By Robert G. Bauval

[Preface: The author does not believe that an actual ‘Masonic’ conspiracy exists. What the author does, however, believe is that there is much to support the contention that radical Arab and Judeo-Christian fundamentalists may actually believe there is such a conspiracy.]

Your Place or Mine?

Historical events are fixed by the time and place they occurred. And this, as we all know, is expressed in a calendar date and the name of location. On face value, this appears obvious enough. After all, I was born on the 5th March 1948 in the city of Alexandria, as officially recorded on my birth certificate. No discussion, period. Ah, but what about much earlier historical events such as, say, the famous battle of Kadesh between the army of Ramses II and the Hittites, as depicted on the pylon walls of the Rameseum near the city of Luxor in Upper Egypt? In this case there are as many ‘dates’ ranging from c.1280 BC to c. 1298 BC depending which textbook you pick up. Even the exact location of this battle is a matter of some contention, and there are disagreement as to whether the battle was a ‘victory’ or a ‘defeat disguised as a victory’ for Ramses II. But there is worse. When it comes to such popular historical events such as, for example, the Biblical Exodus, well, forget it. Historians can’t even agree if it happened at all, let alone give us an exact date or the exact route taken by the Jews. The problem with historical events such as these is that they are ‘dated’ i.e. recorded, on different calendar systems or by the ‘reigns’ of such and such a kings and suchlike methods, presenting a nightmarish confusion for the chronologist. As for the location’s name, that, too, is given in different languages often leading to totally wrong conclusions. Think of the Arc of the Covenant or Noah’s Ark and you’ll get the picture. There is, too, the possibility that certain locations are, in a sense, chosen for symbolic reasons. Think of the terrorist attacks on the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which were almost certainly masterminded by Ossama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda organisation. In the minds of the terrorists these bombings were, of course, attacks on the ‘United States’ and thus, in a sense, projected elsewhere to geographical locations either arbitrarily or for strategic convenience. But wait, this surely does not apply to the 11th September attacks on American soil? These attacks were clearly aimed at the United States. Well, yes…and no. Let’s look at this more closely.

Firstly the 11th September of the year 2001 AD (Anno Domini) is based on the Gregorian calendar. For the Islamic calendar this date fell on the 23rd Jumaada Al Thani of the year 1422 A.H. (Anno Hegirah); for the Ethiopian calendar it was the 1st Meskerem of the year 7501; in the Coptic (Christian Egyptian) calendar it was the 1st Thout of the year 1725, and according to the Jewish calendar it was the 23rd Elul of the year 5761. Confused? There’s more. The Ethiopian 1st Meskerem and the Coptic 1st Thout are the New Year’s Day for both these calendars. The Ethiopian and Coptic ‘New Year’, in fact, always fall on the 11th September of the Gregorian calendar (except on leap years, where an extra day is added). But check this out: in the year 1999 of the Gregorian calendar, the “11th September” marked not only the Coptic and Ethiopian ‘New Year’ but also the Jewish New Year (which fell on 1st Tishri 5760). This is because the Jewish ‘New Year’, which is a bit like the Christian Easter, is not fixed but changes because of the complex way it is determined such as the sighting of the new moon and also that it must not fall on certain days of the week. The Jewish ‘New Year’ can fall anywhere between the first week of September and the first week of October and, statistically, more than often somewhere in the middle like, for example near or on 11th September. The historical roots of all these ancient calendars are to be found mostly in ancient Egyptian going as far back as 3000 BC. The ancient Egyptian civic calendar, probably established in the forth millennium BC, was made up of 12 months of 30 days with each month having 3 ‘weeks’ of ten days called Decans. But to keep up with the (approximate) solar year of 365 days, the Egyptians also added 5 extra or epagomenal days, known as the Birth of the Neters (divine principles or ‘gods’), which included the celebrated mythological couple, Osiris and Isis. The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well as a small variance between the sidereal year and the tropical year, this calendar slowly got out of synch from the true astronomical events such as the heliacal rising of Sirius and the summer solstice, such that by the early Christian times the 1st of Thoth had ‘drifted’ to the 11th September Gregorian, which is why the Egyptian-Coptic ‘New Year’ i.e. 1st of Thoot, starts on that date.

Fine so far.

But what all this has calendar stuff got to do with the 11th September attacks?

