-Caveat Lector-


>From muckraker to buckraker
Enron payments to top journalists is nothing new
By Richard Blow / TomPaine.com

02.04.02 | Fifteen years ago, when I was a lowly intern at The New
Republic, editor Michael Kinsley used to vehemently decry the
increasing tendency of Washington journalists to seek income from
places other than their primary employers. Specifically, Kinsley was
appalled by the fact that every so often, New Republic writers Fred
Barnes and Mort Kondracke would rush out of the office to chat away
on "The McLaughlin Group."

So Kinsley taped a large gold bell to a shelf prominently positioned
outside his office and wrote “Buckraking Bell” on a sign next to it.
Every time Barnes or Kondracke rushed off to a TV studio, someone was
supposed to ring the bell. The problem, Kinsley rightly argued, was
that television degraded the quality of their work. Could you trust
what Barnes wrote in the magazine if you saw him screaming like a
crazy man in a shout-‘em-up with John McLaughlin?

These days, Kinsley’s bell would be ringing like a fire alarm. More and more print 
journalists are earning their keep from activities that subvert the integrity of their 
writing. But now, the scale is different. At the ti
me, panelists on "The McLaughlin Group" were paid a few hundred bucks a show. Now 
writers receive tens of thousands of dollars to appear on television, give speeches -- 
and, apparently, influence-peddle for massive corpor

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan and his website, AndrewSullivan.com, we now know that the 
Enron Corporation paid at least four journalists to serve on some sort of advisory 
panel which, even the journalists admit, seemed to hav
e no tangible function. (Full disclosure: Though we usually disagree about politics, 
Sullivan is a friend.)

For the past two weeks, Sullivan has been crusading against Paul Krugman of The New 
York Times, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol, National Review Online columnist 
Lawrence Kudlow, and Sunday Times of London columnist Ir
win Stelzer. Krugman, Kudlow, and Stelzer received $50,000 from Enron; Kristol, 
$100,000. Also roped in was Peggy Noonan, who was hired by Enron to write speeches 
before she became a columnist.

Noonan’s speechwriting doesn’t strike me as objectionable. (More full disclosure: 
Noonan and I employ the same literary agent.) But the other four journalists are in a 
jam. They accepted a lot of money in return for -- wh
at? Access? Positive coverage? Advice? It isn’t clear. And their disclosure of their 
Enron cash was either incomplete or nonexistent.

Of the four, only Krugman preemptively disclosed that he had been on Enron’s payroll, 
and he carefully avoided mentioning the amount involved, because like it or not, 
taking fifty grand from a company seems a lot more pro
blematic than receiving a $250 honorarium. Meanwhile, all four men were either writing 
about Enron or editing magazines that were.

Sullivan’s buckraking muckraking has caused journalists to start sinking their fangs 
into each other, arguing over who should disclose what and when, and whether 
conservatives or liberals are more at fault. It’s an unattr
active sight, like watching a fender bender turn into a forty-car crash. But the 
argument over who’s to blame misses the larger point that Sullivan is rightly making: 
Journalists shouldn’t accept money from outside source
s. Period.

Now, such purity will never happen, simply because many journalists long to live as 
well as the people they cover in higher-paying professions such as business, law, and 
even politics. It’s hard to earn $50,000 a year and
 cover sleazy lobbyists and political consultants who are pulling down $500,000.

The culture of corruption is seductive -- especially in Washington, where journalists 
in recent years have only gotten cozier and cozier with public officials. Remember 
when NPR’s legal correspondent Nina Totenberg had Su
preme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg officiate at her wedding? Talk about a 
conflict of interest.

If journalists want to retain any more credibility than politicians, they should spurn 
all monies for anything not directly associated with journalism. If they do take 
outside income, they should disclose it -- before the
y’re writing about any related subject. It’s not hard to do. The Web would be an easy 
avenue of disclosure. Or some neutral body, like the Columbia Journalism School, could 
collect the information.

Journalism is a great profession. You get to do work that you love, and, much of the 
time, you get to make a decent living. But it’s never going to be the financial 
equivalent of investment banking. Journalists who try to
 make it that way might want to consider another career.

Richard Blow is a journalist living in New York. His book, American
Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, Jr., will be published in May by
Henry Holt.

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