-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Desert Storm II?


Posted: February 19, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

With his "Axis of Evil" speech threatening Iraq, Iran and North Korea with
war if they deploy "weapons of mass destruction," Mr. Bush burned his
bridges. And when Gen. Colin Powell told Congress we have no war plans
regarding Iran and North Korea, the signal was clear all the way to Baghdad.
Mr. Bush intends war on Iraq.

And when he goes to war, America must achieve its stated goal, "regime
change," or cease to be the invincible superpower.

Why the president would lock himself into war to the death against Iraq,
before he has convinced the country we have no other option, is puzzling. But
so he did, just as his father did in August of 1990, when that President Bush
declared, "This will not stand!"

The first President Bush had said that if Iraq did not vacate Kuwait, the
U.S. would evict Iraq from Kuwait. And he made good on that threat. But there
are major differences between then and now.

First, U.S. armed forces are only half of what they were in 1990-91. Second,
where in Desert Storm I we had forces from NATO allies France and Britain and
Arab allies Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia, few or none of these will be
enlisting in Desert Storm II.

In 1990, Saddam had committed naked aggression against a fellow Arab League
state and U.N. member by invading, occupying and annexing Kuwait.
Condemnation was universal. And in his declared intent to liberate Kuwait,
George H. W. Bush had the support of the Arab League, the Security Council,
NATO and Congress.

Today, Iraq has not committed aggression. The Arab League opposes a U.S. war
on Iraq. NATO opposes a U.S. war on Iraq. The Security Council opposes a U.S.
war on Iraq. Every Gulf state, except Kuwait, opposes a U.S. war on Iraq. And
Congress has yet to be consulted.

By what authority, then, does Mr. Bush threaten war?

Answer: None but his own. The president has no constitutional power to attack
Iraq, for there is no clear and present danger of an Iraqi attack to justify
a pre-emptive strike or preventive war. So it is time someone whistled
Congress in out of the tall grass to vote either to authorize or not to
authorize Mr. Bush to lead us into a war that must surely end with the U.S.
Army occupying Baghdad.

Sen. Joe Biden and Rep. Henry Hyde, the chairmen of the House and Senate
foreign-affairs committees, have a constitutional duty to conduct hearings on
a declaration of war. If we must fight, let us at least show a decent respect
for the Constitution.

Public hearings are crucial. While all Americans have backed the war on
terror to eradicate the al-Qaida killers who perpetrated 9-11, and their
fellow vermin, no evidence has been presented that Saddam Hussein had
anything to do with 9-11.

The questions Congress must answer before declaring war are: Does Saddam have
weapons of mass destruction? If so, what kind? And is there a present danger
he will use them on U.S. forces or the U.S. homeland? After all, he is said
to have had chemical weapons in 1991, but never used them. Deterrence worked
then, why not now?

And if he has weapons of mass destruction, is he more or less likely to use
them if he knows the U.S. war against him has to end in his certain
extinction and that of his sons and heirs?

Never close off an enemy's avenue of retreat. JFK gave Nikita Khrushchev a
way out of Cuba, and nuclear war was averted. We did not offer the German
generals who wanted to kill Hitler anything but "unconditional surrender."
So, Nazi Germany fought to the death and took untold millions of innocents
down with them.

And if Saddam must go, must U.S. troops march to Baghdad to dictate his
successor? How many will be required? Who will march with us? What are the
anticipated casualties? How long must we occupy Baghdad? Is an independent
Kurdistan an anticipated result? Will the Turks go along? Will we permit Iraq
to be broken up and a Shiite state to form in the south? Is Iran the likely
beneficiary of the breakup of the lone Arab power that can balance Iranian

What will be the impact on the Arab and Muslim world when it sees America
smashing Baghdad as Israel smashes the Palestinians?

Could Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan or Pakistan explode, leaving us worse off
than we are with Saddam Hussein? And if Mr. Bush may unilaterally expand our
list of enemies, what other countries does the president have in mind to

General Powell once wisely said: Before you commit the Army, commit the
nation. Before we commit the Army to war on Iraq, we must commit the nation.
That is done through the Congress of the United States. And where the devil
is the Congress?



Related offer:



Patrick J. Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential
nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000.

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