-Caveat Lector-

Wow now if we keep an open border with Mexico we may get Communist Cubans
coming up our country!  --  Bill
Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Mexico Seeks Better Cuba Relations
  Cuba's Foreign Minister Roque Talks About Visit From Vicente Fox (AP)

By ANITA SNOW, Associated Press Writer

HAVANA (AP) - Mexican President Vicente Fox (news - web sites) met briefly
with Cuban dissidents before wrapping up his first official visit Monday, a
day after his administration assured the communist government it would not
support a U.N. vote to condemn Cuba on human rights.

The 20-minute encounter inside the Mexican Embassy took place before a
breakfast with Fox and members of the Mexican community in Cuba. The small
group of well-known opponents of Fidel Castro (news - web sites)'s government
included human rights activist Elizardo Sanchez and journalist Raul Rivero.

``I hope that the fact that President Fox met with us signifies very clearly
an acknowledgment of our struggle,'' said Sanchez of the non-governmental
Cuban Commission for Human Rights and Reconciliation.

Oswaldo Paya of Cuba's Christian Liberation Movement said the meeting was
significant because Fox symbolizes ``democratic renovation in Mexico.'' Fox's
victory in 2000 was hailed as a democratic advance, marking an end to the
71-year rule of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party.

The Mexican president and members of his government traveled to Cuba to
strengthen ties with Castro's administration and to jump-start trade between
the two nations.

There was no immediate response from the Cuban government about the
gathering. But Castro, who accompanied Fox during his tours in and around
Havana on Sunday, was pointedly absent at the airport when the Mexican
president arrived for his flight back home. Instead, Foreign Minister Felipe
Perez Roque was on hand for the departure.

The Cuban president was not scheduled to see Fox off, but he frequently
escorts important visitors to the airport, especially when his meetings with
them have been friendly.

In the past, Cuba has been irritated when high-profile visitors have met with
people it characterizes as ``counterrevolutionaries.'' But it also resents
being named in the annual U.N. Human Rights Commission vote in Geneva and
regularly accuses countries that join the vote of being manipulated by the
United States.

Perez Roque last year accused Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda of
trying to get Mexico delegates to join the U.N. condemnation.

But after the two met Sunday, Castaneda said it was likely Mexico would
abstain during the vote in April, as it did last year.

``The government of President Fox will not sponsor, nor co-sponsor, nor
present any proposed resolution on the theme of Cuba or vote on the projects
that others present,'' Castaneda said.

That announcement restored some of Cuba's confidence in its relationship with

``President Fox's visit is a message of independent will,'' Perez Roque said
Sunday. ``Not the entire world dares to come and resist the pressures of the
United States.''

With cries of ``Viva Fidel!'' and ``Viva Fox!'' shouted from balconies above,
Castro escorted Fox along Old Havana's cobblestone streets Sunday.

Castro said the visit was going ``well, very well'' as he accompanied Fox and
his wife, Martha Sahagun, past centuries-old buildings.

Earlier, Fox and Castro met privately and shared lunch at the Palace of the
Revolution. Fox said relations between the two countries ``are warming up''
and ``growing deeper.''

``A century of diplomatic relations symbolized the strong ties of fraternity
that unite the people of Cuba and Mexico,'' Fox said during a speech in Old
Havana honoring the city historian with Mexico's highest honor for a
foreigner, the Aztec Eagle.

``The relationship between the two governments - tight, solid - has overcome
the most difficult historic trials, thanks to the heartfelt friendship
professed by our societies.''

Cuba long has counted on its friendship with Mexico, the only Latin American
country that ignored U.S. pressure to break diplomatic ties after Castro's
1959 revolution.

Today, Mexico ranks 10th among Cuba's foreign partners in combined trade and
sixth in foreign investment.

The last time a Mexican president visited Cuba was in 1999, when Ernesto
Zedillo publicly aired his concerns about Cuba's human rights record at a
regional summit meeting.

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