-Caveat Lector-

So even the dogcatcher was to be hit?   What is this out there - more
land grabs.  First these people who line streets with those paper bags -
this is evidently a JAYCEE (local small time people) project and one
such bag was put on my boulevard once.   Looks trashy for Christmas

So I love this ISRAELI connection - and so far this 'militia' seems to
consist of three people, a female janitor, a former snowmobile salesman
or rental agent, and a third man the husband of this female janitor.

So the man gets scared and takes off to Israel.....wonder if he took his
box cutters with him....wonder if this Burgett is in cahoots with say
someone like this Strasmeier.

These people have beautiful land out there but soon it will be trashed.

Something more than fishy about this one - but always this Israeli
connection.   Now I wonder what their interests could be way up in
Montana - and who had the dough to buy all that munition surely not the
local janitor or the 3 man/woman Militia.

but then you know how it is - all those Israelis caught with those box
cutters, fronting for a "moving" company.....now keep an eye on Texas
and Mexico for this is where a lot of dirty Israeli work is inprocess.
The telephone company again.

Now first off one lie in this inept reporting is the local JAYCEES lined
those streets with their paper bags and candles in well they used old
milk containers here.   In our neighborhood people use a lot of
beautiful decorations....but then the JAYCEES one year in our area,
nominated tw jewish doctors for Outstanding Young Men of the
Year.....boy oh boy, later they were arrested with a Mafia hit man for
murdeirng a black doctor - but you see people are so impressed, with
money een though it be ever so dirty.

Lots of this dirty money is buying lots of land including in Israel.
Ask Irving Moskowitz how they do that.

A Militia - another lie.   These men were not militia.

BEst line I ever heard in my life, when m old boss years ago beat the
local JAYCEES all of whom were running for public office - he beat them
for office of Mayor and yet they had the guts to come into the Council
Meeting and say they had formed an Advisory Committee to the
Mayor....now my boss was a lawyer and when it came to smarts, superseded
their total collective IQ - and this element, you know the same element
that mark their territory with the paper bag lights at Christmas - in
response to their directive they had formed this self ordained group to
the Mayor, these small town hicks were infiltrators...my boss told them
in front of over 100 people who came to watch the show " If you want to
run this Mayor's Office go out and get elected as I did"...for the head
man was the guy he beat.

So what is really going on out there - it is a land grab.....remember
the JAYCEES this is Jr. Chamber of Commerce - use this outfit to assist
in taking over government on local level, and then push their own
agenda.   And looked like that one outfit included Murder Inc. Mafia
stuff, for those two doctors were know to entertain rat face Meyer

Yes those paper bags that guy ran over with his snow mobile - he saw the
light of cororuption and greed shining not too bright.

Would you like a paper grocery bag put at your curb with a candle in a
plastic milk container at Christmas time as a reminder of your local
JAYCEE organization.

I used to call those guys who tried to take over our city hall, The
Seven Mule Team....they all lost but one but then we all have our town
idiot (he was a lawyer).

So if nothing else get that god damned dogcatcher.  Euthenasia of dogs,
is not my cup of tea.    Hire two Rotweilers, train them well - be sure
to put phone licenses on them - and teach them to run for the barn after
the deed is done.

Anyway you have not seen anything until you see super market paper bags
lining your street with a dull candle within.  What is that old line
about putting bushel bskets over bright lights.

Call this Operation Mongoose re the Avenging Dogs..........and turn
loose the dogs of war - hey I like this idea.   So A Hunting We Will


  Welcome, sabaxxii
And this other lie note Far Right Militia is as big a lie as neighbors
putting paper bags on boulevards....see how treacherous  the news media
gets with inept reporting?   Now that Israel connection this does sound
like one of their stupid agent provocatuer set ups, right - see William
C. Cooper, the man burned aline in Orange county WITH HIS DOG, see WACO,
see Ruby Ridge and see these bastards subject a town to ridicule?

March 3, 2002

 A Far-Right Militia's Far-Fetched Plot Draws Some Serious Attention


ALISPELL, Mont., March 2 — As its secrets began to spill out here this
week, Project 7 sounded suspiciously like a Monty Python sketch.

A dogcatcher was on its list of 26 local law enforcement officials who
needed killing. The chief intelligence gatherer for the furtive
far-right militia cell was a cleaning woman, according to Sheriff James
R. Dupont of Flathead County, who himself made the hit list of Project
7. The militia's name comes from the Montana license plate numbering
system, which uses the numeral 7 to identify residents of Flathead.

The cleaning woman, Tracy Brockway, 32, was having an affair with the
leader of Project 7 in a house bristling with 35 guns and thousands of
rounds of ammunition, the sheriff said. He identified the militia's
leader as David Earl Burgert, 38, whose last known job was renting
snowmobiles, who could often be heard carping about judges on a local
right-wing radio station and who has a long history of being annoying.
At Christmas, when his neighbors lined streets with paper bags
containing lighted candles, Mr. Burgert mounted his snowmobile and
snuffed them out.

"If you picture a schoolyard bully who has a big mouth, that would be
Burgert," said Bruce Parish, a detective in the sheriff's office.
[saba note - oh this Bruce Parish, such a professional - wonder what he
would call athose two kids at Littleton but then, a tax free foundation
for Klebold backup helped)

David Earl Burgert, 38, was identified as the militia's leader.
[What militia?   3 people - but did FBI like the World Trade Center
provide the bomb to blow the place up in 1992?  saba note]

This far northwest corner of Montana, along with the nearby northern
neck of Idaho, has for decades been incubating right-wing militias,
conspiracy theorists and white supremacists. Many of them have
demonstrated an outsize appetite for military hardware and survival
(Saba note:   maybe they were worried aobaut the KGB and MOssad working
undetected in the FBI and Military?)

