economy, and was then toppled by terrified Wall Street and City of London
financial interests, operating through their local errand boys.

It is urgent that these lessons be learned fast, by Argentina and every
nation in Ibero-America—lessons which LaRouche has been explaining for years.

The stark reality is that the entire global financial system is hopelessly
bankrupt. Just look at Japan, where over a decade of hyperinflationary yen
emission has created a speculative bubble that dwarfs Argentina's $220
billion in real foreign debt, by an order of magnitude or more. As a result,
the Japanese banking system is bankrupt: it is swimming in a sea of
non-performing loans which can no longer be covered up by financial wizardry.
A number of major Japanese banks are teetering at the edge of insolvency.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi took advantage of a one-week banking holiday
at the end of 2001, to convoke an extraordinary meeting of Japan's financial
and political leaders to try to patch together emergency measures. After
meeting with Koizumi, Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Taku
Yamasaki told the press, unconvincingly: "We will take every possible measure
to prevent a run on the banks from ever happening. We will not let the people

But the Japan crisis is actually a U.S. dollar crisis. The Japanese yen has
been the major firewall for the dollar on world financial markets: when it
disintegrates, the dollar will quickly follow. The $140 trillion Wall Street
speculative bubble of U.S. debt and derivatives is balanced on top of a
shrinking base of the U.S. productive economy, and could be toppled by a
strong wind, or less. The 65% plunge of the Nasdaq stock index over the last
18 months is only the beginning. As of September 2001, U.S. industrial ouptut
had declined by 5.8%, compared to a year earlier, and its manufacturing
sub-sector fell even more rapidly, by 6.7%.

Look at Poland, look at Turkey—each is harboring a debt bomb at least as
explosive as the one which just detonated in Argentina. Or look at Mexico,
which is poised to undergo an Argentine-style economic and social explosion,
probably in the first half of 2002—right on the U.S.'s southern border.

A Tidal Wave in Mexico

Like Argentina before it, Mexico is about to be overtaken by a "scissors
crisis" of simultaneous hyperinflationary financial and hyperdeflationary
physical economic processes. In Argentina, the scissors took the form of the
demented "zero deficit budget" implemented by Finance Minister Domingo
Cavallo, at IMF insistence.

The concept is simple ... and thoroughly incompetent. First, interest
payments on the public debt are pronounced sacrosanct, and will always be
paid, regardless of the consequences. Second, the government will only spend
what it has left over from collecting taxes and other revenue, after
subtracting out its debt payments. In other words, the government will not
run a deficit and borrow money to cover that deficit: it's deficit must equal
zero at all times.

But what happens if interest payments keep rising, and tax revenues keep
dropping, as has been occurring in Argentina? For example, interest payments
rose from 11% of the total budget in 1998, to 15% in 2000, and to 18% in
2001, while the tax base simultaneously contracted. In December of 2001, tax
revenues plummeted at a shocking annual rate of -33%. The parasite is rapidly
growing bigger than the host.

In this fashion, a hyperinflationary debt payment process was unleashed in
Argentina, along with a hyperdeflationary process of contraction of the real
physical economy. The results are visible: Argentina's work force is
unemployed; its pensioners go hungry; its tax base has collapsed; its banking
system has ground to a halt; and political chaos is the word of the day.
Rosario Archbishop Msgr. Eduardo Mirás recently warned that "A people cannot
die to pay the debt." But that is exactly what Argentina's creditors have
demanded; and it is exactly what the last few governments have tried to do.

On its current trajectory, Mexico will face a similar explosion before the
middle of 2002. The government of Vicente Fox has adopted a Mexican version
of the same "zero deficit" lunacy: they have promised their international
creditors that they will pay their debt service faithfully, and that they
will not run a government budget deficit greater than 0.65% of Gross National
Product. Interest payments on the public debt will be about $21 billion in
the 2002 budget—15% of total expenditures, the same proportion Argentina had
in 2000.

At the point that the financial oligarchy gives the signal, international
credit rating agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's will do to Mexico
what they did to Argentina: unilaterally jack up their "country risk"
premium, thereby raising interest costs by up to 100%.

The Mexican government's tax revenues have already begun to drop: in 2001
they fell by 3% on the value-added tax, by 6% from state-owned companies, and
by a whopping 28% from imported goods. Mexico's Finance Minister, the
University of Chicago-trained Francisco Gil DĂ­az, just like his Harvard
colleague Domingo Cavallo of Argentina, has directly translated these revenue
drops into $1.4 billion in cuts in government expenditures.

What is coming in Mexico is a tidal wave that will make Argentina pale in
comparison, a tidal wave which is currently being generated by the earthquake
shaking the U.S. economy.