Peace Treaty
In September 1999 a long-awaited peace treaty, known as WYE II, was signed between the PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The signature, which had taken place on the 4th September 1999 at the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sham El Sheikh, was, in fact to become officially effective seven days later i.e. on the 11 September 1999. The actual wording on the WYE II treaty reads "This Memorandum will enter into force one week from the date of its signature. Made and signed in Sharm El Sheikh, this Fourth day of September 1999." The WYEE II agreement was so named because it followed the so-called Wye I negotiations that begun on the 9th and 10th September 1993 by an secret exchange of private letters between PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. These letters revealed that the two bitter enemies had, in fact, been engaged for many months in secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway. In Rabin's letter it is confirmed that the PLO, which so far had been unofficially represented in the Palestinian Delegation established under the so-called Madrid formula, was to be recognised by Israel as the only representative of the Palestinian people. Rabin's official recognition, which is dated 10th September 1993, came in reply to a letter from Arafat dated 9th September 1993, in which the PLO also recognised the State of Israel and further pledged to delete certain articles in the old PLO Charter which had denied the existence of Israel. These negotiations ended in the so-called ‘Declaration of Principles’ signed on the 13th September 1993, and finally led to the WYE II peace treaty that came into effect on the 11th September 1999. To many radical Islamic fundamentalists and, to be fair, to many radical Jewish fundamentalists, the peace treaty was seen as a terrible betrayal of the worse possible kind and it probably was the main cause of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. Not surprisingly, many regarded the date of “11th September” as the 'Day of Infamy' when their historical religious cause was finally sold out by Arafat and Barak. Ironically, this ‘Day of Infamy’ also happened to be in the year 1999, when the ‘New Year’ of the Jews and also the ‘New Year’ of the Egyptian Copts fell on the 11th September. The Jewish ‘New Year’ is generally known as Rosh Hashanah (which means ‘Beginning of the Year’), but itt is also called Yom Hadin (the Day of Judgement); Yom Hazikaron (the Day of Memorial) and is thought of as ‘The Day of Penitence’ when starts a period of ‘ten days of penitence’ leading to Yom Kippur ‘The Day of Atonement’. But the Jewish ‘New Year’ has a much deeper meaning to orthodox Jews. It is associated to the Messianic Age, and many Jews today actually believe that it will be on that ‘Feast of Trumpets’ that their long awaited Messiah will come and make his appearance on the ‘Temple’ at Jerusalem. This day, it is said, will be the ‘ultimate redemption’ of Israel. Curiously, in recent years fundamental Christians have also associated the 11th September with the Second Coming of Christ, probably to conform with the ‘Rosh Hashanah’ Judaic prophecies but also, apparently, because some believe the true ‘star of Bethlehem’ appeared to the Magi on the 11th September 3 BC in the east, when a bright light was seen at the conjunction of the ‘star of kings’, Regulus, and the ‘planet of kings’, Jupiter, and when the sun, Venus and Mercury were in Virgo.

Pentagon, Pillars and the Temple of Jerusalem

Eerily, the date of September 11 is also actually incorporated in the construction history of the US Pentagon, one of the terrorists’ most coveted targets in 2001. Any self-respecting employees of the US Pentagon will quickly tell you these days that the ‘ground breaking’ ceremony took place on 11th September 1941 during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. This ‘dual’ dating tag that is now forever locked in the annals of the US Pentagon is too much of a coincidence to be simply ignored. Could the terrorists have intended to draw attention to the year 1941 or, more specifically, to the year 1941 and something to do with President Roosevelt? But why? Let’s take a closer look. 1941 was, of course, the year that the US entered World War II. September 11, 2001 is an attempt to drawn the United States into a ‘World War III’. So far, there seems to be some ‘sense’ in making this link. But how does President Roosevelt himself fit in this ‘message’? What has Roosevelt got to do with the present PLO-Israeli conflict?

Roosevelt was sworn in on the 4th March 1933 as the 32nd President of the United States. Coincidence would have it that he was also a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite. His Vice-President was Harry Truman, who was a 33rd Degree Freemason. In 1945 Truman became America’s 33rd President. But so what? Surely these are just coincidences? Perhaps; but, perhaps they are not seen as ‘coincidences’ by Anti-Masons and religious fundamentalists in view of what these two great men were perceived to have created: the modern State of Israel.

In this respect, the “32nd and 33rd degrees’ bear a curious relevance to all this.

Let us see why.

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