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Saturday, January 19, 2002

Was FBI early arrival
in Oklahoma City?
Hotel receipt shows top terror man showed up 9 hours before blast

By Jon Dougherty

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The FBI's top counterterrorism agent checked into an Oklahoma City hotel nearly nine 
hours before a truck bomb nearly leveled the Alfred P. Murrah Building, according to a 
receipt obtained by WorldNetDaily, despite claims
 that he was in Texas the morning of the attack.

The Embassy Suites Hotel receipt of Danny Coulson, then-director of the FBI's 
Terrorist Task Force and founding commander of the bureau's Hostage Rescue Team was 
dated April 19, 1995, with a check-in time of "00:20" – mil
itary time for 12:20 a.m. (Editor's note: His last name is spelled "Coulsen" on the 
receipt, but it indicates he is with the "FBI," located at "50 Penn Place, Suite 1600; 
OKC, OK.")

The truck bomb exploded at 9:03 a.m., devastating half the building and killing 168 
men, women and children.

According to the receipt, Coulson checked out of his hotel – room 406 – April 27 at 
11:16 a.m.

The existence of the receipt and subsequent questions it raises surrounding the FBI's 
official denial of prior knowledge of the OKC bombing was first reported by J.D. Cash 
of the McCurtain (Oklahoma) Daily Gazette – a sma
ll-town paper that has been out in front of scores of OKC-related stories.

"Since the bombing, officials at the Department of Justice have repeatedly assured 
victims that the FBI had no prior knowledge of any plot to bomb the Murrah federal 
building," the paper said Wednesday. However, "evidence
 of Coulson's clandestine trip fits squarely with a substantial body of details found 
in hundreds of pages of other official documents obtained [via Freedom of Information 
Act requests] by" the paper – "evidence revealing
 weeks of planning by an elite corps of drug and counterterrorism experts who were 
closely monitoring members of various far-right groups they considered religious 
extremists and threats to the safety and security of the

WorldNetDaily reported June 1 that Ricardo "Rick" J. W. Ojeda, a former FBI special 
agent involved in the original Oklahoma City bombing investigation, was given details 
of a relationship between convicted bomber Timothy
McVeigh and members of a white supremacist group that may have helped McVeigh carry 
out the attack.

McVeigh was put to death 10 days later. His accomplice, Terry Nichols, is facing state 
charges in Oklahoma for his role in the bombing after having been convicted in 1997 on 
federal charges.

In his 1999 book, "No Heroes: Inside the FBI's Secret Counter-Terror Force," authored 
with Time magazine's Elaine Shannon, Coulson said he was in Dallas the morning of the 
Murrah attack. He said he and his wife were house
-hunting and staying with friends:

We were finishing up breakfast with some old friends in Fort Worth when we heard the 
first news bulletin, something about a big explosion up in Oklahoma. ... My pager went 
off, displaying a number I knew by heart. "It's t
he SIOC," I said. The Strategic Information and Operations Center at the Hoover 
Building in Washington. John O'Neil, the headquarters official in charge of domestic 
terrorism investigations, answered. His voice was flat.
"I guess you heard a bomb went off in Oklahoma City. 9:02 a.m." "Yes, it's all over 
the news." "A lot of people have been killed and injured. We don't know what we have. 
Ricks needs help. Can you catch the next flight?" "
We're right in the middle of thunderstorms," I said. "Nobody in Texas is getting on a 
plane. I'll drive. ..."

But according to the Gazette's investigation – aided by the discovery of the hotel 
receipt – Coulson was apparently already in OKC, "tied to an FBI investigation that 
... was part of a highly sensitive operation that few
outside the criminal division of the FBI knew existed until long after it was 

That operation, allegedly begun by then-Attorney General Janet Reno in August 1994, 
was dubbed VAAPCON, assigned the number MC-111 (Major Case 111) and was aimed at 
investigating "the so-called religious right in America
and possible ties to violent acts," the paper said.

Cash said he was unclear what VAAPCON meant, but he believes it has something to do 
with a Reno initiative to investigate violence against abortion providers.

The paper also noted that Coulson referred to MC-111 as his initial reason for going 
to Oklahoma City, using the case number in a May 16, 1995, report filed he filed with 
the bureau.

Others have also tied McVeigh and Nichols to white supremacist groups. WND reported 
June 27 that Indiana State University criminologist Mark Hamm, in a book published 
last fall, named former Aryan Republican Army member M
ark Thomas, originally of Pennsylvania, and other members of his group as alleged 

Based on court records and other evidence, WND also reported similar connections May 

Others, however, have said they believe McVeigh and Nichols were tied to Middle 
Eastern terrorists.

Jayna Davis, a former investigative reporter for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City 
told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly May 14 that she had gathered massive evidence 
pointing to a conspiracy between McVeigh, Terry Nicho
ls and Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization.

Davis said last year that she took her evidence – including hundreds of court records, 
24 sworn witness affidavits and reports from law enforcement, intelligence and terror 
experts – to the FBI, which refused to accept th
e material or the leads.

Some details may never be revealed. For example, travel records and vouchers for 
Coulson and fellow FBI agent Larry Potts, also assigned to investigate the OKC 
bombing, were listed as "missing," according to documents exa
mined by WND. One for Coulson, in the amount of $1,313.80, was dated the day of the 
explosion – "4-19-95."

"After this many years, the National Archives regularly disposes of these kind of 
records," FBI spokeswoman Barbara Miller told the Gazette.

Coulson could not be contacted for comment.

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Click here for WorldNetDaily's complete coverage of the OKC bombing.

Jon E. Dougherty is a staff reporter and columnist for WorldNetDaily,
and author of the special report, "Election 2000: How the Military
Vote Was Suppressed."
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