-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, inri wrote:

> > > Correction-that's "how could ANY follower of Christ not be
> > > antisemite?"
> christ was semitic.
> how do you reconcile this?

I know what you are saying but that is not how the "Real Semites" like J2
define the word. To them, even that Palestinian Imam with the shnozola
which would be the envy of Klinger on "Mash" is an antisemite. Thus
these "Real Semites" have coined the word to mean, "Those who are against
us". What means "us"? "Us" means the Cult of Herod. Herod built Masada
into a magnificent and powerful palatial centre and a last fortified
retreat in case of all-out attack. That is exactly how his Edomite Nation
used it when the Romans invaded. Much earlier the Romans had forced a
merger of the Israelites and Edomites. Today the Edomite Army of Israel
takes its oath of office at Masada under the new Herod, Sharon. The Real
Israelites of 2,000 years ago took on the name "Christians" even though at
first there were those like Saul/Paul who retained the identity as Jews
and Israelites (in Paul's case the Tribe of Benjamin). Since Vatican has
rejected Christ as the foundation of its faith, they have decreed that
"antisemitism" is a grave sin. All it means is standing up for the True
Israelite faith which is what Christ carried forward (eg in saying "I came
only to find the lost sheep of Israel") and being "anti-" those who are
against Christ and His teachings as are the people of the Cult of Herod.
I can hear J2 gnashing his teeth all the way from here. The saga of bile
and bullshit continues.

(Learned Elder of Zion)

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