-Caveat Lector-

>We I now he is not a Georgia boy, and that preacher's licence no doubt
>cost him two bucks (like June - pardon, the "Reverand Coaltar"......

Well I've never hidden the fact that my 'Reverand' [sic] credentials were
bought for me from an ad in the back of a tabloid...

Better 'truth in advertising' and as relevant as the claim of any Jesuit,
or other official spokesperson for an 'established' religion...

Strange that someone like you, Colleen, who has professed to not only not
going to church but in not believing in the Bible, are suddenly so keen to
claim so many Jesuits and priests and nuns amongst your family, as if that
means anything at all....

>I had an uncle who was a Jesuit - no blood relation, but lots of priests
>and nuns in the family - this one lone Jesuit had the brain of a Univac
>as do most Jesuits.

Well actually that is no complement...

The Univac, like all computers, does not 'think' for itself -- it performs
instructions that it is programmed to follow, albeit very quickly...

Come to think of it, that DOES describe the Jesuits, priests, and nuns,
doesn't it?

>This guy no doubt looks yiddish, thinks zulu, and acts like "no collar"
>6 pack Charlie sitting on bar stool with seat belt hooked on ready for
>big trip.

Gee, Colleen...that description sounds like a scenario that you are keenly
familiar with...

Too many lonely nights trolling the local dives, hmmmm Colleen...?


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