-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

According to the June 23rd AirlineBiz.com report, the Arabic satellite
television network MBC claimed that "the next two weeks will witness a big
surprise." An MBC reporter who had met with bin Laden in Afghanistan on June
21st predicted that "a severe blow is expected against U.S. and Israeli
interests worldwide. There is a major state of mobilization among the Osama
bin Laden forces. It seems that there is a race of who will strike first.
Will it be the United States or Osama bin Laden?" Despite such detailed
advance warnings, bin Laden won that "race."

Ignoring the "20th Hijacker"

By September 11th, federal authorities not only had 10 weeks' advance notice
of an impending attack from bin Laden, they also had one of the alleged
plotters in custody. This was acknowledged by CIA Director George Tenet as
the 9-11 attack was underway. Amid reports of the suicide hijackings, Tenet
was overheard saying: "I wonder if it has anything to do with this guy taking
pilot training." Tenet "was referring to Zacarias Moussaoui, who had been
detained in August after attracting suspicion when he sought training at a
Minnesota flight school," observed the January 27th Washington Post. After
the suspect was taken into custody, "the FBI had asked the CIA and the
National Security Agency to run phone traces on Moussaoui, already the
subject of a five-inch-thick file in the bureau."

According to the December 29th Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Moussaoui raised
suspicions at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Egan [Minnesota]"
when he showed up in August for instruction in piloting jumbo jets. He "first
raised eyebrows when, during a simple introductory exchange, he said he was
from France, but then didn't seem to understand when the instructor spoke
French to him," recalled the paper. "Moussaoui then became belligerent and
evasive about his background.... In addition, he seemed inept in basic flying
procedures, while seeking expensive training on an advanced commercial jet

Flight school employees "began whispering that he could be a hijacker,"
reported the February 8th New York Times. John Rosengren, director of
operations at the school, recalled that Moussaoui's instructor was "concerned
and wondered why someone who was not a pilot and had so little experience was
trying to pack so much training into such a short time." "The more he was
able to talk to him, the more he decided he was not pilot material," observes
Rosengren. In addition, "There was discussion about how much fuel was on
board a 747-400 and how much damage that could cause if it hit anything."

By this time, Moussaoui's instructor had already scurried to a telephone to
call the FBI's Minneapolis office. "Do you realize how serious this is?" he
asked an FBI agent during the August 15th phone conversation. "This man wants
training on a 747. A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be used as a weapon!"
The FBI arrested Moussaoui the next day. However, notes the Star-Tribune,
"the Minneapolis agents were unable to persuade FBI lawyers in Washington,
D.C., to seek a warrant to search his possessions under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act, which requires evidence that the suspect is an
agent of a foreign power or a terrorist group." The frustrated field agents
were trying to gather sufficient evidence to get a warrant when Moussaoui's
alleged co-conspirators piloted jetliners into the Trade Center towers and
the Pentagon.

Charged with conspiracy to commit mass murder, Moussaoui is not the only
member of the Black Tuesday plot whom federal authorities knew about. On the
morning of September 11th, noted the December 30th New York Times, "two
people already identified by the government as suspected terrorists boarded
separate American Airlines flights from Boston using their own names."
Federal officials were also aware of a third hijacker, Hani Hanjour, who had
come to the attention of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) while
studying at the Pan Am International Flight Academy in Phoenix.

Officials at the school had raised questions about Hanjour's inability to
speak English, the international language of aviation. When they expressed
concerns to the FAA, the agency stepped in to provide assistance - to
Hanjour. According to the Star-Tribune, "An FAA representative sat in on a
class to observe Hanjour … and discussed with school officials finding an
Arabic-speaking person to help him with his English...." Hanjour returned the
favor by plowing American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

A Limited Inquiry?

As Congress probes the security issues raised by the Black Tuesday attack,
the investigation must be framed by a question similar to that dealt with in
the "American Taliban" trial: What did our federal security and intelligence
agencies know of the impending attack, and when did they know it? Recall that
Lindh supposedly learned of the terrorist plot in May or June of last year.
Evidence available in the public record makes it clear that the Justice
Department and other branches of the federal government were aware of at
least as much as Lindh is accused of knowing.

Unfortunately, Congress seems content thus far to defer to the White House's
desire to limit the scope and intensity of any inquiries into the tragedy. In
meetings and phone conversations with congressional leaders, President Bush
and Vice President Cheney "expressed the concern that a review of what
happened on September 11 would take resources and personnel away from the
effort in the war on terrorism," Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.)
told CNN. Daschle promised that he would "limit the scope and overall review
of what happened."

Congressman Porter Goss (R-Fla.) and Senator Bob Graham (D-Fla.), who head
the intelligence committees in their respective houses of Congress, extended
similar assurances as the joint congressional investigation began in
February. "This is not a who-shall-we-hang type of investigation," stated
Rep. Goss. "It is [a] ‘where are the gaps in America's defense and what do we
do about it' type of investigation" - a "forward-looking" inquiry intended to
bring about needed reforms. But without accountability, "gaps" will handicap
even the most comprehensive security system. As Washington Post columnist
Howard Kurtz observed, "How can we prevent future attacks if we don't
understand how we missed the last one?"

Those responsible for the lethal "intelligence failure" of September 11th
must be made to answer for their inaction. The congressional investigative
panel has subpoena power. It should use it to summon responsible figures from
the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, and other federal law enforcement and
intelligence agencies. These officials should be subject to congressional
scrutiny at least as severe as that being devoted to the actions of Enron
officials - whose alleged crimes, serious as they may be, did not contribute
to the death of thousands of American citizens.

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, CIA director Tenet
"objected to the very word ‘failure' in connection with the intelligence
gathering ahead of the devastating surprise attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon," reported the New York Times. "The director said the CIA
knew ‘in broad terms' last summer that terrorists might be planning major
operations in the United States. But, he said, ‘we never had the texture' -
meaning enough specific information - to stop what happened."

Much the same can be said of John Walker Lindh: He knew "in broad terms" that
the attacks were coming, even though the specific "texture" was not explained
to him. For refusing to act to prevent the massacre, Lindh has been charged
with conspiracy to murder Americans. In contrast, the FBI and CIA, which had
the same intelligence as Lindh, have been rewarded with generous budget

Though administrators of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies
would prefer to cloak the issue in self-serving euphemisms, Black Tuesday was
- at best - a singular intelligence failure, for which those officials must
be held responsible. And if, as one of the above-quoted former FBI
counter-terrorism agents suggests, efforts to prevent that attack were
compromised because of covert "agendas" in Washington, Congress must be
prepared to take even more serious action.

In any case, the American public must demand that Congress ask unpleasant
questions about federal foreknowledge of the 9-11 atrocity - and that the
inquiry unflinchingly follow the facts wherever they lead.

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