Kalispell (population 17,000) might seem an unlikely staging ground for
militias bearing grudges. It is the county seat of Flathead County, one
of the fastest-growing communities in Montana and a pristine outdoor
destination that includes half of Glacier National Park and more than a
million acres of mountain wilderness. The town is near the northern end
of Flathead Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the West and one of the
cleanest lakes in the world.

Yet a decades-old decline in an economy based on logging and mining,
combined with the rise of a New West culture dominated by affluent
professionals and retirees who go outside not to work but to recreate,
has left many local people confused, resentful and looking for someone
to blame. Project 7 appears to have set a new standard, both for zany
scapegoating and for industrial-strength firepower.

"This is the weirdest, most violence-prone thing we have seen in Montana
for a long time," said Ken Toole, a Democratic state senator who runs
the Montana Human Rights Network, which studies right- wing movements in
Montana and Idaho. "There is a comic element to these people," Mr. Toole
said. "But it washes away pretty quickly because of the guns."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms are taking it all seriously.

On Friday, after a long meeting with the county sheriff and the police
chief in Kalispell, the F.B.I. took charge of the conspiracy
investigation into possible links that Mr. Burgert may have had with
other right- wing groups. The A.T.F. took charge of tracking all the

After a tip early last month from a Project 7 defector, the sheriff's
department found two trailers packed with 30,000 rounds of ammunition, a
broad array of small arms, body armor, pipe bombs, exploding booby
traps, bomb-making chemicals and a vast inventory of survivalist gear
and military rations.

"I think it would have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy all
that stuff at once," Detective Parish said. "So it is very possible that
it was built up over several years."

What Project 7 was gearing up for, said the defector who tipped off the
sheriff, was a round of assassinations in early summer. The sheriff's
department discovered a list of what appeared to be targets that
included local judges, the county prosecutor, the Kalispell chief of
police, members of a police swat team and the dogcatcher.

Some of the targets worked at a police station in the nearby town of
Whitefish, where Mrs. Brockway was employed. The sheriff said she had
apparently sifted through trash baskets, gleaning information about
where some officers filled their prescriptions and how others struggled
with their weight. The sheriff's department found information sheets
detailing her discoveries.

"The logic of their plan, if you can call it logic, was that by killing
local law enforcement people, the state of Montana would have no choice
but to send in the National Guard," Sheriff Dupont said.

"Then they hoped to wipe out the National Guard. And then they hoped
that NATO troops would be sent in and that would trigger an all-out

The sheriff and Detective Parish rolled their eyes incredulously as they
explained what Project 7 hoped to accomplish. They suggested that Mr.
Burgert was a blowhard who had bitten off more than he could chew.

Investigators from the sheriff's department say they have identified
four or perhaps five local people who were involved in the plot. Two of
them, Mr. Burgert and Mrs. Brockway, are in custody. Two of the others
have told investigators that while they knew about Project 7, they had
no intention of killing anyone.

Sheriff Dupont learned of the plot in early February, after Mr. Burgert
disappeared for nearly a month. Mr. Burgert's wife reported him
mysteriously absent on Jan. 9.

His pickup truck was found near a local river, with his fishing pole.
His wife hinted to the sheriff's department that maybe he had drowned.

The sheriff's department, though, smelled a rat. Mr. Burgert had no hook
on his fishing line and his tackle box, deputies said, was filled with
lures that no respectable Montana fisherman would ever use.

On Feb. 7, Mr. Burgert, who had become a fugitive after failing to show
up for a hearing on charges that he punched a sheriff's deputy in early
2001, was spotted coming out of Mrs. Brockway's home.
(Herein lay the conspiracy????  And the husband took off to Israel?
saba note)

Her husband, Alan Brockway, also a suspect in the militia plot, left
Montana for Israel several months ago. "The information we have is that
he left because of the affair between his wife and Mr. Burgert,"
Detective Parish said.

After Mr. Burgert was spotted, sheriff's deputies staked out the house.
When he and Mrs. Brockway drove off in a heavy snowstorm, deputies gave
chase. Mr. Burgert slid off the road, but fled into the woods, carrying
a rifle. After trackers found him and after an all-night standoff,
during which Mr. Burgert held the gun under is chin and threatened to
shoot himself, he surrendered.

All this happened in early February, which was when local investigators
first got wind of Project 7 and the assassination plot.

The sheriff's office kept the lid on its investigation, as computer
experts from the state police tried — and, so far, failed — to crack
encrypted information found on Mr. Burgert's home computer.

The lid came off on Tuesday, when Mrs. Brockway went to court for a bond
hearing. On the witness stand, she announced the existence of Project 7
and local reporters began asking questions. Sheriff Dupont and other
local law enforcement officials quickly decided to reveal the inquiry.

"The real scary part of this whole deal is, what if we had not got onto
Mr. Burgert?" the sheriff asked in an interview on Friday evening in his
office. "Could he have recruited enough people to execute the plan?"

Answering his own question, the sheriff said he doubted Mr. Burgert's
conspiratorial skills. "It was always his mouth that got him in
trouble," the sheriff said.

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