-Caveat Lector-


Clinton Repaid Enron With $1 Billion in Subsidized Loans
Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com
Friday, Feb. 22, 2002
Democrats have hoped the Enron scandal would tar the Bush administration, but
as investigators dig deeper it's the Clinton administration and the Dems who
are emerging as the villains of the piece.  The Washington Times reported
Thursday that the Clinton administration coughed up more than $1 billion in
taxpayer-subsidized loans to Enron Corp. just when the energy giant was
kicking in almost $2 million for Democrat causes. And as we have previously
reported, to help persuade then-President Bill Clinton to push the disastrous
Kyoto Protocol, Enron gave $420,000 to Democrats. Times reporter Patrice Hill
writes that, according to the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private
Investment Corp., the agencies that provided the subsidies, the Clinton
administration turned down only one out of 20 Enron projects to build power
plants, natural-gas pipelines and other "big-ticket energy facilities"
between 1993 and 2000. Moreover, the Clinton administration, "which lauded
Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary 'corporate citizen,' granted about
$200 million worth of insurance against political risks for nine Enron
projects in such politically volatile areas as Argentina, Venezuela and the
Gaza Strip, according to documents the agencies provided to the Senate
Finance Committee."


Anthrax expert stands by her claim 02/21/02 By JOSEPH DEE Staff Writer
A biological weapons control expert yesterday refused to back down from her
claim that the FBI has a prime suspect in last autumn's deadly anthrax
letters episode, despite strenuous denials by the bureau. She speculated that
FBI agents might still be building their case against the suspect and
possible accomplices....During a Monday lecture at Princeton University,
Rosenberg said the FBI has a prime suspect and might be "dragging its feet"
in making an arrest because he has ties to secret U.S. military biological
weapons programs....Rosenberg said the perpetrator is likely a former Fort
Detrick research scientist who was familiar with classified information on a
process to make the powder useful as a weapon."

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