-Caveat Lector-

this post misses the point entirely,

neither the US military or the UK military for that matter
have any intention of building effective weapons systems.
Its all about spending cash and making themselves rich.

to start talking about constitutions and protect and serve
and national interest illustrates the naive stupidity that
perpetrates the 911 cover up.

PROFIT for the Reps and Death and Destruction for everyone else -
it isn't like some think tank sat down and got it wrong -
when will it sink in that they cynically don't give a shit -
all they want is to profit from your taxes nothing more -
other than the death of you and yours - preferably a silent
death that doesn't involve too much useless eating or drinking.

I start to worry about the so called liberty movements in the states - I
really do - and this kind of sentiment in the original article makes
references to constitutional democracies and accountability as though they
were ever real issues -
lets get real - Bush lost the election - wake up.

andrew hennessey

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