-Caveat Lector-

> Joel in the bible is part of this Master Plan


> Noted this Alpha and Omega stuff - Greek.   Mega, of course, is Jewish?

no. mega, of course, is greek. unlike alpha and omega, it is a word, and it
means "great".

> But Omega, the word Omega much to my surprise in my very special SS
> Teacherrs Editon of King James Bible, Oxford University Press - late
> 1800 period - the word Omega means "big O".

omega was the last letter of the greek alphabet. capital omega looks like a
cursive "r" [commonly used to represent an area in the grid] and little
omega is a cursive "w" [commonly used when working with linear dependence].
it neither means "big o" nor "little o"; it is simply a letter with the
sound roughly that of the o used in a british-english phonetic.

i know these things; math geeks like greek letters.

> I looked up for fun the term the FBI used, when it referred to this hate
> hit list as Megiddo - Megiddo means in this very special bible given as
> gift to the revisers of the bible in that time frame - it means "a big
> crowd"......strange......

i would've thought you'd've known this.....


but keep on rambling. you're bound to be right one of these days.



"sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism" - huey
"there ought to be limits to freedom" - george w. bush
"if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator." - george w. bush
"freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it."  - rudolph giulliani

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