Hidden Agenda Allowed 9-11 Terror

(Conspiracy Nation, 3/2/02) -- The latest issue of New American magazine (March 11, 2002) provides further support for the shocking charge that elements of the U.S. government permitted the Sept. 11th terror attacks to unfold.

Past issues of Conspiracy Nation have probed the developing scandal of U.S. tacit complicity in the 9-11 horror. See, for example, "Labyrinth Seen In WTC Attacks" and "Bojinka Plot Linked To 9-11 Terror"

Three veteran federal law enforcement sources have confirmed to New American magazine that elements of the U.S. government ignored warnings of imminent terror, apparently as part of a larger realpolitik master plan.

The magazine further raises a thoughtful question regarding accused conspirator John Walker Lindh. Lindh, charged with conspiracy to murder American citizens, is accused of failing to divulge his alleged prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks to federal law enforcement, national security, and/or other responsible agencies. Lindh allegedly gained his knowledge while fighting on the side of the Taliban in Afghanistan. New American, in its article, "Did We Know What Was Coming?", wonders how a lone Lindh was able to accomplish what a hugely expensive U.S. intelligence apparatus supposedly could not do: infiltrate the al-Qaeda and get secret information.

A further ramification of super-sleuth Lindh outdoing mighty U.S. intelligence, as pointed out by the magazine, is that if the U.S. intelligence agencies did not utterly fail (as they supposedly did), then why aren't they also being tried, as is Lindh, for "conspiracy to murder American citizens"?

New American's three sources, mentioned in the latest article by William Norman Grigg, dare not emerge from anonymity at the moment, for fear of jeopardizing their careers. Yet two of them _would_ be willing to testify publicly, if only the U.S. Congress would ask them to. Apparently, all Congress has to do is contact the sources via New American magazine and the following will go on-record:

-- FBI field agents not allowed to share what they discover with local law enforcement;

-- High-level Washington DC overseers burying crucial intelligence sent in by FBI field agents;

-- Specific warnings of impending September terror attacks ignored by presumably responsible upper-level government officials.

As one of the New American's sources summed up the situation, "If somebody in D.C. is taking this information and burying it -- and it's very easy to control things from D.C. -- then this problem goes much, much deeper... It's terrible to think this, but this must have been allowed to happen as part of some other agenda."

The hidden agenda alluded to may be based on a perceived need for a new Big Enemy which could help unite Team USA. The tried-and- true Cold War enemy of international communism was discarded after the apparent collapse of the Soviet empire. The Big Enemy fought for 30-plus years through the "War on Drugs" is increasingly ridiculous. A new external boogeyman, vague unseen terrorists, gives "justification" for the White House's planned Fifty-Year War On Terror, as revealed in a recent issue of Time magazine. (For background, see "Tame Magazine Tells All" at )

(William Norman Grigg's article, "Did We Know What Was Coming?", is currently available at )

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