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Today's News and Commentary from Friends of Liberty 020402

February 4, 2002 - by Carl Worden
When I wrote "The Mother of All Recessions", published in the Vigo Examiner
one year ago this month, the writing was all over the wall for those with
eyes to see it. One year later, job losses have continued to climb. Huge
corporate Titanics like Enron have gone down with almost all hands aboard,
and more are certain to follow. Our federal government refused to
acknowledge the coming recession, and only a few months ago admitted the
recession I warned you all about had commenced in March 2001, one month
after I sent out that warning. Read it

The Bush Crusade Against Terrorism
February 4, 2002 - by Sartre
Our holy father, President George W. Bush has embarked on a quest that will
muster the faithful of righteousness against the forces of darkness. Or so
we are led to believe. Where have we heard such appeals to fight a bitter
war to make the world safe for Democracy. This time the only resemblance to
democratic self determination is a required acceptance of the New World
Order. Read it

Alex Gimarc's Interesting Items
February 4, 2002 - by Alex Gimarc
1. Global Crossing
2. Dodd
3. Axis of Evil
4. State of the Union
5. Young
6. 401K Rules

February 4 , 2002 - by Kathleen P. Jachowski
I knew it! I knew it was just a matter of time before two of the great
guiding words of public discourse would be changed. The particular words I'm
referring to are 'consensus and heritage'. In case you had not noticed,
these are 'out of fashion', having been replaced by 'collaboration and
legacy'. Read it

Evolutionary Theology
Neither Heresy Nor Theresy
February 4, 2001 - by Fred Reed
I recently wrote a column in which I referred to the theory of evolution as
a religion, and received indignant inquiries as to what I meant. This is
what I meant:Read it

A Decade Of Hype...
February 4, 2002 - by Charles Shiflett
We've all been exposed numerous times to the story of the tortoise and the
hare. Many of you also know the biblical parable of building one's house on
sand versus building on rock. In many ways these stories remind me of our
recently finished decade of the 90's. Let's review the many achievements of
that era and see how well they have stood the test of time. Read it

In Defense of John Walker's Parents
February 4, 2002 - by Glenn J. Sacks
Many Americans seem to want to put Marilyn Walker and Frank Lindh on trial
along with their son John. However, America could learn more from what John
Walker's parents have done right than by what they did wrong. Read it

THE PARANORMAL weird events in a weird world
February 4, 2002 - by Dorothy Anne Seese
These are the events that do not make the nightly news. They aren't
mentioned on radio newsbreaks on the hour at our radio stations, nor are
they discussed on daytime talk radio. As far as television, these are the
things not explored by news, but confined to science fiction ... that way,
the viewing audience can turn off the set after the program and forget about
them. Read it  http://www.friendsofliberty.com/dorothyseese/2002/020402.htm

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