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Ambassador says Iraq is not hiding weapons

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By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (March 2, 2002 9:16 a.m. EST) - An invitation for British
inspectors to search for banned weapons will show the world that Saddam Hussein's
government is not hiding nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, Iraq's U.N.
ambassador said.

Ambassador Mohammad Al-Douri said late Friday the government issued the
invitation because Britain is "one of two permanent members of the Security Council
who accused Iraq of having these weapons of mass destruction." The other is the
United States.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has claimed to have evidence that Iraq has such
weapons, but Iraq believes he "cannot present any evidence," Al-Douri said.

Iraq's offer to Britain was first reported in Friday's official al-Thawra newspaper. It
quoted an unidentified official spokesman as saying Iraq was challenging Britain to
prove it is developing weapons of mass destruction.

"This is, I think, a very good gesture, a very positive gesture from Iraq," Al-Douri 
"We are confident that what we are saying to the international community - that Iraq
is clean from any kind of weapon of mass destruction - is true."

The surprise invitation came days before U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
scheduled March 7 meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri to discuss the
return of weapons inspectors to Baghdad and Iraq's demand for lifting sanctions
imposed after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Under Security Council resolutions, sanctions cannot be lifted until inspectors
determine that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction have been dismantled.

But inspectors left Baghdad in December 1998, ahead of U.S. and British air strikes
punishing Iraq for not cooperating with the inspections program, and Saddam's
government barred them from returning.

Al-Douri said the Iraqi government was not inviting the new U.N. weapons inspection
agency or its chief inspector, Hans Blix, to visit Baghdad because of Iraq's
experience with the previous inspection agency, which it accused of being
compromised by spies.

That position could complicate Sabri's talks with Annan.

Another complicating factor is the growing speculation that Iraq may become a target
of U.S. military action, especially after President Bush called it part of an "axis of 
with Iran and North Korea.

He warned Baghdad to let inspectors in or face consequences.

Iraqis "do not belong to an axis of evil," Al-Douri said. "I think America is the evil 
our world today, not Iraq. We have no army abroad. The United States has armies
over the whole world."

Al-Douri said he doesn't believe the United States wants to see Iraq and the United
Nations find a solution leading to the lifting of sanctions.

Next week's meeting will be followed by another in April.

"We are always optimistic," Al-Douri said of the possibility of ending the standoff 
sanctions and inspections.

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