-Caveat Lector-

State of the Union Rough Draft
David Turnley, AlterNet
January 30, 2002
State of the Union Rough Draft
David Turnley, AlterNet
January 30, 2002

An audiotape of President Bush practicing Tuesday night's State of the
Union speech was anonymously messengered to me just hours ago. While it
is an obvious early draft, it appears to have been written -- or even
improvised -- by the president himself. Here is a transcript of the

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President (wherever you may be), members of the
107th Congress, distinguished guests, Fluffy, Kenny Boy, my fallow

I'm real sleepy, so I'll keep this short. My mother always told me to
chew my pretzel before I swallow.

(Bush imitates raucous group laughter, complete with echo-chamber

Okay, okay, calm down. It wasn't that funny!

I stand here before you as a proud American, a proud president, a proud
father, a proud uncle. In the past few months we have seen what makes
this great country so great. We have stood up to fear and said, buy more

We have stood up to evildoers and said, If you don't stop trying to kill
us we are going to stop sending you weapons!

We have stood up to corporate criminals and said, Next time, don't get

(President imitates a standing ovation)

Shut up, you powerless little weasels.

I'm kidding.

No I'm not.

Yes I am!

As America returns to its routine and the wake of horror ebbs, we all
carry painful memories with us. But some have endured more pain than
others. Although the great tragedy has touched us all, people like Linda
Lay -- who is here with us tonight -- have been made to suffer the most.

Don't cry, Linda. America will wipe your tears.

Linda's husband Ken embodies what it means to be an American. Ken was
one of the heroic figures that led the charge out just as everything
around him was collapsing.

Although he could not save everyone -- in fact, he was only able to help
his closest friends and associates -- he nonetheless personifies my own
definition of patriotism.

(18 minutes of snoring ensue.)

On a closing note, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my
administration. Donald Rumsfeld, thanks for being such a charming
******. Condi Rice, thanks for being a black woman. Colin Powell, thanks
for being a black man and for finally learning to keep your opinions to
yourself when they don't coincide with what everyone else thinks.

And a special thanks to Vice President Cheney. I miss you, Mr. Vice
President. I implore you to come out of hiding. I saw you on TV last
weekend. I worry that those extra pounds you have put on in the dark
caves of Virginia will weigh heavy on your heart. Please take care. You
are making this great country nervous. You are making me nervous.

I'm feeling woozy, Mr. Vice President.

(Sound of presidential head hitting presidential floor.)

(End of tape.)

David Turnley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes satires for

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