-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush lectures China on American values

By John Schauble in Beijing

President George Bush, frustrated in his attempts to secure a Chinese
commitment on missile non-proliferation, used a speech to Beijing students
yesterday to deliver a sermon on the need for religious freedom in China.

But students at Tsinghua University seemed more interested in learning why
the United States continued to refer to "peaceful resolution" rather than
acknowledging China's goal of "reunification" with Taiwan.

"Freedom of religion is not something to be feared," Mr Bush said in a speech
televised nationally with translation. "It's to be welcomed, because faith
gives us a moral core and teaches us to hold ourselves to high standards, to
love and to serve others, and to live responsible lives."

He spoke of his own deep personal religious faith and said he prayed for an
end to religious persecution in China.

His comments to a hand-picked audience were pointed after President Jiang
Zemin had ducked questions on Thursday about the persecution of Catholic
clergy in China.

"Whatever religion people believe in, they have to abide by the law. So some
of the law-breakers have been detained because of their violation of law, not
because of their religious beliefs," Mr Jiang, who said he had no religious
faith, told a joint news conference.

In a wide-ranging speech on American values, Mr Bush talked about the
importance of democracy, family values, education and freedom of choice.

He also reiterated that the US had an obligation to defend Taiwan if it was

"When my country makes an agreement we stick with it," he declared.

But he said the US wanted a peaceful resolution to the Taiwan question.

"We've also sent the same message that there should be no provocation by
either party, rather peaceful dialogue," he said.

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