Over the past two decades, Mexico developed an unhealthy dependence on the
U.S. economy, and on its consumer credit bubble in particular. Mexico today
ships 90% of its total exports to the United States, and about half of these
come from the "maquiladora" sweat shops along the border with the U.S. Over
the course of 2001, the U.S. "importer of last resort" has begun to shut
down, with devastating consequences for Mexico. Employment in the
maquiladoras, for example, which had risen every year for the last two
decades—even when manufacturing employment was shrinking in the rest of the
Mexican economy—in 2001 fell by about 13%, down from 1.5 million to 1.3
million workers. These 200,000 newly unemployed joined the approximately
850,000 other newly unemployed in Mexico this year.

But that is only the beginning. Mexico's major export to the U.S. is not a
product: it is its own labor force. Today, some 8 or 9 million Mexicans live
and work in the U.S.—which amounts to more than 12% of its labor force. As
the U.S. "importer of last resort" shuts down, large numbers of these
(documented and undocumented) Mexican workers are being driven out of the
U.S. and back to Mexico, swelling the ranks of the unemployed even more. This
will also lead to a plunge in the $8 billion in remittances these workers
send back to Mexico each year.

In short, we are about to witness a dramatic shift of the Mexican labor force
out of the formal economy, and into the informal and unemployed economy, as
millions desperately try to scratch out their survival. This will lead to an
accelerating drop in Mexico's tax base, and in the government's tax revenues.

If the Fox administration remains wedded to the IMF's "zero deficit" mantra
under these conditions, then Mexico will undergo a free fall of its economy
that will be deeper, and more sudden, than what the world is today witnessing
in Argentina.

But Mexico is only one example, among many. Look at your own nation, or your
neighbor's. The fact is, we are all Argentina—because of the global financial

LaRouche Explains How to Create Credit

The week-long presidency of Adolfo Rodríguez Saá was beginning to move
Argentina in the right direction, before he was driven out of office by
London and Wall Street.

He announced a unilateral moratorium on the foreign debt, and called for a
full investigation of the legitimacy of the debt nominally still owed.

He developed his own version of a "zero-deficit budget," under which
necessary social expenditures would be fully maintained, but debt service
would be sharply curtailed in order to balance the budget. Debt payments were
to be slashed by more than two thirds, from $12 billion in 2001 to $3.5
billion in 2002.

And he announced the creation of a new currency, the argentino, to help lift
the country out of depression, including by creating 1 million new jobs.

All of that is good, but not sufficient—for Argentina, and for every nation
across Ibero-America. As Lyndon LaRouche explained in a December 21
statement, additional urgent measures include the creation of a sovereign,
national currency, which would be decoupled from international currencies
such as the dollar. And Argentina has to use the double-edged sword of its
large foreign debt, to help bring about the bankruptcy reorganization of the
global financial system.

As far back as his 1982 report, Operation Juárez, LaRouche has repeatedly
explained that national economic development requires a sovereign currency,
which must be made inconvertible with international currencies and protected
with full exchange controls and capital controls. Credit emission in the new
currency can be quite large, so long as it is restricted to financing domestic
 production, by activating what would otherwise be idle domestic labor and
capital resources.

The new currency cannot be placed on the international markets, which in any
event are in their death throes—i.e., it must remain totally inconvertible.
Nor is there any need to go to the international speculative markets to
obtain credit—nor to their domestic branches, for that matter. Any sovereign
nation-state can simply issue such credit as it requires, through a national
bank created for that purpose.

This approach was fully explained in the late 18th century by Alexander
Hamilton, the first Treasury Secretary of the United States. And this
American System of economy was proven right in practice by the subsequent
industrial development of the United States, and of all other countries that
have adopted it, including the creation of the German customs union and of
Japan's Meiji Restoration, during the 19th century.

Argentina—and every nation of Ibero-America—can and must reorganize its
domestic banking and monetary structure along these Hamiltonian lines. In
fact, it is the only way to deal with the total bankruptcy of every national
banking system, while preserving their essential functions in serving
people's needs. Paper and banks may come and go, but people come first and
have to be protected.

International credit is also needed—not from the dying IMF system, but from a
new world monetary order. LaRouche has called for the creation of a New
Bretton Woods system to replace the IMF, based on agreements reached among
principal sovereign nations, and whose mission would be to issue long term
development credits for the financing of major global infrastructure
development programs, such as the Eurasian Land-Bridge. LaRouche has recently
been engaged in intensive personal diplomacy—in Russia, India, Italy, and
elsewhere—to bring this project into existence in the immediate future.

Argentina and the rest of Ibero-America, if we are to survive, must join in
this effort. Argentina should build an alliance first and foremost with
Brazil, and from there help organize Ibero-American integration region-wide,
to join in this global effort. The IMF system is dead; we cannot allow our
nations to be buried with it. The moment of truth has arrived.

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