-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

February 22, 2002

Chinese leader lost for words as he meets press
>From Oliver August in Beijing

CHINA’S President yesterday gave a baffling performance in front of hundreds
of journalists that made his often tongue-tied American counterpart look
eloquent by comparison.
President Jiang Zemin stood in front of the assembled foreign and local
journalists, whom he had formally invited to Beijing’s Great Hall of the
People for a “joint meeting” with President George Bush, and refused to
answer all their questions.

Seeking guidance from his press secretary, Mr Jiang simply pretended, live on
national television, that he had not heard two separate questions about
imprisoned Catholic bishops and religious freedom.

Chinese audiences, whether journalists, party members or peasants, are never
allowed to ask the President a spontaneous question.

Everything is screened and vetted. So when Mr Jiang came face-to-face with
the unruly White House press, he chose to answer only the questions posed by
the reporters of the loyal Chinese state media. And while Mr Bush improvised,
Mr Jiang read out his scripted answers.

The audience laughed and snorted — sheer heresy in the pantheon of Chinese

The ornate Great Hall of the People, built by Mao Zedong on the edge of
Tiananmen Square, is the venue for elaborately staged Chinese political
theatre, not an arena for verbal jousting.

Some 25 minutes after Mr Jiang had ignored questions from non-Chinese
journalists, he changed tack, seemingly aware of the consternation he had

He turned to Mr Bush and said in English: “You are much better at this.”

In his 13 years as a member of the politburo, Mr Jiang has given only a
handful of press conferences, usually on foreign soil.

He said: “Now I will answer the questions of the American reporters,” and
launched into an unprompted admission that he had read the Bible as well as
other religious texts.

Rather implausibly, he also claimed to have no influence over who is
imprisoned in China and why.

Shortly before Mr Jiang finally addressed the question of religious freedom,
the television lights in the Great Hall of the People dimmed.

Kremlinologists wondered whether the live transmission on Chinese state
television had been cut, allowing Mr Jiang to answer the question without
losing face in front of a domestic audience.

Last night, staff at China Central Television insisted the transmission had
not been cut. Asked when they would next have the chance to show a Jiang
press conference live, they refused to answer. Just like their President.

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