Right-Wing Darling Exposed as Hater of Jews!
Just Like Bin Laden
Career Crisis for CNN's Bigot Pundit

Ann Coulter, right-wing pundit and pin-up girl, stands exposed as a vicious anti-Semite.

In his new book, Blinded by the Right, David Brock writes that "a virulent anti-Semitism that I indulged her in for far too long punctuated Ann's private conversation. That she wanted 'to get away from all these Jews' was one of her gentler remarks."

Brock's explosive revelations come on the heels of an apology by the aging Billy Graham for his expressions of anti-Semitism during private conversations with Richard Nixon 30 years ago.

But it's now 2002 -- and Coulter's bigotry is, if anything, even more hateful than Nixon's was. And she, unlike Brock or Graham, has yet to apologize.

Yet she remains a featured pundit on CNN, as well as on the right-wing lecture-and-banquet circuit.

Coulter has actually ramped up her violent rhetoric in recent weeks.

In February, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, she called for execution of John Walker Lindh in order to "physically intimidate liberals by making them realize they could be killed too."

More recently, she said that she would revel in the assassination of Bush Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta:

"According to initial buoyant reports in early February, enraged travelers rose up in a savage attack on the secretary of transportation. Hope was dashed when later reports indicated that the irritated travelers were actually rival warlords, the airport was the Kabul Airport, and Norman Mineta was still with us."

Coulter went on to ridicule this distinguished Japanese-American's internment as a child in a camp during World War II and to demean his distinguished career: "He is given plumb government jobs solely and exclusively because he is a minority."

Coulter, who was, of course, one of the right wing plotters who manipulated the Paula Jones case and worked closely with Ken Starr's office of inquisition in order to destroy President Clinton's efforts at world peace, opportunity for all and social equality.

Amid those efforts, Coulter called First Lady Hillary Clinton a "prostitute."

Yet Brock reveals that Coulter was herself a gross sexual hypocrite, like so many other of the plotters:

"Ann herself hardly seemed well positioned to take up a moral brief against the Clintons...she carried on a relationship with Bob Guccione Jr., scion of a fortune made in publishing pornography, while he was fending off a sexual harassment lawsuit."

When Coulter's fringe-nut writing got her into trouble with her former editors at National Review, she dismissed the charges and denounced the NR editors as "girly boys," before taking up as a columnist at David Horowitz's ludicrous vanity website.

Coulter means a featured star at high-profile right wing rallies and fundraisers, as well as in the self-hating Horowitz's little capers.

This Sunday she appeared as a guest on CNN's Inside Edition as though she were just one more provocative commentator--not as the vicious anti-Semite and hate-monger she actually is.

But it looks as if, with the latest string of declarations and revelations, Ann "Thrax" Coulter's career may finally have reached the end of the road -- provided the public outrage mounts.

"Ann Coulter's recent attack on Norman Mineta is despicable," People For the American Way Foundation President Ralph G. Neas said last Friday. "It is outrageous to say that this long-time public servant hates America. But it is unfortunately not surprising, given Coulter's history of similarly rabid commentary. It's a sad and telling fact that this kind of rhetoric earns Coulter folk-hero status among right-wing conservatives and featured speaking roles at events like the recent Conservative Political Action conference."

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