-Caveat Lector-


w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Pearl's father: 'Israeli connection' could hinder investigation

Professor Yehuda Pearl, father of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel
Pearl, has told Ha'aretz that he fears that making public his son's Israeli citizenship
could adversely affect investigative efforts by Pakistani police to apprehend the
killers and track down the murdered reporter's body.

In a telephone conversation from his Los Angeles residence, Professor Pearl
expressed regret and anger over the revelation by the Israeli media of his family's
"Israeli connection." The U.S. media, which was aware of the information, complied
with the family's request not to make it public. The American media was asked to
comply with this request after information was obtained that confirmed reports that
the 38-year-old reporter was dead.

Professor Pearl went on to say that he had not viewed the videotape in which his
son's murder was documented and has no intention of doing so. He was told of his
son's death Thursday by U.S. government officials after they had viewed the
videotape and were convinced of its authenticity.

According to assessments presented to Professor Pearl, his son was killed ten days
after being kidnapped on January 23. The date of his death is based on experts'
viewing of the videotape and was determined according to the length of Pearl's
beard, as seen on the tape.

Pakistani police investigators said Saturday that Pearl's murderers never meant to
release him. The Pakistani police warned foreign organizations in the country that
they should be careful due to the fact that Pearl's kidnapping may be part of a more
far-reaching terrorist plot. They also reported that the man who delivered the
videotape documenting Pearl's murder was arrested for questioning in Karachi,
located in southern Pakistan.

The State Department said the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan had received evidence
Thursday that Pearl was dead. Spokesman Richard Boucher provided no details on
the evidence, although Pakistani authorities said that the videotape indicated he had
been murdered by the Islamic extremists who kidnapped him a month ago.

Pearl, born in Princeton, New Jersey, died at the age of 38. He worked as a reporter
for the Wall Street Journal for twelve years. His last job was to report from
Afghanistan and Pakistan on the U.S. war against terror.

On Thursday, Fahad Naseem, one of three men accused of involvement in the
kidnapping, said Pearl was abducted because he was a Jew working against Islam.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf vowed Friday to leave no stone unturned in
hunting the killers of Pearl and declared war on all terrorists in Pakistan.

In a national television address on Friday night, Musharraf said all resources would
be thrown into finding the executioners of the Wall Street Journal reporter.

"I can assure my countrymen that we will not leave any stone unturned to bring all
these people involved in this murder to justice and set an example of them for other
such people who may be thinking of such acts in the future," Musharraf declared,
vowing to wipe out all extremist groups.

"I think our resolve increases with such acts to move more strongly against all such
terrorist people and those organizations which perpetrate such terrorism. To move
against them and liquidate them entirely from our country," he said.
By Yossi Melman, Ha'aretz Correspondent and News Agencies


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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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