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Daniel Hopsicker has come up with an interesting tidbit on Mohamed Atta.  I
received a positive email from Amer Khashoggi.  For those familiar with my
research in vol. IX, there is a document where James Jesus Angleton (# 2 man
at the CIA) was monitoring Mohamed Al Fayed's affair to Alexandra de
Mohrenschildt.  Angleton was caught by Ben Bradlee breaking into Mary
Meyer's home twice.  He was looking for her diaries about the same time.
When Princess Di lost her life and the CIA/Pentagon had been following her I
sent the CIA document to Adnan Khashoggi, for it disturbed me that there may
have been a conspiracy in her death.  For 2 reasons cause Dodi Fayed was an
Egyptian and because of Princess Di's stance on land mines.  Well here is my
response to Adnana's nephew and Hopsicker's Atta discovery is at the bottom.
Adnan's nephew seems to be a reasonable person.
Bruce Adamson.


Dear Amer:

You are welcome.  So many times I get intimation from CIA type individuals.
So I have to treat the lot as if everyone is CIA associated.  I tried to
help Al Fayed, your uncle's brother-in-law and sent your uncle the CIA
document referencing de Mohrenschildt/CIA and Al Fayed's relationship to de
M's daughter Alexandria.  Never heard back from him.  Adnan was in the CIA,
my opinion is that so was Al Fayed cause of his associations to de M and
others.  Yet, people can get doubled crossed and that may have been what
happened in the Diana/Dodi incident, which it is possible that others
retaliated in the Sept. 11th incident.  But I am not saying this to be fact,
just a possibility.  Others who know more than myself can fill in the
missing pieces.
I think I would feel the same as yourself, if I was just in the middle of
Take care
Bruce Adamson

>Subject: Re: Erroneous reference in your website
>Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:32:25 EST
>Dear Sir,
>Thank you very much for your email and for deleting the references about
>Yes, My uncle Adnan has a half brother Amr (without the 'e'). The book
>Richest Man in the World does not refer to me in any way. I was probably in
>school when it was written. I'm also not a public figure, and no one has
>written about me before. But this might change now with the World Flight.
>starting to get media attention from Aviation magazines, and this is
>me in getting sponsors.
>I don't know much about the activities of my uncle. I actually don't know
>uncle very well. I see him maybe once a year, and for a couple of minutes
>only. It is not that we are not close, but just never in the same city at
>same time. Therefore I really can't answer many of your questions. I'll try
>my best to answer the questions that I can.
>Mohamed Al Fayed was  the brother-in-law to my uncle. Al Fayed was married
>Adnan's sister a long time ago, but they divorced some 30 years ago, and
>remarried twice since. She is now dead, may God bless her soul. She died
>about 17 years ago.
>I don't know anything about whether he was suing the Pentagon.
>I don't know whether my uncle was the middle man for the Iran-Contra
>matter, but I too read that in the newspapers. I was in University when
>affair began, and I remember watching the senate hearing of Oliver North.
>the time it was as exciting as the OJ trial.
>I don't know whether my uncle is the personal adviser to the Saudi Royal
>Family, but I doubt it very much. There has not been any business relations
>or any other relations between my uncle and the Royal Family for many
>but don't quote me on that. It is possible that other members of the family
>According to our News Agency here, the Saudi Royal family has been very
>cooperative in the investigation. But I know from friends in the US that
>Newspapers there write otherwise.
>I don't know whether my uncle Adnan worked with the CIA in the George H.W.
>administration. I never read that before.
>Concerning the flying school, the law here does not allow any. Our airspace
>is very restricted, and we don't have General Aviation. Also, Avgas, which
>powers small airplanes like Cessnas 172's and other training aircraft, is
>very hard to find here. We only have Jet Fuel. I tried once to bring a
>airplane into Jeddah and couldn't because they couldn't guarantee I would
>find fuel for it.
>Once again I really appreciate you removing the erroneous references you
>made about me. I can sleep better now.
>Amer Khashoggi


>From: "daniel hopsicker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mohamed Atta connected to Saudi Royal Family?
>Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 14:28:13 -0500
>New developments raise troubling questions about "Pied Piper" of terrorist
>Mohamed Atta had connections with the Saudi Royal Family, according to his
>flight instructor at Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida, who told another
>student pilot Atta's status as a member of the Saudi elite warranted him
>having a full-time bodyguard at all times during his U.S. flight training.
>now up at www.madcowprod.com
>The MadCowMorningNews:
>"When Matt & Katie aren't enough."

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