-Caveat Lector-

Earth Liberation Front and Arsonist “Support
Committees” Funded By PETA

Washington, DC – In the wake of this week’s
congressional hearings on eco-terrorism, new evidence
shows a close relationship between the animal rights
group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
(PETA) and the violent Earth Liberation Front (ELF).
The FBI has labeled ELF as “the largest and most
active U.S.-based terrorist group.”

Richard Berman, Executive Director for the Center for
Consumer Freedom, said the financial links between
PETA and ELF are very disturbing.  “An investigation
of IRS documents shows that over the past 6 years PETA
has given significant money to the legal support funds
of criminals with close affiliations to both ELF and
Animal Liberation Front (ALF),” Berman said.  “More
shocking is our most recent discovery of a direct
donation to Earth Liberation Front from PETA in April

PETA’s 1995–2000 IRS tax filings show the following:

•       In FY2000, PETA gave a direct contribution of $1500
to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) to “support their
program activities.”

•       In FY2000, PETA gave $5000 to the “Josh Harper
Support Committee.”  Josh Harper is an ALF-affiliated
criminal arrested numerous times and convicted for
assaulting a police officer.  In 1998, Harper told
Eugene Weekly newspaper “we’re going to continue to be
confrontational, we’re going to continue to be
militant.  If people see that as extreme, then so be

•       In FY1999, PETA gave $2,000 to David Wilson, a
Utah-based animal-rights extremist who was then a
national "spokesperson" for the ALF. In March of that
year, Wilson bragged to Mother Jones magazine: "We
started with animal rights, but we've expanded to
wildlife actions like the [October 1998 ski resort
arson] one in Vail. We're the ones bridging the
environmental gap."

•       In FY1995, PETA gave a $45,200 contribution to the
“support committee” of Rodney Coronado, a convicted
arsonist who firebombed a research facility at
Michigan State University.  PETA also gave an
unreturned $25,000 “loan” to Rodney Coronado’s father.

•       PETA has used their closely controlled Foundation to
Support Animal Protection to launder over $500,000 in
contributions to the Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, an organization whose president
collaborates with a violent animal rights group known
as Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC).  SHAC is a
special-interest subset of ALF responsible for
firebombings, property destruction, grand theft and

“People are being deceived by PETA’s self-portrayal as
a warm and cuddly animal rights organization,” Berman
said.  “PETA should explain to their contributors why
their money is being used to help finance domestic

The Center for Consumer Freedom is a coalition of more
than 30,000 restaurants and tavern operators working
together to protect the public's right to a full menu
of dining and entertainment choices, through
education, training and public outreach. To learn
more, visit www.consumerfreedom.com.

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